We moved into Mockingbird Hill Cottage 5 years ago tomorrow on August 30th, 2005. It was such a wonderful day for us, two artistic types who worked in the fickle performing arts and had been through their share of financial ups and downs. We actually bought a house. My dream for years had been to have a little house in the country. The locale in this dream changed depending on where I was living at the time, but the idea of a place in the Northeast kept recurring. Then we moved from San Diego to Westchester County, NY, rented a little cottage and the dream became more specific: find a place that is affordable in the the very expensive greater NYC area. That led us to the Hudson Valley and eventually to our little abode.
My wish list at the time included an attic, a basement, 3 bedrooms and a garage. We looked all over the area, on both sides of the Hudson River, and saw house after disappointing house. One day, after seeing the listing for this house, we paid it a visit. Light filled the rooms. The kitchen, in a house with low ceilings, had a very high ceiling – perfect for a guy who’s over 6’4″. It was built in 1891. It had been owned for years by the local ‘cat lady’ and when she died, the new owner took it down to the studs, rewired everything and flipped the house. But – it only had 2 bedrooms, a basement that was small and entered from the outside (no storage opportunities there), no attic and no garage. It had a large shed that had been built recently. And it had a glorious, wrap-around bluestone porch.
Don loved it. I loved it but was hesitant. Where was the attic, the extra bedroom, the basement? We sat in the realtor’s office, debating our list of ‘must haves.’ In the end, we knew it was for us.
The day after we moved in, we drove back to our rented cottage and spent the most humid day I can ever remember cleaning every inch of the space. We put things we no longer wanted out on the street with a ‘free’ sign. Exhausted at the end of the day, we left renting behind and moved into the new world of a mortgage payment that is larger than the rent we were paying. Sometimes I miss renting – the smaller monthly outlay, someone else being responsible for repairs. But not really. This is our house. We have almost 2 acres of land that is ours.
We freelance in an enonomy that is deeply troubled. We sweat the payment every month. We dream of winning the lottery and just paying the whole thing off. Stranger things have happened. We know this whole house-owning thing is a gamble…but it is for everyone, isn’t it? We are no different.
We love this little cottage with its quirky imperfections. We love the warmth and shelter it gives us. There are things that need to be done around here ( a new furnace in the not-too-distant future) and things that we dream of doing (adding an extension that would have a master bedroom, laundry room, family room, studio space, and storage.)
Sometimes the dream seems impossible but I’ve learned that nothing is impossible. After all, a few short years ago, the dream of owning a home seemed equally impossible. And look where we are now.
Happy Anniversary, Mockingbird Hill Cottage. We love you.
Hi Claudia, I love the story of your home.Your such a good writer!! I love your home, with the beautiful wrap around porch. It looks like the cutest cottage, and it is….Kathy
Yay, happy anniversary to you both and MHC! May you all spend many more happy years together :)
hi claudia,
happy anniversary. it looks like it is a perfect fit for the 2 of you.
Oh Claudia~ I love this post..and your lovely cottage! Happy anniversary!
such a sweet story, claudia! owning your own home is such a blessing – a place to put your personal stamp on. may you and don enjoy many more years of happiness in your beautiful cottage in the woods.
hi Claudia, your home is so sweet and cozy inside and out! I love all the treasures you have found to bring in your personal touches everywhere.I’m just loving the country life also, Miss you! Christie
What a great story….we’ve never gotten our ‘want list’ with a house, and even when we came close, it ended up not being what we thought we wanted anyway.
Your cottage is just so lovely….that porch *swoon* I hope someday when my kiddos are all grown and gone, hubs and I can find a sweet little cottage like yours. :)
Happy anniversary to you and MHC! Everyone needs a place to put down roots. Your home looks like the perfect place to do that.
Happy day!
~ Jo :)
Being in love with MHC just makes perfect sense to me. When you work hard and make those payments it really seals the commitment. I feel that way about our yellow house. It is a place to make memories just like MHC. I hope all your dreams and plans for MHC come true very soon. hugs♥olive
Wonderful story regarding your beautiful “cottage”. Love the porch!! I can see myself sitting down on a soft chair and put my feet up for a little visit. Lovely post.
Carolyn from Des Moines, Iowa
I feel like this is home also, honey, where we finally supposed to be. It’s been just over 5 years for us also and I have to say I love this town, neighborhood and home we finally are in.
Oh I bet the five years have flown by, right? Happy Houseaversary Claudia to you and Don. The list of ‘must haves’ changes when the you feel that connection with a place.
xox Rella
I love your little cottage. It’s funny what we think we “need” and then we find out what we are content with.
Happy Anniversary MBH! I always enjoy reading about your cottage, Claudia. There’s no place like home.
It all starts with a dream… and now, five years later you’re still in your sweet cottage livin’ life with your three sweethearts.
I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary in my little “impossible dream”. I love my little house (quirks and all) as much as you love yours, I think. I never take a day in my little home for granted.
Congratulations on five years at MHC. May you and Don have many, many more wonderful years in your home together!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MHC!!!! It might be hard at times but it’s all worth it!
A house with a porch is perfect no matter where it’s located. We love being in the countryside. Makes you feel all the more that it’s your own piece of heaven. Happy Anniversary to MHC! Long may you reign over her.
Happy Anniversary from me too. I enjoyed reading your story. I remember when I bought my little cottage 11 years ago it was something I had dreamed of for years and despite the struggle I felt like I had won the lottery!
Louise x
Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your sweet home, it is yours and that is a good feeling! I know it will all work out and you will have it all and more!
Hugs, Lisa
I love your Cottage Claudia, and Happy Anniversary. Ciao Rita
Happy Home Anniversary, Claudia and Don! Nothing is like owning your own home. Even if, like us, the reins are actually in the hands of the mortgage holder. Still, it brings such joy to look at your home and think: This house made of lumber embodies everything that I am and that I represent. It is me and I am this house.
Love, Brenda
Happy Anniversary Mockingbird Hill Cottage! A dream come true! “A house is a home where love dwells”…that is what Mockingbird Hill Cottage is made of!
Love and miss you!
What ever you paid for the whole house, I’d have paid for the porch! I love it! We only have two bedrooms and it is fine for us except for Thanksgiving and Christmas when people seem to gravitate to us our here in the country.
Happy anniversary to you two and your beautiful cottage Claudia. I went back a few posts and got to see another peek into your lovely home. I adore the wrap around porch. That would be a must on my wish list.
I can’t remember if I told you yet how exciting it was to see you in RH. I felt so thrilled for you!!!
I am praying for your mom and hope that she will improve and get her health back soon. It is such a worry when for you, I know.
Your words were so sweet to me at my place today and they will be in my heart forever. Something I can draw from always. I am blessed to know you and call you friend.
Hi Claudia,
I just love this post. It is so honest. I like how you live with the questions and find perfection in the imperfect. Mostly, I like how you created your list and then let it manifest for you. You got the vision and held it until it ripened.I am so glad you found “home” And that your additional bedroom is a blogs pace in which we all get to visit.
Thank-you for making it so welcoming.
Love you!
P.S. Thank-you for all of the kind comments you left for The Miracle Party. I am grateful.
Your home is just lovely – inside and out. And over 100 years of history there — don’t you just wonder about everyone who came before? Happy Anniversary. -amy
Congratulations, Claudia!!! What a marvelous milestone and your cottage is beyond adorable. It’s so welcoming and full of happy memories. My father was born and raised in the Hudson Valley and his small town has hardly changed. I understand about being freelancers with a mortgage! Well done to you both on this wonderful dream come true. xo – g
Love the post Claudia, I also love your beautiful home, I feel at much at home in your home as I do in mine,
Love u, M
It is a beautiful cottage! You have made it your own with all your gorgeous finds! I love reading your blog and learning more about you and your wonderful home. Some time when we are traveling up that way, I may just call and ask if I can come see it in person.
Happy 5th to sweet Mockingbird Hill Cottage! :)
Congrats on 5 years! Your home really seems to reflect your spirit. I especially love your porch.
Hope your Mom is on the mend soon. I know those UTIs take a lot out of older women.
Happy Anniversary Claudia! Everyone deserves the dream of a comfy, cozy place filled with love that they call home. Never give up on the dreams and the plans- as my hubby says, there are always reasons to keep going and keep getting out of bed in the morning. What a beautiful post- we can tell how much you love MHC from your words and I think it makes us all love it too ♥
Claudia, your house is so wonderful! Happy 5th year anniversary!! I know it seems hard sometimes, but keep plugging away and you will be mortgage free in a few more years. It goes quickly. I envy (shame on me!) your 2 acres!! I would love to have more space than my suburban yard allows.
Happy anniversary to you and your lovely home! Such a nice story – I find it so heartwarming when a house and it’s people find each other! karin
Hi Claudia,
Your home is si lovely and you have land!I have always dreamed of having land and a sweet cottage on the property. You are living my dream…
We have a very large lot for living in a city and a moderate sized home. I do love our home very much. But always in my mind there will be that dream of owning land with the sweet little cottage with the thatched roof. You have been blessed!
Have a sweet day, big hugs~Elizabeth
I love this post, for obvious reasons.
Ours is way too small, too, but it has a soul, ya know? I know you do.
Your cottage is perfect!
And it is a really adorable little house too! Congratulations on meeting your dream…and for being able to continue the dream!
That was lovely, Claudia. MHC is such a warm, lovely, and inviting place… much like its owners! Here’s to you winning the lottery and getting your master bedroom and dream studio!… Donna
Happy Anniversary! Here’s to many more years to come in MHC, Claudia.
Always enjoy a virtual visit to MHC! I find the sincerty, warmth, fur babies, projects and everything Claudia like a day with a kindred spirit!
Wishing you the very best today and always!
Happy Anniversary you great old place. Thanks for five wonderful years.
Well said, honey. You put it just right!
oh claudia, i so enjoyed reading this little love letter to your home. i feel so much the same about our house and august marked the start of our 5th year.
now, what to name my cottage?
What a dream house to live in – I will keep on browsing
The one thing I have learnt, is that no matter what home I live in I want/need to make changes. So I live with it and do it when I can.
I think your new home is absolutely wonderful – well from your photo it is ☺ to me
Dear Claudia,
I am sure your dreams will come true. They are there, just outside the door :o)
I wish you a long long happy live in this beautiful cocoon.
Take care
Congratulations on FIVE years in your Cottage! Yes, home ownership does have it’s ups and downs but at least you are no longer paying the mortgage of “someone else”! I love seeing all the pictures of your cottage is looks so peaceful! Here’s to FIVE more years of bliss at Mockingbird Hill Cottage!
Home, the spot of earth supremely blest,A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest. ~Robert Montgomery
Dear Claudia, how lovely is to read the story of your Mockingbird Hill Cottage, is the story of a dream come true with just some tiny things you can add anytime!!! I think having our own home is the best thing in world and that dreams will como true to everyone!!!
wishing you lots of happiness at your lovely home,
maria cecilia