This is not the current view of our house. Today is dark and damp; leftover weather from yesterday’s rain. But I did take it a few days ago, so it’s fairly timely
At this moment, I’m worrying about the predicted low of 31 degrees on Wednesday and Thursday. Does that mean I’ll only see one morning glory? Because a freeze would bring the end for those buds. And how do I protect the porch plants since, as happens every October, the nighttime temps will go back to the 40s next week.
It drives me crazy.
Thank you for all the anniversary wishes. We celebrated by cleaning out the gutters in anticipation of Sunday’s rain. Pretty romantic, don’t you think? We did have some sugar-free ice cream and chocolates after dinner. And Don gave me a card. He always sneaks one in there even though we both say ‘”No cards this year.”
Tomorrow, we have someone coming to look at the washer, which is leaking. This has happened before, but I have no idea if it’s fixable this time. Fingers crossed. We don’t need the expense of a new washer/dryer. It’s the kind that is tall and thin, all one piece, and it fits in a closet in our bathroom. We’ve been told repeatedly that newer versions of this kind of machine are not as well made. Big surprise, right? We could resort to going to the laundromat in a neighboring town, if need be. Anyway, we’ll wait and see what the technician says. It will probably be the same guy who has been here the last two times.
Just like our cars, we’re babying it along, because we don’t want and can’t afford a big new expense in our senior years. My mother used to say things like “This is the last sofa we’ll buy” or, “This is the last trip we’ll make” or, “This is the last car we will buy” and it used to drive me crazy because it sounded negative and fatalistic. But I get it now. At times, I find myself thinking the same way. I’m sure my mom is saying “I told you so” wherever she is at this moment.
What else? I finished another book by Robert Hurwitz in the “Orphan X” series. Now I’m reading John Banville’s newest book, The Drowned, set in 50s Ireland. A mystery. He is a poet. I’m not sure I’ve read anything more powerful and evocative than the way he puts a sentence together. This is the second book featuring Detective Inspector Strafford that I have read. He writes other fiction as well, but I’m always drawn to a moody mystery. After I finish this, the newest Jane Casey awaits – another Irish writer of mysteries. Then back to Hurwitz. I have to read the “10 day only” new library books first. I have a plan. I always have a plan.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
Ha, when we elected to buy my Subaru which we’d leased for 3 yrs., I told the dealer it was the last car I’ll be buying. With only a little over 11,000 miles after 3 yrs it was like buying a new car as far as we were concerned and, at my age, realistically how many more years will I be driving anyway.
We’re bracing for a freeze tomorrow night and there goes the rest of my potted blooms. Oh well, they gave me almost 6 months of loveliness.
Take care,
Always so sad when we have to say goodbye to our plants, Kay.
Stay safe.
Thank you Claudia for sharing your blog – I have been reading for a very long time and you share wonderfully. You are the first blog I read every day you write. Happy Thanksgiving to you both.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Joy. So glad you’re here!
Stay safe.
I’ve got my fingers crossed that your washer is fixable!
Thank you, Barrie!
Stay safe.
I hope your washer is fixable inexpensively. I concur with the frustration of built-in obsolescence. And also, consumers always want newer and better, and buys into the consumerism instead of being satisfied and making do. Fortunately, I was raised differently and so were my daughters.
My 16-year old fridge recently needed repair for a leak from the ice make/water dispenser system. Fortunately, it was an easy fix. However, the repairman was astounded at the age of my fridge and that it was still functioning well and that this was the first repair! In his experience, he said contemporary fridges last 4-6 years before a repair is needed.
My previous washer, unfortunately, succumbed after 30 years but the dryer is going on 40 years. My mom’s washer is going on 60 years! Never had a repair call.
Wonderful! Our washer/dryer is 19 years old. Probably 20, but we purchased it right after we moved in here 19 years ago.
Thanks, Wendy.
Stay safe.
I love Jane Casey! Thank you for alerting me that there’s a new book in the series. I just requested it from my library. I live in fear that one of my appliances is gonna go, but so far so good. Good luck with the washer.
Thank you, Di!
Stay safe.
glad you and don had some treats on your anniversary. and the gutter cleaning is done, went well/safe.
best wishes for your washer; may it be repairable and not need replacing.
hope you get more morning glory/other blooms yet this year. see-saw temperatures here, too … 85 last friday, high of 52 expected today, then close to 80 later this week … i am definitely enjoying the cooler days!
glad you have some good books ahead, just not the pressure a library deadline may bring.
my sweet sister is helping with knitted dishcloths; instead of 18, now need 11 (before thanksgiving) … and i will finish one today. i found a great cross-stitch pattern for my brother and sister-in-law, but need to swap out one color of embroidery floss. as it will be the main color and what i start with, i will pick it up this afternoon and then get going on it. excited about these things, but that means staying up quite late to read (because i’m *not* going to lose that again, and i’m in the middle of a good book). not bad “problems” to have. :)
pretty photo of your home … sweet home, porch, blue sky and the light! hard to tell from the light and looking at a photo on my phone’s little screen, but is your home a light-green-khaki color, and is that the front or a side?
some of my family already received them, and today three more of us got flu shots. glad about that. stay healthy, everyone!
stay safe. happy monday.
Not bad problems at all, Kathy.
Yes, thats the color. Its changeable, depending on the light. That’s the side of the house.
Stay safe!
Your home looked so nice on that sunny day. Hope your repair is easy to do. I enjoy my old appliances and hope they last as long as I do.
Thanks for the book recommendations. I’ve been looking for some new authors and I love mysteries. In a different genre, have you read Celeste Ng? I really like her writing and her 3rd book Our Missing Hearts was especially moving for me.
I haven’t read her books, though I am aware of her, Ellen.
Stay safe.
Hi there you’re a voracious reader and puzzler. Wow!
After my dog is taken care of, our small house and quite large yard and gardens, I don’t have the energy to read. I like short stories and poems in the summer. I sleep lots with fibro. My paintings take countless hours and thought. My old dad needs some attention
I try to help my large indigenous friends. I run out of time.
I often wish my life was more simple. I so enjoy a peek of your life. I hope you’re not bored with mine.
Irene alberta (I can’t move!)
Take care, Irene.
Thank you.
Stay safe.