A bit rainy, but not as much as predicted so far…but there are storms on the way. Tomorrow should be dry. There are lots of leaves to rake; it seems like zillions of leaves dropped overnight. The corral and back forty look messy and you’d never know I mowed those areas two days ago.
Don has a gig in the late afternoon, early evening – happily, it’s not too far away. I’ll get a little time to myself, though I have no plans – just reading, doing laundry, running over to the library to pick up a book that just came in. I’m in the midst of reading Jane Casey’s The Close. She’s a wonderful writer who has a series about Maeve Kerrigan, an Irish/British policewoman. I really love the way she writes. When I requested this book through our library system, there was only one copy. Period. That tells me that not enough Americans know about her. Anyway, I’m grateful that they had a copy and now it’s here with me.
I must admit that I woke up a bit early – not too early, thank goodness – and have been in a funk since I woke up. You know that kind of day? When you are in a bad mood and have no idea why? That’s where I am. Hopefully, I will feel better soon.
So this will be shortish.
The Ferro Sisters. If you could only see their faces close up – the beautiful and detailed painting, the subtlety – FerroDoll is an true artist.
This shelf has become one of my favorite photo locations. The light, the colorful background – you’d think it would be too distracting, but it isn’t – it seems to enhance the beauty of the girls.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
glad that you have another book to read (from an author whose work you know you enjoy) and not too much rain (at least right now) … a very good combination!
great that don has another gig, too, and that it’s not far away.
sweet photo of your ferro girls. and, as always, great depth of field in your photos.
hope all those things help get rid of the bad mood.
thankfully not very often, but i do know and have those “woke up crabby and don’t know why” days. not fun, but as they come, thankfully they also go.
chores started early here. they’ll warm me up as there’s no heat or sweater on yet and it’s 42 degrees outside. love it.
you know that cupboard-turned-bookcase i bought last spring? it very nicely has held all my books behind closed doors, but i’ve been missing the look and feel of books stacked here and there so made a change yesterday morning. now that cupboard is half-full of books, half with craft-y things and there are a few books around. i like it better that way.
best i get back to a chore (laundry). i think i am going to start calling such things “tasks” … because “chores” sounds to me like drudgery and i am grateful to be able to do these things.
happy saturday and sunday! stay safe!
Sound like you found a nice combination of shelved books and books on tables, etc.
Stay safe, Kathy.
The dolls look very mischievous on the shelf. Good that Don has another gig so that others can appreciate his talented musicianship.
I have read a few Jane Casey novels which are popular with our borrowers. You may ready know but a new series of All Creatures started this week so hopefully not too long before you can see it.
Happy Weekend
Good to know. We don’t get the new season until next year – usually in the first three months. Can’t wiat.
Stay safe, Dee Dee.
Oh, Dee Dee, so happy to hear that bit of news. We have to wait til Jan, but certainly worth waiting for it.
I know those “woke up grumpy but don’t know why” mornings too. A lttle alone time, a good cup of coffee, and a wee bit of chocolate seem to go a long way to cheering me up. Take care of yourself.
Thanks, Elizabeth.
Stay safe.
Lovely trio of Ferro dolls. Their little dresses are so cute especially Miranda’s William Morris one. It’s Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. I’m making Don’s apple pie for dessert. I decided to cook cornish hens for Thanksgiving dinner as turkey’s and chickens have sky rocked in price. $31 for a chicken! Yikes! Hope you’re not getting too much rain. Hugs, Elaine
Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Elaine.
Stay safe.
Love Jane Casey’s books and just finished The Close. They don’t seem to get her books at my library very often, even when I’ve requested them.
Busy today baking bread, making chicken stock, and buzzing fred’s hair in preparation for a new round of the dreaded chemo—a clinical trial/study—Grrrr.
Ah, he can take it.
Of course, he can! Sending you lots of positive thoughts, Fred. You have a great helper at your side.
is this a voluntary study? if so, what a nice guy to participate in research (and thanks, fred). either way, prayers said and will continue.
hope you are having a nice weekend.
Thanks Kathy.
Thanks, Kathy. Yes, it’s voluntary and we can pull out at any time, if necessary.
hope that won’t be necessary.
thanks for helping other people that way!
hope you two have a great week ahead.
Oh boy. Give my love to Fred (and you). Positive energy being sent your way!
I just finished The Close – I thought it was her best yet. And darn it, when are Josh and Maeve finally going to get together???
Stay safe, Shanna.
Hahaha! Really.
Thanks for the energy, we’ll need it.
Thinking and sending good positive thoughts your way from Wisconsin. They should be there any moment…. and I will keep them flying to you!
Thanks, Chris.
Today is one of those days where we are both on the edge of grumpy. It’s cold, rainy, and the house seems very small! I finally bailed and went to the (very small, very cold) farm market and grocery and it has been a bit better since I got home. I think we needed a time out! Now, time to read, check blogs, just be!
Your girls are looking cute as can be. I like the shelf as a backdrop, too.
Thanks so much, Jeanie. That grumpy turned out to be a bad sinus thing in the afternoon and I feel crappy today.
Stay safe.
So glad we have a bright sunny day. Nothing can put me in a crabby mood like a gloomy, gray day. It’s chilly but bright – a beautiful fall day. You find the most beautiful clothing for your little dolls. They would make me smile no matter what kind of weather.
First shingles vaccine earlier today. I have the lousiest prescription plan which we plan to change during this latest sign-up period. So had to pay the full amount and they are not cheap.
Take care,
sorry about that cost … ouch!
good that you will check other options during the annual enrollment period. it’s a different kind of pain but can be worth the time and effort.
i had two shingles shots last year and feel a peace of mind for that. hope you do, too.
happy sunday to you, kay!
Thanks, Kathy. Yes, peace of mind indeed. The father of my husband’s CFO has been battling shingles for the last two months in and out of the hospital. He’s in his eighties and there seems to be no end in sight for his torment. Avoiding that, to me, is worth any price!
Happy Sunday, kathy.
thanks, kay.
sorry to learn of that man’s troubles. i will be praying for him. may shingles and covid and war and other horrible things end now!
happy sunday!
Have you had a reaction, Kay? I always hear about the reactions…
Stay safe.
My only reaction has been a sore arm and a bit of fatigue. Dean had the series a couple years ago and it was the second shot that was worse for him. We’ll see. Hopefully by then I’ll have a better prescription plan or otherwise the 2 shots will have cost us over $400.
Fingers crossed that you don’t have a reaction to the second shot and that the shots don’t cost that much!
Stay safe, Kay.
Kay, As of Jan 1, 2023, the Shingles vax is covered by Medicare Part D. The medical portion doesn’t pay for it, only the Part D, Pharmacy benefits covers it. Perhaps you aren’t on Medicare. If that is the case, I am sorry I jumped in. The Insurance Trainer in me took over and I wanted to be sure you weren’t paying for something for which you already have coverage. It is a horrible condition and I am glad you got the 1st shot!! Take care!!
Hi, Chris. I am on Medicare but back when I signed up our insurance guy recommended the state’s Senior Care. It’s been kind of useless, not paying for many prescriptions but he did say to call him when I am put on a regular prescription of some sort. I haven’t been, but I think we need to look into the Part D during this sign-up period.
Ahhhh!!!! I forgot about Senior Care in Wi. We are looking to change our Part D carrier as well. Glad we have that option every year. Take care.
Just finished “The Close” and enjoyed it. I think I’m going to start reading the series.
You should absolutely read them in order. There’s a developing story over the length of the series and what you read in The Close will make much more sense when you see what has happened to the main characters.
Stay safe, Terri.
I am a day late reading your post because yesterday I did absolutely nothing except finish my book. It was too dreary and rainy for me and I was feeling annoyed about almost everything! The best things about yesterday were that my husband finely had a negative covid test so he is out of quarantine and I had no reaction from my covid vaccine!
The girls are so beautiful! I love curly girl. There are only a few of us around.
Enjoy the beautiful day!
So happy to hear your husband tested negative, Betsy!
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
Claudia, a picture of the girls in front of a plethora of books can only be wonderful!!! I just ordered some books from the library. I have been home since Feb 23rd and haven’t been able to read. I think I am ready. I HOPE I am ready!! This has been a loonnnnggg period of time for me to not read. I am a bit worried but hope I slip right back into the much missed routine!! Take care.
Oh, I hope you are ready, as well, Chris! I’m sure it has been frustrating!
Stay safe, Chris.