Welcome to A Favorite Thing #29. I’m so glad you’re here.
Before we start, I want to remind you that being a part of this weekly get together doesn’t entail a lot, but it does require a few things of you.
- Your post has to be about a Favorite Thing.
- You need to link back to this blog.
- It’s only polite to leave a comment on this post. If you were at a real party, you would certainly thank the hostess, right? I’ve been guilty on this point a few times myself, as I was linking to a party, usually because I was in a hurry. I won’t make that mistake again. So leave a comment. I don’t want this to become a place where people simply link up to get hits and never stop to say thank you.
- I also fervently hope that you will visit everyone taking part, as best you can, on any given week. I know that it takes time. You have a whole week. I visit everyone and I have a good idea of who is commenting and who isn’t. If you want people to visit your link and comment, then you should return the favor.
- And finally, this is a way to meet new and old blogging friends and share our stories. I have always wanted this party to be small and intimate. I do not mean this to be an impersonal way to get hits on your blog. There are already enough parties like that out there in blog land.
Most of you, bless you, are really wonderful about visiting everyone and I thank you for that. Your generous spirit makes this a lovely weekly event. I aim to keep it that way! Okay, end of not-so-gentle reminders.
Highlights from last week:
Ann, of A Sentimental Life, shared some beautiful vintage Easter cards and her lovely cloche and vignette with us. Ann loves McCoy Pottery as much as I do and I love seeing hers on display.
Susan, of Ash Tree Cottage, has been making miniatures for her dollhouse. Look at her wonderful minis!
Diane of An Extraordinary Day, shared an easy Grapevine and Burlap Easter Egg Wreath Tutorial. Isn’t it lovely?
As always, thank you for sharing your favorite things with us every week.
I’ve been sharing my Vintage Egg Cup collection with my readers this week. Each day I’ve chosen 2 or 3 egg cups to highlight. So, in keeping with that, my favorite thing this week is:
Left: A bunny on a pretty blue egg cup.
Center: One of my absolute favorites, a Painter Bunny with palette and paintbrush. painting an egg.
Right: A sweet white bunny holding an orange egg cup.
Now it’s your turn.
You can link up anytime from this evening through Sunday. Make sure you enter the URL of your post. If you’re unsure how to do that, just click on your post title after you’ve published it and copy the information in your browser address window. Come back here, paste the URL into your link entry and there you go! If you have any problems, drop me an email and I’ll help you out. Please link back to this blog on your post. That way, those that read your post and are interested in reading more can do so.
One of my concerns about link parties is that the very reason for them has somewhat gone by the wayside. They’ve become so big and there are so many of them that many bloggers don’t take the time to visit any of the other participants. Link parties are a way to meet new bloggers and share with each other and the only way to do that is to visit each other. So, please, take some time to visit everyone over the next few days. No rush. Stop by, introduce yourself, and leave a comment. It’s the neighborly thing to do. It’s also nice if you leave a comment here, as well.
Ooohhh! I don’t know if I’ve ever been first in a link party before! For once, I arrived right when the hostess opened the door. This is exciting! Thanks as always for hosting, and since I showed up first, I’ll help you serve the punch like a good friend would!
Hi Claudia! I am so happy to be attending my favorite Friday night party once again! I linked up twice because somehow this week has been overflowing with favorites. Thank you so much for featuring my link up from last week. I am becoming completely obsessed with my minis and it is becoming harder and harder to live in the “real” world ;-)
Thanks for being our hostess each week. Okay let’s party!!
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Imagine my surprise when I arrived for the party, oooing and ahhhing over the oh-so-cute features and then….there is mine!!! I am humbled and thrilled that you would feature my wreath Claudia. Thank you so very much.
I love your little egg cups. They are sooo very unusual. I remember my mom had a couple when I was a little girl. I always wanted her to use them. The only thing…I wasn’t fond of soft boiled eggs. :)
Wishing you an Extraordinary weekend!
I’ve been struggling with gloom this week, so coming to a party with your lovely guests certainly brightens my mood! The smiles and giggles of children I offer to you all this week. What better way is there to cheer up the world! These are my favorite thing today…and always. What better gift than a heartfelt smile ?
Hi Claudia: I love those little egg cups. I have a few myself but I don’t collect them. They are hard to pass up though when I see them in antique shops. Yours are very sweet and unique-looking. I’m heading off to enjoy some of the blogs that have linked up to your party tonight. Must get a post ready to join in, too. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Deb
Your egg cup collection is just wonderful! How long have you been collecting? Thanks for hosting the party. Looks like there will be a lot of good looking tonight.
Love Painter Egg Cup – great face on that ‘egg’. Thanks for hosting Claudia, I look forward all week to joining in. It snowed here today (melted too), a somewhat freak cold spell that has moved down the entire coast line from way up North and is heading on through down through the States. Snow storm and winds then normal seasonal weather. My friend Dave (Off the Grid Living on my blog list) wrote about it on his blog today and when my husband was out driving over a high bridge around 10 am got the brunt of the same storm (distance between the two coast sites was about 310 watery miles apart.
I am so in love with your egg cups. I have never found a vintage one. Are yours all vintage? I am so envious!!
Smiles, Dottie
Thanks for hosting Claudia. My post is full of favorite collectibles and I added a song at the end that is a favorite – What a Wonderful World.
Thank you so much for hosting the party! I always try to visit as many links as possible, but I never even thought to leave a comment on YOURS! So sorry if you had to put that reminder especially for me. I appreciate you hosting…I don’t have time for many link parties, but this is one of my favorites (no pun intended) :)
Great features, love them!! Thank you so much for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.
Each little egg cup is cuter than the last. I really loved when you showed them all on the shelf. Darling collection, that is for sure. And it reminded me that I had not posted about my little chicken cup, which makes it even more appropriate that I posted about if for A Favorite Thing. :-) Hope you have a great weekend. (As always, thanks for hosting.)
That center egg cup is just spectacular. What fun! And what a fun collection. Thanks for hosting, Claudia.
Hello Claudia, (Please forgive me for the length….This has been on my heart for the past few months.)
I am impressed by your candor and appreciate the considerate reminder you have given in regard to blog party etiquette/courtesy. I have been troubled lately about this very thing. I spend a great deal of time responding to other blogging friends comments…and, I enjoy it tremendously. You have been an inspiration to me with your many thoughtful responses. I know you are genuinely offering us your “FAVORITE THINGS” each week as an opportunity to build meaningful and encouraaging friendships. There are a few blog parties out there that are as faithful as clock work at opening their shop doors ….Unfortunately, when I contribute my photo and leave a comment, nearly always…I remain invisible and unacknowledged for the time and thought that I have sincerely invested in their lives and their blogs.
Sometimes things just need to be addressed…..and, you, my friend, have stepped up to the plate and done so.
Thank you.
You have the neatest things, Claudia. I love your egg cups. They are so sweet. Thanks for hosting this fun party.
Oh those are simply darling – I’ve not ever seen such cute ones. Thanks for showing them to us.
Nuff said….On a happy note I love your incredible collection of vintage egg cups. I have never seen so many cups in one place.
This afternoon I slipped away for a few hours and went thrifting…and what did I bring home? Egg cups…They’re bunnies and each one is holding a speckled egg. I will share them soon.
Thanks for opening up your blog home to all of us, Claudia.
This is a very pretty post. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Claudia, I’ve never linked to any party. Even after reading your directions my poor old brain says, “No, I can’t learn anything else new right now, dear.” However, I always enjoy your Favorite party and usually visit all of them but am guilty of not leaving a comment everywhere I visit. I’ll try to do better. Many of them are blog friends already but I love meeting someone new. I have to admit that tonight I tried to leave a comment on a couple and when those blank spaces came up for my web name, would you believe I couldn’t think of my address? I think I’d better try again when it’s daylight.
I did read every single word of your little teaching moment! If I ever do figure out how to link to my favorite thing, i want to know what the good manners of it are. Good manners are what make a civilized world. (I don’t think that’s an original thought. I think maybe Miss Marple or Isabel Dalhousie must have said it. Maybe both of them!)
I like the painter bunny the most as well…and playing catch up on some older posts, congrats to Don and I hope that it does not snow at your place while he is in Prague!!! :)
Good Morning Claudia,
I DO want to thank you for having these link ups!! I’ve been able to visit so many more other blogs because of this and have enjoyed the exposure that you allowing us to post here has given me !! I’ve gotten some wonderful ideas from others and do enjoy visiting all the different bloggers!
Hi Claudia, well now I’m leaving a comment without a link…gold star? Joking. :) I love your egg cup holders. Mine are very plain and utilitarian I’m afraid. But I do have one McCoy piece of pottery at the cabin. It’s a fancy yellow gravy boat but I use it as a vase. Your link party sounds like a lot of fun. I’ll go read your rules again and have a look around. Hugs.
You DO get a gold star, Veronica!
Hi Claudia
I told you that I wanted to look for egg cups myself. I did yesterday and found two egg cups, cute little lambs. But that’s not what I’m showing as one of my favourites today. Since beeing a part of this link party I notice how many favourite things I actully have. I’m not the one who likes to decorate the house like lots of Amercans do it seems. But I have some beloved items that are just there. Have a nice weekend. And thanks for the party. Next time I’ll bring cake or chocolate. Regula
Gardenbug expressed my feeling exactly when she commented “coming to a party with your lovely guests certainly brightens my mood!” I have nothing to link up this week, and that’s actually given me more time to visit everyone else. I guess showing our “Favorite Things” requires putting love into the posts, and it’s a happy thing to read them. Your own passion for how special this link-up is really shows, Claudia, in that you want to keep it real and personal. Thank you!
Hi Claudia. Your party is my favorite party of all of them. The first photo…..I thought was from your home. I have to check out her blog for sue. Love the doll house, I already follow her blog. The wreath is awesome framing the reflection of the house that is probably across the street. I need to post something again. Happ Spring, hah, another storm coming our way. The sun has been shining so sweetly…..Mother Nature just teasing. I like all your egg cups…….you sure have quite the collection.
Hello, Claudia
Running a meme can be a bit of an eye-opening experience, I’ve discovered. To quote Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that.”
Sheesh, it seems I’ve forgotten how to spell my own name.
I have loved all the egg cups you have shown us – but that middle one in today’s post? Complete swoon!
I don’t have my real blog up and going yet (although I am in the beginning setup stages of it), but reading your comments on linking to parties is so informational and educational for me. When I do my first link to a party – it will definitely be yours – and with comments! Thanks so much for sharing the etiquette of it all.
Thanks for hosting, Claudia. I’m a little late, but I had to wait for some sun to take some photos. I’m off to visit.
Here I am sliding in at the last minute as usual. Thanks for hosting again this week.
Enjoy your weekend.
I think you know by now that I am besotted with your egg cups Claudia! So darling. Thank you for your words re linky parties, I so agree with you. I take vacations from them every so often as I feel so sad when I leave thirty comments and get five in return sniffle sniffle. I’m not the most exciting of people but I try to leave interesting comments for people. Anyway, I wish the world of linky parties was the one you envision also.
Thank you for being such an excellent hostess. Happy weekend!
Hi Claudia,
Thankyou so much! I look forward to visiting soon!
Hi Claudia!
I don’t always have a ‘favorites’ post to link…but on those weeks, I still try and get around to visiting.
I’ve never hosted a party on my blog but am fairly certain they do take work. I appreciate your points about parties, hostessing, and joining. I REALLY appreciate your candor about the etiquette of such parties, because I must confess…I’m one of those who may not leave a comment here or with the other bloggers. I’m pretty laid back and casual in my home, I’m an informal kind of gal…so I don’t get my feelings hurt if people aren’t chatty when they visit. I just try and chat a bit and be friendly with them and make them feel welcome that’s all I can do; that must carry over on my blog too. If people leave comments, I correspond, otherwise what do you do? I can’t make them talk to me. I’m the type of person that wants people to leave me comments because they like what they’ve read and they WANT TO. Leaving a comment on my blog just because I left one on theirs first just doesn’t appeal to me. You can tell the comments that are genuine and the ones that are just blog hopping, you know?
I’d rather read one genuine comment than 10 comments from people who agree with everything I say …and “Like” everything I post.
Didn’t mean for this to wind up being so long and ‘soap-boxy’ …but there it is…my two -cents. :)
Now, I’m off to do some visiting…
I think your thoughts are right on the money for normal, everyday posting, Pat. I feel the same way about comments on my daily posts or on the posts of people I visit.
A meme is different because it is a coming together of a group of bloggers who want to share a specific thing with each other based on a theme. We all agree to party together and that means sharing. I don’t want the people taking part in my party to feel like no one is visiting or that no one appreciates the time they put into coming up with a specific post for the party. I’ve long felt that if I was going to start a weekly meme, I would do my best to keep it gratifying for everyone.
Maybe I’m too controlling, but I’m going to try and keep the spirit of things positive for everyone. If it doesn’t work, well, then I’ll reassess everything. xo
No Claudia, Not controlling…just specific! :)
I do agree with you though, about the party being “a coming together to share a specific thing based on a theme”…and I meant to say in my earlier post, people are different and have different expectations, and to thank you for reminding me of that. I know when I link up a party my expectations are such, that I’ll be meeting new people and reading about things that a particular blogger might not normally write about…the parties do bring us out of our comfort zone for sure!
I did need reminding that some people really are looking forward to the comments. Thanks! ~Pat
XOXO Thanks, my friend.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my “Easter Egg Rings”! The reason why they are a favorite of mine is that they are made out of left over caulk that otherwise would of been wasted!
This is the first time I am here, I can’t wait till later when I have a little more “me” time to check out more links, they look awesome!
Claudia I’m always so happy when I have a post to link up with Favorite Things! I will be visiting as many as I can since I know how important it is. I always try although some weeks I’m better then others. I am glad you gave a gentle reminder that it’s just not polite to link and run!
Love your egg cups and hope you have more to share!
hugs, Linda
hi claudia… this is my first time linking up with favorite things… my mom shared your blog with me and i love it… the vintage egg cups you’ve been sharing are very cute… i never realized that there were so many different ones out there : ) thanks for hosting this link up… i’ll be visiting the others who have linked today and over the course of the next week! i like leaving comments because on peoples posts because i know how happy i am when i see a new comment waiting for me : )
*i like leaving comments on peoples posts because i know how happy i am when i see a new comment waiting for me : )…. oops… i was typing a little too fast in my original comment and had an extra because in there : )
Hi Claudia – thanks for hosting! I never miss reading your blog but don’t always comment like I should. I don’t have anything to share this week but I still like to come and visit others. Heading out now to visit my first Target store. Just opened in Canada. I hope it doesn’t become one of my favourite things! It could get expensive. haha J
Hi Claudia. I am linking up the beautiful azaleas blooming in Mississippi. “Spring has Sprung” here on the MS Gulf Coast and the azaleas are a beautiful show of colors. I am looking forward to visiting the other “linkers” to A Favorite Thing Saturday. Have a wonderful week!
Blessings and Blooms from Still Woods Farmhouse
These latest egg cups are adorable, Claudia. I think I like the little blue one best… he looks so sweet and shy, and what a lovely shade of blue that is. Thank you for hosting the party. It certainly has grown! I feel badly that I can’t always participate, but I do love going to people’s blogs (even weeks later!) and looking at their favorite things. (And yes! poutine is definitely one of my favorite things! I have a real thing for BEIGE food…. nearly everything I love to eat — and should NOT eat — is beige!!) Take care. x