Early morning fog.
It’s since burned off and the sun is shining.
I did a bit too much outside yesterday, but it was worth it. I pruned the wild roses down by the mailbox so the path for the mail truck was clear. I pruned more wild roses here and there and pruned both of our prickly bushes. I weed whacked. And I finished mowing the front lawn, then I did the corral and the secret garden. I’ll hit the back forty in a few days. Oh, and the lilac side of the front lawn. (The expected rain never came, thank goodness.)
Exhausting, but satisfying.
All day long you could hear lawn mowers starting up. Everyone was out there tackling their overly long grass after over a week of rain. I was going to wait until today to do the secret garden because it was so wet back there, but the grass was easily 8 inches long, so I mowed it.
Then I came in, took a shower, turned on the heating pad, and rested for the remainder of the day. And bonus: Don (with just a wee bit of help from me in opening packages) made both lunch and dinner.
We watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. This is the final season and I think it’s the best season ever. That’s saying a lot because it’s consistently brilliant. I will miss it so much that I’ve already decided I’ll watch the whole thing all over again. And most likely – again.
Two more days until – fingers crossed – bandage removal.
Today is my beloved brother’s birthday. He passed away in 1991. Happy Birthday, Dave. I miss you.
It’s also his youngest son’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Eric.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
progress … the lawn mowing, gardening and especially don’s thumb/hand mobility and pain level (also, cooking) … great! happy for you and don!
glad you could take it easy after all that work. hopefully rest and the heating pad took care of any pain.
glad you found another tv show to enjoy. i’ve heard good things about “mrs. maisel”.
happy birthday to your brother and nephew.
we had some strong rain late yesterday, but only for a few minutes until it was more sprinkles than a downpour. either way, was good to get and enjoyed by me.
need a productive morning here so best i get to other things.
happy, safe saturday to everyone!
Mrs. Maisel is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. Brilliant.
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe.
That was a well deserved shower and heating pad! We’re getting just a slight mist to wet things here! I did get up 2 am to see the coronation, but fell asleep before the actual crowning! Good thing they did a quick recap! Lots of pageantry!
Sounds like Don is improving… good to be able to get back in the kitchen!
Thanks so much, Barrie.
Stay safe.
David was the coolest guy. Still make me sad to think about him.
I miss those early spring days of getting the gardens into shape. So physical but rewarding.
I am glad you are taking it easy sometimes. We need to remember to do that.
He was very cool. I still can’t believe he’s gone and it’s been 32 years.
Stay safe, Kay.
Many many plants purchased today!!!!! Let the fun begin!
Soooo happy that you heard from Brenda. That was great to see.
Hope Don’s Dr is able to take the bandage off on Monday. If WE are happy, can’t imagine how happy the 2 of you will be. Keep us posted! Take care.
So glad you finally had the chance to get your plants, Chris.
Stay safe.
Another cool, rainy Saturday so working outside was very limited again. The sound of a chainsaw disturbed our morning and I watched in horror as the last 2 pine trees behind our house came down. The neighbors have slowly removed pines back there that pre-date the 30 yr old houses here for the last 2 summers. They have 4 kids and want more yard so I can’t blame them. Sigh…
My, I was impatient for this last season of Mrs. Maisel to be available. I too will re-watch the series. It was perfection.
I’m so, so sorry about the pine trees. The loss of any tree breaks my heart. What a harsh way to start your day, Kay.
Stay safe.
I have been a little disappointment that Mrs. Maisel is missing much of the time from this last season. Last week’s episode felt a little like a setup for the spinoff of Alex Borstein’s special, “Corsets and Clown Suits.” By the way, if you can put aside any squeamishness in talking about periods, etc. her show is worth watching, too.
I don’t feel she’s missing at all. This is the final season and they’re going back in time and forward in time to fill in any mysteries in the story line – with all the characters. Personally, I love it. I don’t think the episode was a set up for her special. Again, it’s an essential part of the story line that had to be fleshed out. And it was filmed quite a while ago.
Stay safe, Linda.
We always remember their birthdays. Hugs.