The skies were overcast and it rained much of the day yesterday. So I took some pictures up in the office.
Oh, Sir Ian! Thank you for one of the best experiences on our trip last year. I will always remember your performance.
We finished watching The Worricker Trilogy last night. David Hare, the award-winning playwright, wrote the screenplay and directed it as well and I can’t imagine a smarter, more engrossing series. To watch something that doesn’t dumb down the writing, but, instead, expects the audience to be intelligent and quick and writes with that in mind, is so satisfying. Many of my favorite actors made appearances; Bill Nighy, Helena Bonham-Carter, Rachel Weisz, Michael Gambon, Judy Davis, Christopher Walken, Ralph Fiennes, and more. (I had the privilege of watching Michael Gambon on stage in London about 15 years ago – in Pinter’s The Caretaker – and I was stunned by his performance. In addition, he has a gorgeous voice that is like thick caramel, and voices are everything to me.) Hare has written strong female characters for this series; women who have and are in power, and it’s so refreshing to see.
Obviously, I recommend it highly. It’s on Amazon Prime.
I moved the bulletin board a month or so ago and ‘redid’ it. It’s a wee bit neater now.
Today, Don is taking portraits at the Farmers Market. I’m washing sheets and doing various chores around the house.
And I’m reading, of course.
During the past couple of days, I’ve started to see the trees begin to change color. It’s just a tinge, a muted color change, but it’s happening. Not that I want to go there yet, but I wonder when we’ll have our first frost? Sometimes it comes in early October, when my morning glories are in full bloom. Fingers crossed that it holds off a big longer this year.
It’s a nicely lazy Sunday and I plan to enjoy it.
Happy Sunday.
Sounds like a lovely Sunday! We’re up bright and early to drive in to the Big City for our annual Dollhouse Show and Sale – I save all year to buy items for all the dollhouses that occupy our art studio. Lots of fun! And so many treasures ….
X Chy
The show I attend is next week. Can’t wait! Have a great time, Chy.
Sounds kind of perfect to me. It’s a tad gloomy here at the lake — but that’s what makes it perfect for finishing off a Martin Walker “Bruno” mystery and starting something new!
Yes, perfect for reading. Enjoy, Jeanie.
Happy Sunday; I know I’ll have one soon, too, once we EVER finish moving everything out of this house; my fingers and back are killing me. My poor husband is faring worst, doing the absolute heavy lifting to offsite storage, and we’re so darn hot; in the 90s every day although we could get a slight cooling trend in SoCalif on Tues, fingers crossed.
I’ve enjoyed a lot of Bill Nighy’s performances. Years ago, I really liked The Girl in The Cafe with him. He’s done SO much TV & film. I’ve got the DVDs for Johnny Worricker (trilogy) still to watch.
I hope your move is over soon. Doing all of that in such hot temperatures has to be exhausting!
I have The Worricker Trilogy on my watch list. I may watch that next. Thanks for the reminder. xo Laura
You’re welcome, Laura!
Enjoy your Sunday.
Thank you, Marilyn!
Sounds like a lovely gloomy day. We started off that way and then got absolutely gorgeous. Hope that happened for you too. Bill Nighy is one of my favorite actors. Something stately about him but humble. We are seeing one golden leaves around here and a noticeable few falling. The last couple of years we’ve had heavy rain which knocked most of the leaves down before the colors really developed. I’m hoping for a splendid show this year! Your photo of the flower in decay is quite wonderful with all the details and scars and imperfections. It is rather glorious! I get a lot of joy from your garden. Thank you!
I hope we get a lot of color this year, as well. Leaves have been falling around here for a while now, especially from the black walnuts – they seem to turn yellow and fall before the other trees. Thanks, Nora.