We won’t talk about the killing frost that decimated my zinnias and morning glories. Or the irony that nightly lows for the upcoming week will be nicely above freezing.
No, we won’t.
We won’t talk about the controversial call in last night’s World Series game that handed the win to the Cardinals and kept me up half the night composing angry messages to the umpires and Major League Baseball. Or the cuss words that came out of my mouth when the call was made.
No, we won’t.
Instead, let’s talk about a little idea I had yesterday. Do you remember the desk that Don found on the street and brought home? The one I re-imagined? If you don’t, you can read this post. It’s been sitting in a corner in the den and has become a dumping ground for all my stuff. But I rarely sit there.
When I was in Hartford, all my blogging took place at the desk in the apartment. I liked having my calendar there and all my To Do lists and a pinboard above it. I still like blogging in my chair, don’t get me wrong. Anyway, I discovered I liked the option of sitting at a desk and the old yearning for a little office space of my own came back. Not a corner of the den, which competes with the blogging chair. No, a little niche just for me.
We have a little spinet desk that has been living against the staircase wall and we love it, but we don’t use it. And the only desk chair we have downstairs is there.
What if I switched them out? The spinet desk could go in the corner of the den. It’s lightweight and would be easy to move when it’s Christmas tree time. It would take up less space in the room. I could move my desk to that staircase wall and I would have a little office space of my own, off by itself. A little niche I can go to with my computer or my coaching research.
So, yesterday afternoon, I did some re-arranging. Don helped me carry my desk, which is heavy.
I figured out how to hang that little piece of architectural salvage, which I love and is, of course, in my favorite color. I also wrestled with how to hang the pinboard. That little door under the stairs has molding around it which makes the wall surface uneven. Finally, I thought of hanging it from a spindle with some ribbon. Perfect. If I need to get in the cupboard, I can pull the desk away from the wall, open the little door and then move everything back. I was already doing the same thing with the spinet desk.
Isn’t it cute? I think I will use it much more in its new home. That fabric covered shelf, by the way, pulls out and I usually set my laptop on it.
Imagine how pretty this whole area will look when the quilt is finished and hanging on the wall.
Oh boy!
Don, as usual, puts up with all my ideas and offers his keen eye and valuable advice. I’m going to try to get some more photos this afternoon when the light is better (although this little area is notoriously hard to photograph) and I’ll share them with you tomorrow.
Happy Sunday.
Claudia, It looks great! A great spot to think about your day ahead !! Where did you put the cute lamp you bought in Hartford? Doris
It’s on Don’s bedside table because he really likes it.
Love it!!!!!
Thanks, Cindy!
First things first…………….are we still friends since I live in St. Louis and LOVE my Cardinals?
The desk looks adorable. And the special touches, like the McCoy with your zinna’s!
Yes we are. Are we still friends if I love my Red Sox with a passion?
I have to stick some McCoy on the desk, Ann! It wouldn’t be me otherwise!
Good morning Claudia,
Charming as ever…
Your little cottage was blessed the day you and Don moved in.
You continue to find ways to make it even more charming. It’s fresh, yet cozy, full yet, not too full.
The colors you choose just seem perfect!
Delightful !!
Thank you so much, Lori.
I like the new home for your desk. A few changes now and again makes a space feel fresh. For me, it was moving pictures around in the living room: not a big change, but it gives me a new perspective. My desk could use a good surface decluttering session.
Enjoy your Sunday, Claudia.
A new perspective always helps, Karen!
Happy Sunday to you. I love your little space. It’s part of the room, butr still private. It looks great there. I think you are the queen of making every space count!! Like I said before your home is so comfortable looking!
Yes, the frost did a number on our plants also. We did a lot of cutting back yesterday (and still have a lot to do). I may be sentimental, but this is always so hard for me. Hard on so many levels. They bloomed their heads off this summer and they deserve a good rest. But I am not ready to see this season in my life end. It makes winter seem so much closer.
I am looking forward to what you do next. Hugs, Teresa
I feel the same way, Teresa. I am so sad about the plants.
Looking good!! Killing frosts are mysterious things…here one night….gone the next. Very infuriating! Gotta go…leaf peeping today! ;)
Unbelievably infuriating, Donna!
What a lovely restful but still colourful space. I’m sure you will feel very creative here. I saw the call last night….no comment :-( J
I’m still angry, Julie, not that it will do me any good!
I love you little desk niche! Perfectly you!! Makes me want a little space like that for creating! Fun to see how you make things work in you sweet small home!
We have to be really creative with this small space. I try really hard to make it work without too much clutter.
Adorable; love it!
Thanks so much!
Very nice! I hope you will sit there writing and studying a lot. :-)
I hope to do that very thing, Regula.
I remember the little desk. :) I think it looks great here.
I just had to stare at your photo…you make everyday life just look so interesting. I love your unstaged photos. So casual and inviting. My unstaged photos look like I don’t clean …ever.
Anyway…when you said that you could work on plays and such there, I thought of your cupboard you just cleaned out…isn’t that almost behind you at this desk? So easily accessible if you need books or papers from there? I think your little office is adorable.
You work so well in the small spaces you have!
thanks for sharing. Pat
fyi– I don’t have a dog in the fight…cause I love my Rangers…we won’t talk about their trips to WS and failure to perform!
But I am rooting for Boston (because some of our guys traded to there and I like them so much)
We are split in this house…The Honey is rooting for the Cardinals. :/
Let’s Go Red Sox!
You’re absolutely right, Pat. The cupboard is behind me and to the left. I think that will work really well!
Go get ’em Red Sox!
Thanks so very much!
That desk fits there perfectly. I love your sweet home. I always think of it as a happy place even when I know there is some sadness attached there at times. Your new “office” is perfect in your happy home! xo Diana
Thanks Diana. Our cable repairman once came in the house and said “This is a happy place. I can tell.” That was the nicest thing I could have heard!
Oh wow, so cute! Where you have your desk reminds me of a picture I saw recently on Pinterest. Someone had taken the door off the storage space under the stairs, painted and put up shelves . Made a mini library, fabric storage, what-not area. That might be a fun idea for a winter project….just a thought.
I already have some shelves in there that store paint cans, etc. I wouldn’t be able to much more with it because that door is really low. As it is, I have to practically crawl in there!
It looks cozy, as does your entire house- love it!
Thanks so much, Donna.
I was sitting on my couch yesterday, blogging and doing some research on the net and realizing how at my office, I have a comfortable desk and chair but at home, I always sit in bed or sit on the couch to write. Truly, a writer needs a desk. Looking around our house, I remembered we put a desk in our dining room for another “sideboard’. Moved it into our living room. Will post pics later. Then I open up your post this morning and there’s your new spot! Love it. Cozy yet functional. Private yet open.
Enjoy your new space!
P.S. We got all our yard work done, cleaned the garage out, hung up the outdoor Christmas lights and put out the big decorations. Then went to a fantastic play, Dracula. Beautiful warm night. This morning? We woke up to a white, silent world. Winter is here!!
Good for you, Chy. You have a desk now!
And you have snow. Oh boy.
Perfect Claudia..Enjoy your Sunday..I’ll probably go out and bag up my frost bitten annuals..Some of my geraniums are still OK but they’re going too..Don’t want to have to do it twice..
I’ll be doing that this week, Missy.
Charming and oh so cozy!
Thank you so much, Sharron.
It is perfectly you Claudia..cozy indeed..That desk was a lucky find..I like that little Border Collie statue sitting there too..It looks just like my niece’s Border Collie..Belle..
It’s a doorstop and I love it too, Nancy.
The desk is perfect there, Claudia. Yes, we all need our little desk space for our computers and our calendars! I just noticed the runners on the stairs. Oh my how I love those!
Thank you, Annette!
Claudia, your cottage is most charming!
Thank you, Carolyn.
Love your new little space! It looks great!
I really hate to tell you but, I am an avid Cardinal fan. I grew up with my Dad and Mom taking us to St. Louis to watch the Cardinals play ball at least once each year. So, I am rooting for the Cardinals!
I will try my best not to hold it against you, Judy.
Hi Claudia!!!!
Love your new niche!!!! Very cozy!!! I am thinking I’ve seen that idea somewhere before….in a movie? perhaps? Or maybe…and this goes back….I think it was on “Father Knows Best” TV show!!!!…I think so….. Comcast in CA is running all of the old shows. If you get it out there, it is worth checking out “The Jack Benny Show” …he is a hoot!!!! It is fun to see how they decorated the small sets with all of the elements needed for the show shots. Any who…..Love your new ” nesting spot” !!!!!
Also, last week you mentioned how you “hoard” lightbulbs……I am with you on that, sister!!!! My kids think I am nuts but I am so afraid we won’t be able to get them. Do you know the cut-off date?
take care……sorry, I am a SF Giants fan!!!!! Go 49ers!!!!!
Addie from California
I’ve cheered for the Giants in the years when the Red Sox weren’t doing well. We like them. Incandescent bulbs are being phased out – if you check Home Depot they have a chart that tells you when.
I love your little nook, Claudia. It looks so inviting~
Thank you, Susan.
Claudia – your desk looks perfect in this space, just like it was made to go there!! I am loving your antique doorstop on top. The colors are perfect for your cottage. I look for them whenever I am in antique stores.. I think everything looks very nice!! Sorry about your flowers… It was really cold last night – winters on the way. Francine
Yes it is, Francine.
What a cute new work space, you always use the most of your space.
Love it! And nothing like your very own little desk when you have some hard stuff to write.
I love your littel desk. I am so in need of one, but not much room in the budget. I noticed that there is one at the auction I am going to tomorrow. Hoping it is the right size and I can get it for a good price. Keep your fingers crossed. xo Laura
Love the new little desk area. You make things look so charming! For example, love how you hung the pinboard by ribbon from around one of the stair spindles.
Such a perfect spot for that cute little desk. You have the best ideas for arranging your things. This spot becomes one more area for me to love about your comfy, cozy cottage!
I like what you’ve done – so quaint!
Can I just have a little pity? My best flannel jammies (age 13) developed a whole in the crotch. I’m so sad! It takes years to make a favorite pair of jammies! :(
What a perfect little corner you’ve created there … love it :)
Hope you got my e-mail this morning!
I meant to say something about the game….even though Bob’s the only baseball fan in our cottage!
All I can add is……..GO SOX as I am of course pulling for them!
Also, I will miss ‘My Favorite Thing’ but quite understand the time it takes – we do what we have to do and thank you for hosting it for so long.
Love that creative corner, and oh those floors…….here I go again!!!!!!
Hugs again – Mary
Although I live in Pittsburgh and am a huge Pittsburgh Pirates fan…(they did have a great year finally!)…I will say I am with you rooting for the Red Sox! I really do hope they go on to win the Series!
Luv that little desk too….and what looks like a small appointment book? Is it smaller than most? What brand of organizer is it? I am looking for one not quite as big as the dayrunners I see. Thanks!
That’s a Filofax organizer, Marsha.