We took a short drive yesterday in our neighborhood. We were looking for a lake that we’ve known of but never visited. It’s actually not all that far from us – maybe 10 minutes away. After some missed turns, we finally found it.
It’s gorgeous. Not all that easy to access, but I suspect there’s another entrance.
The history of this lake is interesting. It was originally created in 1929 by damming the property – apparently it was very wet and bisected by a river. Eventually, there were badminton courts, a roller skating rink, a pavilion, a beach, diving platforms and grassy areas on which to picnic. This was a very popular place and older locals remember spending time there every summer. Eventually, the property was sold to another owner, who kept it as is. Then, in the 70s, it was sold to the owner of Goya Foods who proposed surrounding the lake with trailers, which would have cut it off from all the locals who loved to visit. Our town board said no. Get this: because he was petty, he retaliated by draining the lake. It became a field of invasive plants. Interesting to note that the present owner of Goya Foods (same family) is a Trumper.
After 12 years, it was acquired by a new owner who wanted to build houses there, which would have surrounded the lake. Our local organization, Save Our Ridge, fought that proposal and a judge eventually decided to sell the property to the Open Space Institute and it eventually became part of the State Park.
It’s awash in controversy again because the dam is old and not up to whatever codes are in effect today. There’s been a proposal to destroy the dam, which would mean no more lake. There is yet another group fighting this, bless them. You see signs everywhere.
By the way, I saw that the road into the glamping property we fought so hard against is open and there’s construction going on. I can hear the noise from here. I can’t even go there, I get so angry – yet another destruction of a natural environment for birds and wildife, all so some urbanites can ‘camp.’ We already have a campground down the street. There are a couple of house for sale on our road, and another one already sold. I wonder if the campground invasion has anything to do with that. The campground that’s been here for years just keeps expanding and it’s ridiculous.
Back to the story. It’s recently been found that rebuilding the dam would cost the same amount as destroying it. Hopefully, sanity will win.
The mountains in the distance. Why would anyone want to destroy this beauty?
You recognize this guy.
We walked some trails and paths and we’re going to go back to see the dam. It’s really lovely; pristine and relatively untouched. There are some people who live nearby. I imagine they have their own paths to access the lake. It’s known for kayaking and canoeing and fishing.
We’ve been here almost 16 years and this is the first time we’ve seen the lake. Go figure.
It was a lovely mini-adventure. We were gone less than two hours and it really felt as if we got away.
In other news, my easel came and I feel overwhelmed. It’s large, made of oak (beautifully made, I might add) and I suddenly felt it was too important and weighty for a beginner like me. I was uncomfortable for a while until Don gave me a loving lecture about taking possession of it – ‘owning’ it. Funny how our insecurities can suddenly overtake us. Also, you have to remember that in this small house, any new addition can seem too big, too attention-getting, too, too….
Anyway, it’s here and I suppose today is as good a day as any to start using it.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
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