The robin’s nest that I removed (and put back) turns out to be two nests, one built on the other. They’re completely attached and the whole thing is a marvel. This nest is “nestled” in the climbing hydrangea on the shed.
It was not at all easy to get it back in there, but I think I did it. I’ll check on it today. But, back to the nests, here’s another view:
Extraordinary. How do they do it? Beautifully constructed, neat, tight as a drum. A nest duplex.
The nest would sometimes slip down in the branches, which is why – I think – the other nest is in a different position.
Gorgeous day today – I think it’s time to do a little mowing.
We stayed up way too late last night watching the season final of Stranger Things. Unbelievable! We had made a vow to stop halfway through and finish it off tonight, but it was so gripping that we quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen.
Now we have to find something new to watch.
I’m just about finished with my puzzle. I’ll take a picture of it when I’m done. Another one is arriving today. I guess I’ve become an all-seasons puzzle solver! It’s my Zen.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
I’m always amazed at the intricacy of birds nests. They work so diligently and create a masterpiece.
It’s truly unbelievable, Judy. I wish they’d build a house for me!
Stay safe.
that double nest is a marvel! glad you saw it. thanks for the photos and for putting it back for more mouse nappings. :)
sounds like it was worth staying up late for that show. :) i have no recommendations to offer, but am sure there are more great tv shows available … there’s so much talent in the world!
have fun mowing and working on a new puzzle, enjoying easier weather.
progress feels slow (is slow) on projects here, but that’s because there are many of them and i’m not here much. that’s okay … am enjoying and grateful for my retirement.
yesterday marked two months.
need to get a couple things done, then take a walk before it gets hot and muggy.
happy friday to all. stay safe!
It worth staying up late, but now I need a nap!
Stay safe, Kathy.
Enjoy today…
Friend on blog…her sister died of Covid this week…still in our family but we are vaccinated…
I have no words for people…my life is so good..despite the worries…
sad news. will be praying for your friend, her sister and the rest of her family and you all.
to my understanding, most cases of covid now are mild and not requiring hospitalization, but obviously that’s not everyone’s experience… so it frustrates and worries me to hear people say things like “the pandemic is over”. it’s not. hopefully we’ll get there (with everyone’s help), but we’re not there yet.
stay safe, everyone!
I am amazed at people in stores with no masks
This is surprising to me is a country as advanced as we are supposed to be. Few seem to be bothered by those who have died/ alas
hi, kathy, from what I’ve read, you’re correct about the hospitalizations, but what some of my friends and I are feeling wary about is the long-hauler aspect, and I’m seeing that with my cousin who is just about to turn age 74; his case was pretty-darned mild when all was said and done, but he can’t shake the lingering Covid after-effects (from I think April); he’ll be fine, and then he gets a relapse of some side effects, a primary one which is crushing fatigue which just knocks him out for days, such that he feels like even after a couple of months now, he can’t get completely well; and it’s the same for my sister-in-law who can’t shake that ‘brain fog’ since she got Covid in January (it’s just driving her nuts because she decided to get a full-time job after finding retirement was leaving her ‘way too bored, but the concentration she needs for this new work just is not there when she needs it); so, I agree with you that it can’t all be lumped together because it seems each patient’s individual battle with the virus is somewhat different than someone else, when all we can is just hope and pray that everybody feels better soon!
Such sad news. Was her sister vaccinated? Over a million people no longer on this earth because of Covid. Heartbreaking.
Stay safe, Brenda.
You know, I’ve got a cousin who did the first one-time jab, I forget the ‘brand’; wasn’t Moderna like me and my husband, not the 2-shot dose many of us first got. Then she never went back and got any further boosters because, down deep, she still just does not believe in the virus being deadly, at least for her, I think because she’s age 50 and healthy and active, feeling that life is infinite and she’s invulnerable to Covid or really any health problems. For daily exercise, without fail, and since she was a teen, the girl runs an hour every morning at 4am in the dark; then she volunteer-walks rescue dogs from a shelter for two more hours most days of the week to get the poor things out of their pens and give the other rescue-group workers a break. Wife and mother with grown kids now. Also volunteers with a swim team; just a really great gal in many, many ways. I’m glad that she WILL wear a mask when needed, although she’s reluctant about it, but not so selfish to not want to protect somebody else. She’s incredibly empowered about everything in her life, resilient; and I love that about her, but I’m just afraid for her in 1000 ways because she means so much to me and I don’t want her to get sick with this neverending Covid!
What an amazing nest duplex. I would’ve loved to have seen that in the making. Nature is a wonder.
Everyone needs to find their zen. Puzzles seem to do it for you. My zen seems to be plant cultivation, both inside and out. In addition to my containers and other flower beds, I’ve been growing vegetables on our deck in containers as well. We currently have tomatoes, peppers, basil, green onions, tarragon and rosemary. It was slow going at first due to our erratic weather, but everything seems to be doing nicely now with the higher humidity. If only I had a greenhouse I could do this year round. Oh to dream. Enjoy your day! ;)
So glad you’re loving working with your plants – And yes, I have the dream of a greenhouse, too!
Stay safe, Donnamae.
My zucchini is really popping; tomatoes are slower, but we also planted late. I didn’t use my basil in time, so it went to seed; parsley for some reason is doing just ‘terrible’ in the garden this year. The rosemary is year ’round and prolific. Cucumber is going nowhere. I just think it’s going to be a weird season in my Southern Calif garden this year.
Hang in there! I guess we all have to just go with the flow,
Glad you enjoyed Stranger Things. I didn’t care for the last two episodes. It was watching three groups of people all trying to meet up at the end. Reminded me of The Amazing Race show. All of them had different obstacles to overcome to try to make this happen. I found it boring and predictable.
Really? We loved it! But to each his/her own!
I thought it was pretty spectacular.
Take care, Olivia!
Stay safe.
(We’ll take whatever ‘zen’ we can get.)
The nest is really a thing of wonder. Thanks for sharing it today.
And I wish for a calm and less-stressful weekend for all of us here. We need it!
(I love that you’re a puzzle solver; there are such beautiful puzzles available these days; just tons of them; hard to choose which to attempt!)
So many beautiful puzzles out there, Vicki!
Stay safe!
A total aside: Saw recent photos/video of a high school class reunion of mine (I did not attend). I’m throwing no stones, but I never saw such a bunch of assembled, unhealthy retirees. The weight gain, both women AND men, was a common theme. Made me wonder how many of them have health issues related to obesity, which is too often the case. I hope not. Maybe it’s too much sedentary living in the past couple of years of pandemic? That’s when (when I see photos of you and Don) one can become a believer in vegetarian, healthier eating for sure. Although I really enjoyed seeing photos of former classmates (only a handful were recognizable after so many years, but the same would be the other way around, if they were trying to recognize ME!), I think the pictures were like a mirror, telling me I’ve really gotta work much, much harder at exercise and diet. Like, how you and Don go out there and mow all that lawn of yours, Claudia; it’s amazing to me, your energy and motivation; bravo! And tenacity to never fall down on the animal-free meal plans either. I need your steadfast ‘posture’ on this, so I think my bulletin-board clip of this ‘school chums’ photo will be a good reminder, not just of good and dear friends from childhood, for whose health and future I wish the best, but also to do small things, like walk more, increase the veggie count, work on that sleep.
Does Don meditate, too? Do you do it together? It’s so important for stress-reduction, but I just can’t make it work for me! Any tips?
Red-letter day in a different way today: My husband shaved off his beard. Wow, does he look different! Apparently he’d seen new CDC guidelines, reiterating from I think 2020 that with the escalation of this latest and highly-contagious Covid variant, the N95 face mask (maybe any mask .. ?? .. [I-myself didn’t read the CDC thing]) fits better on a man if he doesn’t have facial hair.
Our virus ‘numbers’ of the County this week aren’t looking so good. Again. And my husband, bless him, is always trying to be careful, much more so for me than for himself (since I’m the far-higher risk of us; I think, though, if I wasn’t indeed AT such risk, the beard would have probably stayed, and everything would be just fine).
He noticed when he went to the grocery store today for the weekend specials, that about half the shoppers had masks back on; whereas, a week or two ago (..??.. I lose track of time!), NOBODY was masked, store employees OR customers. I was sitting in the car yesterday waiting for him at the pharmacy and I noticed masks were back to about 50/50, even with the younger folks.
Just interesting to note the trends.
The other thing I’ve noticed this week is that the medical people ‘manning’ these sort of ‘pop-up’ Covid-testing sites have increased their presence, open for biz several times per week now (in this past week particularly, EVERY day), and I’m now beginning to see some small lines of people at them; when, some number of weeks/months ago now, the testing sites have been vastly under-utilized even when only appearing maybe once a week (I take a spin out in the car every day, just to get out, so I see this on a regular basis since it’s just a block from my house).
So, it’s good that people are trying to do the right thing of getting tested, like especially before summer gatherings I guess, and for any other reason, for the health and safety of themselves and everyone else. As one of the virus-vulnerable, I really appreciate this and wish I had some way to thank people for being conscientious and unselfish.
NYC just issued a warning that people should mask up indoors and for crowded outdoor gatherings. Numbers are up.
He meditates in his way, I meditate in mine. And I often find it hard to do it. So, I don’t have any tips!
That nest is quite a work of art! It’s amazing that birds can do that!
Happy Friday….enjoy the weekend!
A little late for this, but the Highland Park shooting was 10 minutes away from where we lived in Illinois. Have friends in Highland Park who lost their neighbor. So sad😰 We got the news while we were out in San Diego trying to vacation. I just keep thinking what is going on in this world?! It’s almost too hard to take horrific news while we were sitting in one of the most beautiful places in the country. Where will the next one be?, because we know there will be more, unless this country gets its priorities in order! Enjoy your weekend and take care!
Oh no. I’m so sorry, Deb. Are we safe anywhere nowadays?
I find birds nests mini architectural miracles. It would be hard enough to do this with hands — much less beaks and tiny feet!
How do they do it?
Stay safe, Jeanie.