A quick post this morning. When it rains, it pours; this morning Don heard a grinding sound coming from his brakes, so we have to take it in. It’s most likely the rotors. Tomorrow, I have to pay for new tires. And, in a couple of weeks, for a 30,000 mile check-up.
I’m also dealing with some potential weather problems this week – a week in which I have to make it to Hartford, either Thursday or Friday, for a run-through. Tomorrow night we are supposed to get 3- 5 inches of snow which will turn to – you guessed it – ice on Thursday morning. There’s no way I’ll get out of here for a run-through on Thursday. So we have to hope we can clear all the snow and ice out by Friday so I can get to Hartford then.
I briefly considered going there today, but I don’t want to drive there without my new tires on the car and that won’t happen until tomorrow.
And I have to have dental work done in the not-too-distant future.
Suddenly, I’m feeling overwhelmed.
I want to leave you with this quote from Transcription by Kate Atkinson, which takes place (partly) in wartime London – I read it this morning and marked it to share with you:
“The future was coming nearer, one relentless goose step after the next. Juliet could still remember when Hitler had seemed like a harmless clown. No one was amused now. (“The clowns are the dangerous ones,” Perry said.)”
Sound familiar?
This isn’t the cheeriest post, is it? Ah well. Life happens.
Leanne, if you read this, I need your phone number for Barbara – she can’t ship from Canada to the United States without a phone number for customs. I sent you an email last week and haven’t heard from you.
Happy Tuesday.
sorry about those troubles. i don’t wish them on anyone … and then when they come in clumps … ugh! i hope you are pleasantly surprised by the weather. best wishes and prayers on it all and especially for safe travels!
yes, familiar and very scary. “those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it” (wise words attributed to george santayana, edmund burke and other people).
on a cheerier note, that’s a great photo of the dollhouse with the sun shining through! love the sweet window “panes”.
hope you have a good day.
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Kathy!
Sorry to hear about all the uncheery news. Yes…life happens. But, does it all have to happen at the same time, and be bad? You will get through this, as you always do, with grace.
We went from having relatively no snow on Thursday (storm was supposed to go south), to 3”, and now to 5”. I wish it would move south again.
Hope the weather cooperates for your trip to Hartford…fingers crossed! ;)
Fingers crossed, for sure. Thank you, Donnamae.
Oh. My. Gosh. I think we all have times like this. All the expensive things coming at the same time. It feels like being pulled through a keyhole. I’ll be thinking of you.
Thank you, Tana!
wow. what an amazingly pointed and chilling quote from that book.
and I’m so sorry for everything going wrong lately. “this too shall pass” becomes one’s motto!
just be safe In your travels. soon it will be Spring! xoxo
Thank you, Tammy!
I always say, things happen in threes….never seems to fail! Ugh!!
Yeah, the clown is gaining in popularity as of the cnn poll this am…beyond disheartening:( I guess at this point, we need to just be thankful for what we have in our own lives…whether it be big or small.
Stay warm! It’s even cold here in sunny OB!!
Exactly. I have to concentrate on my little world right here and be grateful for all my blessings. Thanks, Priscilla.
Good luck with the weather. Good luck with vehicles. I can totally relate.
Tax time…The state I now live in-don’t ask…horrendous state taxes…
Enjoy your book…sometimes things just make us wonder…when will it get easier…oh yes, we thought that when we were starting out, didn’t we. I continue to enjoy your blog so much. We think alike often.
Thank you, Brenda…in our case, it doesn’t get a whole lot easier. Not even a bit easier!
How odd! I am pretty sure I replied! Will resend tonight if your email isn’t in my Phone (it doesn’t automatically download)
I got your first reply with your address, but not the second with your phone number.
It does seem like when it rains it pours, and living in these uncertain times makes them seem all that much worse. xo Laura
Yes. Especially since we will have a big tax bill again this year because the GOP got rid of the deductions that performers have always had. Thanks, Laura.
During the clown’s SOTU speech, I want a continual loop of his goofing around during National Anthem. Idiot man child. He is never allowed to complain about someone taking a knee, which is NOT disrespectful. HIS goofing around WAS disrespectful. And there are a few chants I would like to hear – in addition to “lock him up” – 1). Racist, rapist – lock him up; 2) Putin lover, America hater – lock him up; 3) Crook, con, grifter – lock him up! This last one goes for the whole rotten family (except the youngest one – and his only salvation will be being sent away to be raised be wolves). That’s all for now. 😀 Your friend.
Amen! Amen! I am with you on all of this. Thank you, Chris!
Hi Claudia,
Good luck with the cars!
I finished The Night Circus the night before last and enjoyed it very much. I think Gary’s going to try it, too. I’d seen the book in the neighborhood Little Free Library, but was busy with other books, so didn’t take it, then forgot. I’m so glad you mentioned liking it so much.
I was wondering if Don ever read the book I’d recommended because it seems tailor-made for him: The Revenge of Analog.
My friend has The Overstory and couldn’t get into it so she’s passing it on to me. I look forward to trying it.
Thanks to all for their book recommendations yesterday!
It IS tailor-made for him and I keep forgetting to tell him about it! Darn! I’ll text him right now and give him the title. Thank you for reminding me, Cara.
Sorry about the car trouble. Some one once said to me when you have a car it is a headache. It does seem when one part goes another one follows. Hope you can get to Connecticut with no weather problems. I saw rain predicted for my area in the middle of the week and 1 to 3 inches of snow on Sunday.
Oh, winter weather can be such a drag! Thanks, Marilyn.
Safe travels. The weather looks grim and you’ll be glad you have those tires. Oh, boy — I’m not sure “Transcription” is what anyone should be reading now. Too close to home.
I can relate to the money issues. Just had the appointment with the financial guy and how long my retirement funds last. Needless to say there will be a whole lotta rethinking going on.
It should be easier at this point, right? Sigh. Thanks, Jeanie!
At the library Sunday, browsing, I glanced at Sinclair Lewis books & saw a title I had never heard of before, It Can’t Happen Here, written in 1935. Couldn’t believe it – the synopsis could be recent history.
So sorry about unplanned car expenses – not fun. Which reminds me, I have to sort out a fitting for an after-market catalytic converter.
Safe travels.
Yes, I’ve heard of that book. I have yet to read it, though. I think I couldn’t take it at the moment!
Thanks, Martha!
As Gilda said, “It’s always something.”
Our (new) furnace went out for the fourth time in four months–and on a night in the teens. “Under warranty” might be my two favorite words!
Oh no! I’m so sorry, Roxie!
Oh Claudia, so many worries for you this week! I so understand. This week, with sunny skies and promising warmth, has suddenly changed and of course, it’s changing on the 2 days I have to drive in to the City. I present at the University tomorrow and then meetings on Thursday. And now it’s going to snow, with predictions of freezing rain ….. the snow has now stopped for tonight so I’m hoping the weather prediction is not going to happen. Wishing you good weather too!
X Chy
Oh, be careful, Chy. Sorry you’re having to deal with this, too. xo
Transcription was quite a book and that quote is just how I’ve been feeling. I’m reading your posts backwards today so I know your car troubles are all fixed. not as rainy today in CT as they predicted so hope you had a safe trip.
Very rainy on the way home last night, Betsy. The rain magically disappeared when I crossed the line into New York. Thank you!