Detroit, the city of my birth, is the home of Vernors Ginger Ale. It originated there. If you aren’t familiar with this uniquely Midwestern soda, I understand. But those of us who grew up drinking Vernors are spoiled and refuse to drink any other ‘supposed’ ginger ale on the market. At one time, I lived just down the street from Vernors’ headquarters.
However, it is a regional delight and I haven’t been able to find it out here in the East. A couple of years ago, I was working in Wisconsin and I discovered that a local store stocked it. I was in heaven. I even wrote a post about it.
If I was visiting my home state right now, you may be sure that I would be stockpiling some Vernors to bring back to the cottage. It’s that good. Years ago, I found some in San Diego, of all places, and when my parents were visiting, my dad made Boston Coolers for us from Vernors and vanilla ice cream. A friend of mine who moved to Ithaca, New York, bought several cases and stored them in his bathtub. We love our Vernors.
I get it. If I had an extra bathtub, I might do the very same thing.
So….the other day I was browsing in a local antique mall. And what did I see? (For pennies, my friends, for pennies.)
This. An oh-my-goodness, incredibly wonderful, calling-my-name vintage Vernors soda crate.
I’ve never encountered one out in this neck of the woods. I had to get it.
Mustardy yellow and red. A nicely battered patina.
Everything else that was on the table? Moved to a new home. Except for Riley’s Dish Garden. That stays.
The other side advertises Squirt.
It’s on the inside of the crate as well. So is the Vernors logo.
My bakelite flatware seems to be made for the crate.
I love it. It’s perfect for our kitchen. After trying all sorts of things on this table, I think I’ve finally found the right mix. Rustic, nostalgic, bright but faded paint and a memory of my childhood – could anything be better?
I’m thinking I need to put some flowers in that vintage Ball jar.
I can see it from my blogging chair in the den and it makes me smile. We love graphics here at the cottage. This may be my best find yet.
I was born in Detroit, Michigan. I lived in the metropolitan Detroit area for 30 years. My parents grew up and attended school in Detroit. This post is a tribute to something that is uniquely Detroit. I must say that my heart is aching for Detroit as this once-proud and thriving city goes through a terrible ordeal. I lived on the edge of downtown Detroit for several years in an area called Lafayette Park and my friend who still lives there assures me that businesses are moving back to the city, young people are renting and buying apartments downtown, theater, the symphony and the opera are thriving, lots of urban farming is happening and that Detroit is far from dead.
I’m banking on it.
Happy Wednesday.
Claudia, The crate looks nice on the beautiful runner on the table. Love the colors together. Doris
Thank you, Doris!
Claudia, I am from Hillsdale, Michigan. Transplanted to AZ when I was just a kid, but that must be why I am a Vernors fan. We can get it here most fo the time, but about six months ago our Walmart stopped carrying it. I have to find a new source now. I can’t drink that other stuff. Now I know why!
Vernors is the best, Casey. I didn’t know you were from Hillsdale!
I am so jealous !!!
Vernor’s was staple at our house when I was growing up. We were allowed to drink it on special occasions (birthdays, holidays and parties) but most importantly Mom warmed it and made us drink it when we were sick.
Something in that magic soda could make a sick tummy feel better or be the festive beverage at a nine year old’s birthday party. I could never get enough.
My “little” sister still lives in Detroit and always brings a case when she and her husband come to visit us in Kansas City. Her husband is not originally from Detroit and does’t understand why my husband (grew up at 7Mile & Woodward) and I are giddy when he brings this in the door.
I’m so glad that you found the crate and will keep it in a place of honor.
Here’s a toast to Vernors and Detroit’s comeback !
My mom gave it to us when we were sick, too, Vanessa. It’s just the best, isn’t it? If I ever see another crate, I’ll get it for you.
Claudia, that would wonderful !!!
Love our Vernors! In my teen years I lived in Santa Clara CA and we used to get it there; still remember my first taste! When we moved to VA 22 yrs. ago I discovered it again at Krogers! Now in MO, only one small grocery store has it, but once a month we drive there and Buy ALL that is on the shelf. It is like nothing else and great on a sick tummy. So happy you found the crate; it looks so at home on your table.
It’s so great for an upset stomach!
You know, this is extremely interesting – my kids bought 2 glass bottles of Vernors at the beach (NC – Outer Banks) last week, and I was like “what is this?!” The bottles are really awesome, my daughter said she only bought it for the bottle (she collects bottles). So now I know and understand the story, thank you!
Do your daughter drink any of it?
What an awesome find! I’m sure you’re smiling every time you look at it!…..
and I was shocked at images I saw in an essay on the state of Detroit not that long ago… so very sad… whole grand theatres abandoned, building after building.. it looked like a ghost town after an apocolypse. I am so glad you are hearing that it is on the rise again.
It breaks my heart, but it’s been a long time coming. I hope that it rises just like a phoenix from the ashes.
So glad you found this crate Claudia ! It looks so neat on your kitchen table along with the Bakelite and canning jar. I’ve never heard of Vernors but do love a good gingerale . Have a great day !!
For me, it’s the ONLY ginger ale!
What a perfect find … I *love it*!
We have ginger ale and ginger beer here, not at all the same as each other, and neither alcoholic. I wonder is US ginger ale the same as UK ginger ale … is it clear or cloudy?
Canada Dry Ginger Ale is clear, Annie. It’s been so long since I had some Vernors that I’m not sure – I think it’s clearish.
I love the box, Claudia! I have never heard of Vernor’s, but oh man, did I ever love to drink Squirt!! :-)
Have a lovely day!
Me too, Martha! You can buy Vernors in Wisconsin, you know!
Yup, Verno’rs is the best…hands down. Love the vignette you created, too. I’m reliving some great memories this morn….thanks for the post.
You are very welcome!
Perfect! Good find, Claudia!
It’s my newest crush, Paula.
I love old crates! And how perfect for you. I have friend from Michigan that raves about Vernors, so I’ve had a chance to try it too. Delicious!
It’s awfully tasty!
What a fun find, Claudia. I’m smiling right along with you.
My first 40 years were spent in the suburbs of Detroit so I can relate to the deliciousness of Vernors. There’s no other ginger ale that can compare :). Now living in NC, it is one of the things I miss about Michigan. Although it pops up occasionally in various grocery stores. No trip home is complete without returning with Vernors and Sander’s hot fudge and bumpy cake.
I hope your friend is right about Detroit being far from dead. It makes me so sad to see what has happened there.
Oh my lord, I forgot about Sander’s Hot Fudge!! Do you remember their creme puffs?? To die for.
Oh yes, I remember them well. Definitely to die for :)
I recently sold one of those in my shop to someone in Massachusetts. She must have been a Detroit girl, too. xo Laura
If you find another one, let me know, Laura!
Oh, Claudia, what a great find!!! Did that make your heart stop for a minute? :-) and now you have me wondering if any of the stores around here carry Vernor’s. I’m in NW Wisconsin and I’ll check it out.
LOVE the crate. So glad you found it.
Yes, it did! I hope you find some Vernors there, my friend.
Vernors!!! I love that stuff! I first heard of it when I lived in the Silicon Valley. The neighbors that lived upstairs gave me some when I went up there to visit. It was hard to find, but now our local market carries it. Nothing compares to Vernors!!
Bakelite story–When we were first living together I lent my boyfriend my picnic box to go to a competition he was in. It was actually my grandparents old picnic tin, complete with their old set of bakelite flateware. He forgot it. It was dark and the event location was over an hour away. His little brother did not see why I was so upset, it was just old junk. My boyfriend took one look at my face, turned around and went and got it. Good man.
Good man, indeed. Bakelite left behind? Go get it. And he did.
I’m sorry to say, I’ve never heard of Vernors…but, I did drink Squirt! Crate looks right at home on the table. Glad Detroit is making a come back….it needs to return to it’s former glory. I remember visiting an ice cream shop….straight out of the 20’s…a long time ago, on a family trip. Really fun! ;)
It will take a long while, but I’m betting for Detroit.
I grew up in Los Angeles in the 50s, and we drank Vernors Ginger Ale. I think it’s still available here, and I will have to check the next time I go to the market. I am sure you can find it on the internet, and have it shipped to your home, Claudia, if you are dying to make a Boston Cooler. We made floats with Vernors and vanilla ice cream, but didn’t know they had a name, so I learned something new today! Congratulations on your wonderful find. I have been looking for a milk bottle from the local dairy that delivered our milk when I was a kid, and have yet to find one, so I think it is awesome that you found something you didn’t even know you were looking for!
I found it on the west coast – perhaps because there are so many people originally from the midwest who moved there?
What a great find, Claudia! I really get it too! Although I was born and raised to junior high in Wisconsin, my family relocated to the greater Chicago area where I spent a good portion of my life and it was then that I discovered Canfield’s 50/50. Like Vernor’s, its regional and for the 18 years since I left the area, the rare times that I drive up there, I bring back cases of the soda….its the only soda I find drinkable :-) Enjoy your find!
Now I just have to find some Vernors!
That is so funny! In 1958 we moved from Michigan to Seattle. We had to leave behind Vernors and pickled bologna. We did not get back to Michigan for a visit for several years, but when we did, we stocked up on both. The Airline Attendents (Stewardess then) laughed at us. We live in Portland, Oregon now and it is available here. Believe me, I still drink it, It is the best!
Now why isn’t it available here?
What a great find — looks perfect in your kitchen! I’ve never heard of Vernors, but love a good gingerale and now make my own (that way it can be really, really heavy on the ginger flavor which I love!!).
Good for you, Vera!
I am so glad for your find! What a treasure!
It is, Debra!
I grew up in and near Chicago. My grandparents had a log cabin on a lake in Michigan, and I remember summers, sitting in a boat, with a cooler full of sandwiches and Vernors.
What a great memory, Nancy.
It’s available on, but it is a little pricey.
I bet!
Oh, Claudia! What a treasure! I would have snatched up that baby in a heartbeat.
I never got out of the Detroit area. My husband retired from GM and it’s so inexpensive and easy to stay in our small, mortgage-free home. We’ve lived here in Ferndale for almost 30 years now. I love this area.
Ha, I just bought a bottle of Vernors for my hubby! We seldom drink pop (I’m surprised you called it ‘soda’!) anymore but for some reason today, it called me…
Love what you’ve done with it, perfect on your table.
Well, I call it soda because I’ve lived far away from the midwest for 30 years now! Everywhere else it’s called soda. But I sure said ‘pop’ when I was living there.
By the way, my late brother lived in Ferndale for many years. Lovely area!
mmmmmmmmmm Vernors!! And nice score on that crate!!
Now, if I could just pop open a can of Vernors, all would be well!
Hi Claudia, I have not read everyone’s comments today as I’m a bit rushed, but when I saw the crate, I thought you could also use it to carry picnic wares to the porch on a lovely day!
Congrats on your perfect find!
Absolutely. In fact I want to find some more of these – the kind that are painted, however. I saw a couple today that were wood with no paint. Something in aqua would be awfully nice.
know this doesn’t belong here but didn’t know where else to put
Have you ever seen the program “Who Do You Think You Are” used to be on NBC and now they’ve resurrected it with new shows on TLC – Tues nights at 9 here – they take celebrities and help them follow their family tree back to whenever – they go back to the sites and places where their ancestors were from, Lisa Kudrow went to Poland, and last night Kelly Clarkson went to Andersonville Prison where her 3x grandfather was
anyway saw on the TLC site that your friend Jim Parsons is going to be on an upcoming episode, don’t know when but you might ck TLC’s site. If it’s on while you’re away maybe record it? Or might be able to watch online
Just thought I’d give you a head’s up. Don’t comment much – but read everyday.
Oh thanks, Diana! I have heard of that program and I’ll try and catch it when it’s on. Love my Jim!
What a treasure! What a find! Your post made me cry–happy tears for the memories I have growing up in Detroit, and sad tears for what the city’s become. I was born and raised there, went to U of M and moved to California after college; I’ve been here ever since (30+ years) but Detroit is still “home”. My dad worked downtown and designed many of the landmark buildings downtown. I have the BEST memories of going back-to-school shopping at Hudson’s with my mom, eating lunch on the mezzanine–Maurice salads! (Heck, I think I even got my first bra there!). I remember their beautiful Christmas displays and mailing our letters to Santa in the big mailbox out front. And Sanders! My dad used to go on Active Duty for two weeks every summer, and the night before he left our tradition was to go to Sander’s for ice cream sodas (remember sitting and spinning on the stools at the counter? And their “Bumpy Cake”? As much as I don’t miss the humidity, I do miss summers in Michigan–going out to the lake, fireworks downtown on the river, and LOTS of Vernors! Thanks for sharing your memories–you made me smile!
Oh my heavens, I forgot about Mourice Salads!! I loved going to Hudson’s downtown at Christmas and eating lunch there with my grandmother. Can you remember what exactly was in a Maurice Salad? I just remember loving them. Loved Sanders, which is the only place I’ve ever been where it was perfectly acceptable for people to stand behind someone who was eating at the counter, just waiting to grab the vacant stool as soon as it was available! And yes, I sure did spin on those stools! I miss the lake, too. My dad’s family had a cottage on a lake in South Lyon and I spent a lot of time there when I was young. Worked as a camp counselor for two summers in northern Michigan. I am very, very fond of my home state.
That connection to you and it’s great color make the crate extra special. It is lovely.
Thanks so much, my friend.
Just realized that I’m sitting here reading and writing…right under a framed map of Detroit that hangs over the couch in our family room, under a sign that reads “Home is where our story begins”.
Oh, how wonderful! I have to get back there, Denise, if only to retrieve some stuff I have stored at my friend’s house – but really to see Detroit and Dearborn and give that whole area a big hug!
Yay for you! I’ve not heard of Vernors. Or that drink you said your father made….may need to check that out too.
You should. It’s awfully refreshing and yummy on a summer’s day.
I’m from Grand Rapids and grew up having Vernor’s and Squirt. You are so right that no other ginger ale tastes the same.
Nope. Once you’ve had Vernors you are spoiled, aren’t you?
Claudia, that crate is so cool, wonderful patina. Growing up in Flint, we too had it, and Mom gave it to me for upset tummies! So sad to see what happened to Detroit, but so happy to hear things are getting better. It is such a beauitful city, and has such historical architecture.
I know. Why the heck they tore down Hudson’s Flagship store in downtown Detroit, I will never know. That was a gem that should have been maintained and honored.
That’s the only ginger ale I drink too here in Ohio. Whenever any of us kids were sick, that’s what my mom gave us to make us feel better. That’s what my kids want now when they aren’t feeling well.
And I know it helps! Gosh darn it, I have to find some around here!
Well first off … My husband has a copy of Riverside Shakespeare from his college days, so that gave me a smile … And secondly, are we related?! My dad adored Vernors Ginger Ale all my growing up years! I feel like its still available here? If not in regular markets, there’s a small specialty one in Eagle Rock that sells all the old sodas and candies of our youth. And I adored Squirt (and Bubble Up) – my mom joined some product review group when I was little and I can remember crates of Squirt in our garage! Gosh, I had forgotten all about that, thanks for the sweet memories.
Love your Vernors crate and all the memories it calls forth. Thinking good thoughts for Detroit.
Happy Wednesday!
A former student of mine lives in Eagle Rock, Sally.
Look…I found the recipe for Maurice Salad! (Gotta love Google! LOL!)
And here’s another one:
Oh thank you so much, Denise!!
Hello!!!! I too am a Vernor’s fan!!! I am born and raised in California (Bay Area) and we grew up with Vernor’s. It was always a special treat. LOVE it!!!! Haven’t seen it in stores lately but it is on ebay and has online sales……pricey though. We also enjoyed Squirt and we do have that still in stores. Funny thing I was just thinking the other day about Bierleys Orange and wondering if it could be found…great stuff!!!!
Love the crate and isn’t it nice when something so simple can make our day!!! I don’t think this younger generation will ever “get” it…things are simply handed to them and then tossed away for the latest greatest.
Enjoy a nice cold one……Vernor’s that is!!!!! and have a great day!!!
I have no desire to ‘toss’ things, Addie! In fact, I hang on to everything!
This is such a neat story…I think the crate was meant for you. Serendipity? Hubby and I fell in love with Cafe Du Monde coffee in New Orleans and I was able to order it on Amazon. They have everything. Yep, I checked, you can order your Vernors there if you want!
Thanks, my friend! It was meant to be – definitely.
I never heard of Vernors but I do like soda crates and that one is so nice..I like the the bright yellow and red..It looks great on your the Bakelite silverware too..There is a local antiques mall here that I go browsing in when I get bored sometimes..the one vendor has soda crates stacked from the floor almost to the ceiling..three or four piles of them..I will check and see if he has any Vernors for you..
Can you check to see if there are any with aqua colors, too, Nancy? I’ve seen a few on other blogs and I’d sure love to have whatever brand soda crate in aqua.
I will gladly check..I have had these crates in the back of my mind for a while as I thought he had such good prices..I want one to put legs on one, make a pillow to fit inside and make it into a cat bed..Now I have a reason to go browsing again..I love going there..It brings back so many memories of the old days..
As a former Michigander my heart breaks for Detroit too. But I’m glad you received a positive report from
your friend-maybe there’s hope yet.
My husband and I owned a gas/convenience store in Thunder Bay, On and our customers loved Vernors
Ginger Ale there too. What a lucky find your crate was since you have such a close connection to the
product. And it’s so cute to boot!
It IS cute. Now, I need a big old swig of Vernors!
How great is that Claudia?! I have seen Vernor’s around, but never really knew what it was. The crate is the perfect addition and the fact that it triggers fond memories even better. Ann
You should try it, Ann!
I am so excited for you! I can tell this crate just makes your day! It looks great on your table! I love to surround myself with things I love and things that bring back great memories! This is both for you! I am sad about Detroit and wish that great city well!
It makes me happy. Funny how a relatively little thing can make one’s day, Linda!
Hi Claudia,
I teach at Wayne State and lived in the midtown area for a number of years. Did you know that Amazon sells Vernors?
That’s what I’ve been hearing today, Gina. Someone said it’s a bit pricey but I’ll have to go look at Amazon. Thank you so much! I used to love to eat at a restaurant called The Snug which was near Wayne State. I have no idea if it’s still there?
It’s still there. It’s called the Traffic Jam and Snug. Popular restaurant for the university crowd!
I live in Cleveland, Ohio and we have Vernor’s ginger ale here too. It is the best ginger ale.
My husband and I went to Dearborn and Detroit on vacation two years ago. I was aware of the bad image Detroit has and yes we did see areas of urban blight however we also saw areas that were clean and full of vibrancy. We were in Detroit at night and felt safe and saw a lot of people out at the restaurants, bars and casinos. Cleveland is also considered a “dying city” but if you live here you know that while we do have a lot of issues that need to be dealt with, there are a lot of wonderful things happening here. I have lived here all my life and love it here. It is exciting to finally see a true rebirth. I always think of Detroit as Cleveland’s sister city and after visiting there I think they are twins. You can pretty much say the exact same things, good or bad, about both cities. Don’t be disheartened by what you hear about Detroit because what you hear is usually just the negative and not about the awesome things that are happening. I have seen some of the documentaries about Detroit and one thing I see is that people there (like here) love their city despite the problems and have the spirit and determination to create a new Detroit. In both cities I feel we have reached the point where we have lost all the population we are going to lose and those of us that have remained are committed to revitalization. Hey, if someone from Cleveland thinks Detroit is a good place to take a vacation it can’t be all that bad!
I do understand about having something from your childhood that evokes happy memories. For hubby it is Tastycake Butterscotch Crimpets. We found some in California once and stocked up on them. I think they’re the worst cake I’ve ever eaten but he loves them.
For me it’s the orange sherbet pushups. When visiting my grandparents when they lived in Ohio, my grandpa would take me to a little nearby store and let me get one. I think they were about a nickel then and I just loved them but now I’m into more “sophisticated” stuff or should I say more expensive. I love Stovers and See’s Candies. Can’t get enough of them but I truly only buy them about once a year. Just don’t need it now. But it does bring back memories as you mentioned things in your post.
Love the crate! I just bought a coke one a few weeks ago.
Did you see my post on the soda showdown? Scroll down to the 2nd to last photo in the post and you’ll see a Vernors bottle. :-)
Don’t think I’ve ever heard of Vernors, nor do I recognize it. On the other hand, I don’t drink any pop, so I’m never in the pop/soda aisle of the store. I love that vintage crate! I would’ve snagged it if I saw it, regardless that I didn’t know what Vernors was!
There are a lot of good things happening in Detroit. Motor City Blight Busters just did a massive cleanup of vacant properties and it is those kinds of non profits that are saving the city. The midtown area and the medical center- Wayne State areas are thriving. Detroit is strong and will be back. I love your Vernors memories :-)