A little ursine story:
Last night around 8 pm, Don was outside. We had been expecting storms but ended up only having a little rain, so I went out on the porch to rehang my hanging plants since the expected big thunderstorms and winds didn’t happen. I then joined Don and we looked toward the mountains at the sunset. We were chatting about this and that, including how beautiful our property was; lots of green grass, flowers and bushes in bloom, a charming porch. I said that this little former farmhouse was exactly what I had dreamed of for so many years. Don took my chin in his hand and said “You did all this. You.” It was lovely.
Keep in mind that we were still facing the mountains/street. A few minutes later, we went back inside the house to watch our evening dose of Northern Exposure. Don was in the kitchen, I gravitated toward the den and checked my cell phone, which I had left inside. There was a message from my next door neighbor.
“Claudia, this is Valeria. I just wanted you to know that there was a bear walking through your property just now. I hope you’re safely in the house.”
I called her right back. Their house is situated further back from the road than ours is, in the same area as our back forty. She said that she had been standing in her backyard with her two cats. One of them started growling. Since an ambulance had just gone by, Valeria assumed the growl was a response to the alarm emanating from the ambulance. But the cat kept growling. She looked up to see what he was growling at and saw a bear walking from the direction of our house, through the back forty, and out into the neighboring field. She, of course, froze in place, just as we do when we see a bear. Once he was gone, she called me on her cell phone.
We had been outside the entire time the bear was walking across the property and had no idea. It was all happening 40 or 50 feet behind us. And, since we were talking, the bear was aware of us.
Don and I had just been talking about that time last year when we saw a bear by our kitchen door. And I remember calling Valeria to warn her when the bear took the same route up through the back forty and out toward the field.
I’m glad we have black bears, who are wary of humans, and keep to themselves. They aren’t aggressive.
I sure wish we had seen him last night.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
Well, it sounds like the bear didn’t want to interrupt a sweet moment between you and Don! A bit disconcerting, nonetheless! Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you, Barrie!
Stay safe.
We are always hearing about someone in our community seeing black bears. One of which was a female with 3 little cubs. People bring in their bird feeders and anything else that attracts them, and they usually just move on. There seem to be a lot more sightings and reports than ever. From the descriptions, it doesn’t seem the sightings are the same bear(s).
I wanted to thank you for mentioning that Amazon is now streaming Northern Exposures. That was one of my favorite television shows when it was still on. I’m delighted that it is available now.
We have been getting lots of rain and we too, are seeing lots of lush green everywhere. Finally put this almost 3 full years of drought on the back burner. Although now, it’s getting to almost be too much rain. I can’t believe I said that, but indications are, by the end of next week, there could be a total of anywhere between 4 to 8 inches of rainfall. And considering the river is borderline flood stage, that is worrying.
Besides the weather, and foremost in my mind, is my father has passed away and his funeral service is on the 20th of this month. He will be buried with Military honors, and I am worried it will be raining, which makes all things related a bit more challenging. I’m praying the rain holds off for the afternoon, but only time will tell.
You don’t need to post this, if you would rather not.
I’m so sorry to hear of your father’s passing, Ranee. May he rest in peace.
Stay safe.
Thank you. Things are coming along okay so far. It looks like it might be lighter/less rain by Thursday. And a bit cooler also. It’s been a long couple of weeks. It’s going to be fine. A simple, but caring service is planned.
We will be thinking of you and your family, Ranee.
oh, dear.
ranee, i am so sorry for the loss of your father. sending much sympathy and many hugs to you (if okay). please take good care of yourself, let people know if they can help in some way or another. i hope you are surrounded by friends with hugs and casseroles/whatever you need and that you are comforted by happy memories, God’s presence and His promises of eternal life.
i will keep praying for you, including that the weather is good for the 20th, and I’ve asked God to thank your father for his military service.
Thank you, Kathy, for your prayers. Things are pretty much in place for the service. It does look like it may be less rain on Thursday and a bit cooler. The rain, as a whole, has been a challenge but God willing, all will go as well as possible. There have been a few other challenges, but we’ve been fortunate enough, for things to fall into place, even when it felt like we were/are up against something insurmountable. That’s prayer at work. I do appreciate your kindness.
Oooh….that’s a little too close for comfort. Glad you were out front…rather than out back.
We had a bear sighting only two short blocks from our house five weeks ago. Someone just discovered it on the backyard trail camera. and now everyone that has one, is checking theirs. There have been quite a few sightings in south central Wisconsin, but this is the closest. While we live surrounded by marsh, a creek, and a small lake on three sides, we still are in the city limits. It makes me want to get a trail camera, too. Of course…do I really want to know what goes on in the dark? lol!
What a sweet moment you had with Don. He’s a keeper! Enjoy your weekend! ;)
Yeah, there’s too much wildlife on our property. It’s best (for me) not to know!
Stay safe.
lol!! ;)
oh, mighty close. too close! glad that you and don are safe, your neighbors are too and that the bear just kept moving on. nice that you all look out for each other.
what a lovely moment with don saying such a sweet thing to (about) you! i know you give him credit, too. i am very happy for you two having found and chose each other. :)
also, thanks for sharing another beautiful photo! i keep hoping that someday you will have a photo book(s) printed of at least your very favorite photos for you to keep (especially if you decide to stop this wonderful-though-time-consuming-and-not-without-cost-to-you blog) and maybe even sell some prints of your photos to people like me. :)
hope you, don and everyone else are in the middle of a great weekend. stay safe and stay cool!
I give him no credit for the gardens, which is what he was referring to. I did all of that.
Thanks, Kathy.
Stay safe.
That is SO cool that you get to see bears on your property!! Glad you and Don are safe!
Thank you, Jenny!
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — WOW!!!!! Never have I seen a bear (of any color!!) except in movies but NOT live in person and do not want to,haha!! one TV station posts pixs when a bear is spotted on their property (surrounded by a wooded area), usually in early spring or late in the fall. glad you don’t have small pets or even big ones. I am assuming you/Don don’t do much exploring in the dark?? stay safe/healthy
They’re really quite beautiful.
Thanks Linda.
Stay safe.
What a story – just the “bear” facts, ma’am. So glad your bear had the good sense to just move on. A little scary, though. Lovely picture – what a gorgeous blue sky. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. You and Don fit together like peas and carrots. Hugs, Elaine
Aw, thank you, Elaine,
Stay safe.
Never a dull moment! A change from the usual squirrels and chipmunks.
Yikes, Yikes, Yikes!! So glad your bears are not aggressive. I wonder what they are looking for when they wander close to humans. Something to eat probably. Do they eat berries, or what?
Food and water, I suppose. We are always aware that we are on their turf. They were here before us.
Stay safe, Tana.
Claudia, what a beautiful moment …what a guy. Those words, and the sentiment behind them will keep you feeling so loved.
The hell with the bear.
Go wrap your arms around your man….
I love bears, too!
Stay safe, Maria.
OK. I have to stop reading so fast. At first I thought you wrote “A little urine story.” Well, anything goes on a blog, so I’m in (and I do have a bad cat) so tell me more! Oh! OK — I get it!
That’s a pretty creepy experience in the after-look. I’m glad he left you alone!
He was probably scared of us.
Stay safe.