Current puzzle: difficult and slow going, partly because I’m outside when I can be so I’m not devoting as much time during the course of a day to it as I did during the winter and partly because… it’s difficult.
I’m sure you’ve noticed that, as of today, I have stopped using the pandemic day count as the title of my post. I was meditating this morning and I felt a clear direction to stop and move forward. So I have. In the end, making the decision was simple. Of course, now I have to go back to thinking up a title for each post, but I did it for twelve years, so I guess I can do it again!
The endless rain has stopped, at least until Saturday, when more is predicted. Both Don and I are ready to get back outside. I think a good portion of the day today and Friday will be taken up with mowing. I’m also going to prune some bushes today and do whatever else seems indicated before we mow in the afternoon (we have to give the grass some time to dry.) The two rivers that run through our neighborhood are very high at the moment and quite loud. I can see the tiny beginnings of leaves forming on the catalpas, which are always the last trees to leaf out and everywhere else there is green, green, green.
It’s been a long time coming.
Today is my brother’s birthday. He would have been 74. He’s been on my mind a lot lately. I miss him. Happy Birthday, Dave. It’s also the birthday of his youngest son, Eric, who lives in Chicago. I got to spend some time with Eric when Don was touring in Margaritaville.
Okay. Time to get a move on!
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
Well, I hope our rainy weather doesn’t move your way! It’s not coming down right now but they say today and tomorrow. It’s getting old, isn’t it?
Beautiful puzzle — I can see why it’s a tough one but it will be so lovely when it is done.
So, today I think I’ll head to the garage and fill pots with clean dirt in anticipation of getting some new plants next week. And I do need to transplant some of my lettuce, or at least thin it out well. It’s nice to see it coming on! It’s so gloomy, motivation is low! I hope you are more productive than me.
It’s coming – on Saturday.
Gloomy is hard, isn’t it?
Stay safe, Jeanie!
You need to pack that rain up and send it to California. Boy, we could sure use it. Only .40” here since Mid-March, and much less in other parts. We have half of average rain this year. Back to back less than average rainy years. Already lots of fires….it is going to be a long long summer. Plus the pollen is off the charts due to no rinsing rain. Everything outside is yellow. I have had the worst allergies in 35 years of living here. Climate Change is here.
Wish I could send you some rain!
Pollen is pretty crazy here, as well. I could see it floating through the air when we were mowing.
Stay safe, Janet.
Another beautiful puzzle. I am happy we had rain but the tornadoes not so much! We were lucky here but ATL got some damage. I’ve had such a busy week with Mom and her health issues. It really is hard to plan my days at times. But I’m blessed to be able to be with her and care for her at this time in her life. Hurrah for a title again. It does signal a moving forward from the pandemic to me. Life feels a bit more normal every week now. Still very careful but moving forward. I know how I miss my brother so send you Hugs!
Those tornadoes were scary!
I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s health issues, Linda. I know that must be so stressful.
Stay safe, Linda!
I have some cuttings that need potting up, so I will try to use you as an example. It is rainy and gray here in the Seattle area. Big news, huh?!! But we are going green too. It is lovely. We had a couple of days with sunshine and it was so weird! back to normal.
I think it’a a good thing I live where there’s a lot of sunshine – I couldn’t handle rain all the time!
Stay safe, Jan!
someday you’ll all share cake and celebrate together in heaven. in the meantime, i wish you all peace and hope you’ve done something today to mark the occasion and to have fun. and happy birthday to your brother in heaven.
great start to the puzzle. is it by john derian? it’s beautiful!
glad you’re getting a break from rain and can get outside. i’ll take the rain!
i am not good at meditating … my thoughts just keep whizzing around, even when i’ve done something active beforehand or been tired. maybe i need to try harder? more often? longer? or maybe it’s just not my thing …?
hope you’re having a good night.
kathy in iowa
ps … happy birthday to your nephew, eric.
kathy in iowa
Thank you, Kathy.
Yes, it’s a John Derian puzzle.
Rain is nice, but it limits what I can do in the garden and on the property, which, at this time of year, is not good!
I’m not good at meditating either. It takes practice and it’s very hard for me. I also call it praying. It’s the same thing.
Stay safe.
So glad to see the pandemic day count title gone. I found it a bit depressing. You’re moving on as we all must. Get those vaccines and pray the recent wave begins to ebb.
Well, it’s certainly relevant for my friends in India, and those who are witnessing the infection of their loved one here and abroad. For their sake, I kept it up. And I still keep count in my planner and will until it is less and less of a global threat.
Thanks, Heather.
Stay safe.