I’m moving rather slowly. I slept in today, and while I’m very grateful for the much needed extra sleep, I’m also very groggy. But I’m enjoying a nicely slow morning, that’s for sure.
I coached for about two hours yesterday, not all that much when you look at it in terms of hours, but a lot in reality, as coaching is very, very concentrated work. All of the actors in Jane Eyre have been delightful to work with, very open to my suggestions, and very professional, including the two young girls who play Adèle/young Jane.
I’m not working on Jane Eyre today. I’ll most likely work with Jim either today or tomorrow.
We have a primary on Tuesday, but New York has early voting now, so we’ll probably vote in the next couple of days. Don has jury duty next week, so we can’t know if he’ll be available to go to the polls on Tuesday. He’d actually like to be selected, so I hope he is.
Today? Vacuuming (my heavens, it’s been too long!) and maybe some weed trimming. It’s so dry here that barely anything is growing right now except for some weeds on the edges of the Secret Garden.
Last night? Rain predicted, heavy rain coming from the northeast. Can you guess what happened?
Yep. Nothing.
Time for a bit more coffee.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
Love the picture…have a good day.
Thank you, Brenda!
Stay safe.
I love a slow morning when you can just lay low, take it one step at a time. Nothing wrong, just mellow.
We had a lovely day yesterday when I took Rick’s mom to visit a lavender farm. Much of the bloom had been harvested but it was interesting, it was different and a break in the action. I’m not used to company for so long and we’ve been pretty much “here.” So, “away” was a bonus! Today should be beautiful and a good day for a swim. I did that yesterday when we got back and it felt wonderful!
I love that you have early voting. I wish we did — but absentee will do the trick.
Have a wonderful day!
Sounds like the perfect day, Jeanie!
Stay safe.
lovely flowers and porch. lovely photo.
if he wants, i hope don gets chosen for jury duty.
and that you get some rain soon.
glad you can have a slow start. hope you have a good day.
i was awake until after 3:30 this morning (ugh) so am taking a slow start here, too. grateful to be able to do that.
been cooler here. yesterday was 84 at most, with some days this week not expected to reach 80. for august in iowa (and while the state fair is on), that is weird … and a relief.
happy thursday! stay safe.
No rain yet. It’s truly unbelievable!
Sorry for the early wake up. I understand!
Stay safe.
Praying for rain for you. It’s so dry in Nebraska too, the pastures look brown and sad. The cattle farmers are most likely going to have to feed hay soon.
It’s dreadful here. There might be some rain next week, but I’ve learned to be wary about the forecast.
Stay safe, Darlene.
First and only time I was selected for a jury resulted in a two-month-long case to be tried, every single day, mostly long days hearing a lot of testimony, wasn’t allowed to talk to anybody about it, then we deliberated for four days to a felony conviction. I was working in those years; it was really creating havoc in my life and for my job. It was important, but I hope I never have to do it again. Frankly, everybody should serve at least once, but it’s not pleasant; the case I had to be a juror on was about child molestation, and they put the child on the witness stand. I had to travel in a jail bus to the scene of the crime. Needless to say, this whole thing was a life-altering/life-affecting experience for me. With Don’s good attitude about serving, I just hope he gets selected for a case that is less harrowing.
Yes, I was serving on a jury in San Diego when I met Don. Long trial, very tedious – eventually they settled out of court.
The last time I was called – in the county we live in – I called in every night and they never needed me.
Stay safe, Vicki.
A few hours of coaching with that kind of focus must be exhausting. The fact that your students were receptive says a lot about how skilled you are.
Thank you Kay!
Stay safe.