I had no photos, so I just shifted in my chair and took this.
It’s a lazy morning after a very busy weekend. We’re tired. So we’re taking it easy today.
Alas. Our Mets lost last night. I had a feeling they might. We’re so proud of everything they accomplished, which was far more than predicted. We’ll miss watching them this season. They’ve been a source of joy in the stressful period leading up to the election. Thank you, Mets, for everything. We’ll be anxiously awaiting Spring Training.
I grew up a fan of the Detroit Tigers. Then, I lost interest for many years until Don and I became fans of the San Diego Padres. Then, when we moved out east, the Red Sox became our favorite team for many years, but unless they were playing the Yankees we didn’t get to see them. Eventually, I started watching the Mets. I love the broadcast team; Gary Cohen, and former Mets Ron Darling and Keith Hernandez. They’re smart and funny and they don’t talk for the sake of talking. If I have one pet peeve it’s the color guys who can’t shut up. I muted the Fox team during this playoff series. Endless, non-stop talking instead of just letting the game be. They should embrace the moments of quiet, as there frequently are during baseball, which is essentially a pastoral game.
Anyway, no offense intended for those of you who are fans of the Yankees and the Dodgers, but they happen to be the only two teams I truly dislike. And here they are in the World Series. I guess if we have to cheer for one it will be the Yankees, as they’re a NY team. We need some more distraction as we head toward November 5th.
Early voting here in NY State starts on October 26th and goes through November 3rd. We’ll probably vote on the 28th, avoiding the weekend crowds. I read something quite interesting about early voting. Voting early helps those who canvass for the candidates; they will know when you’ve voted and once that has happened, they can direct their last minute “Get out the vote” energies to other voters. We usually wait until election day, but this year, we’ll vote early. It makes sense.
I was finally able to move all the plants back to the porch yesterday. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep them going, but it was 77 degrees yesterday and it will be 81 degrees tomorrow. (What the??) Then it will get cold again. We’ve had a rollercoaster of changing weather lately.
I’m reading A Stranger in the Family, Jane Casey’s newest mystery. She’s one of my favorites. Then I’ll read another Greg Hurwitz. And Louise Penny’s newest will ship to me next week. But you know me, I always delay that pleasure. I deliberately wait to start it because I know I’ll have to wait another year or two until the next book in the series, and I want to prolong the experience.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
sorry about your mets. hopefully next year. just like your flowers, other plants and spring.
early voting here started october 16. i’m delivering our absentee ballots this afternoon and that will feel good.
nice view of your cozy den. i love seeing stacks of books and what people read, also that scalloped frame and the “please return book” holder!
glad you have plenty of books to read and a new louise penny book on the way.
i am (as you’ve heard) a one-book-at-a-time reader. always. i know that about myself. so why didn’t i consider that for all the knitting and cross-stitching (x-s) i need/want to do?!? instead, because i’m excited to work on all the x-s presents, i rushed and made mistakes in the knitting, had to rip out and re-do many rows … twice. ugh. lesson finally learned and now the x-s will wait until i am done knitting. six and a half dishcloths to go so it’s a good thing these presents are for Christmas next year. :)
hope you all have a good day and stay safe.
So frustrating when you have to rip out stitches, Kathy!
Stay safe.
It’s definitely nice to have an interesting diversion during this election time! I was rooting for the 49ers yesterday, but the Chiefs won…darn! It looks like the weather is going to be beautiful today, the sun and blue skies are out. I took a brisk walk and it felt really nice. Enjoy your reading!
Thank you, Barrie. I will!
Stay safe.
Yup, sports has been a great distraction for sure. This minute we decided to watch a Harris and Cheney at a town hall in Brookfield here. The orange menace continually calls her “stupid” and I don’t understand how anyone can listen to her and think she is stupid. So glad there’s only two weeks left. I think our collective blood pressure is through the roof right now.
This warm weather is certainly a great bonus. Without the blustery rainy weather, the beautiful orange and yellow trees are keeping their leaves longer. It’s such a joy to drive through the village these days.
Take care,
I feel like he’s taken years off our lives.
Stay safe, Kay.
This is the first time CT has had early voting and I thought it was great! The line was shorter, the voters in line were all polite and no one was bashing candidates which often happens when we’re standing in a long line outside waiting to get to the voting machines. Very happy with the new!! Now, keeping my fingers crossed and praying for the good outcome. without any wild chaos from the person who I can not name.
And yeah, the weather is nutty.
I can’t wait to vote, Betsy!
Stay safe.
We’re also sorry the Mets didn’t go all the way. I won’t be watching the World Series. I’m not a fan of either team. I agree with you, Claudia, about excellent baseball announcers. I absolutely love the SF Giants radio and TV announcing team. And I agree with you about the Fox announcers. I usually mute the TV when the game is on Fox and tune my radio to the “real” Giants announcers.
Enjoy your books. I went overboard and reserved too many books. I checked out six last week and will pick up the other eight today.
We did the same thing. We ended up listening to the radio feed of the Mets. So much better, Wendy!
Nothing awful about having a lot of books on hand, Wendy. Enjoy!
Stay safe.