7:30 am on Saturday.
The cranes are back, people are shouting, the street is blocked off, more lifting and constructing.
It’s Saturday.
I know what’s going to happen. This whole project will be over just as I’m leaving town next Saturday.
I guarantee it.
I’m missing my little house in the country.
I’m also feeling guilty because Scout seems to be very, very sore and I think it is because of her runs earlier in the week. Did I let her do too much? Should I have curtailed her activities? Was I irresponsible?
But she was so strong and happy and joyous. I could tell she was tired after the last run, so I decided she needed to stop that for a while. Today, she is clearly in pain. I’ve given her medicine. She was fairly okay last night but when she woke up this morning she was hurting. I don’t know whether it’s the way she slept or the fact that Scout has never liked it when we’re gone at night, and since I’ve been at the theater the last few nights, she gets stressed and ends up on the floor by the door to the apartment where she can’t get up. I know that is hard on her.
She finally went back to sleep just now. Oh, my girl, stay strong.
It’s been a strange 24 hours. Yesterday, I hit my head on a low ceiling near the stage in the theater, which really hurt. Then, as I was walking home, I tripped on a pipe sticking up out of the sidewalk (why it was there, I don’t know) and before I knew it, I fell into the street. There was water and muck there from the rain of the previous day. I fell on my right side, bracing myself with my right wrist. Miraculously, I didn’t break anything. I was covered in mud, my bag got dirty, I scraped my palm and bruised my elbow and hip. There was a lady walking nearby and she ran over to me, but I managed to get up right away. It could have been much worse. If there was traffic in that lane, I would have been severely injured. As it was, I am very sore and last night during the show, my wrist started hurting a great deal. Today, it’s a bit better. I don’t think it’s sprained, just sore. Thankfully, when I fell, I had no time to tense, I just went with it and I think that helped me a great deal.
I was shaken by the whole thing and told Don I felt very vulnerable.
I hope today brings some relief for both of us, especially Scout. Healing thoughts, energy, white light, prayers – whatever your preference, send some Scout’s way, okay?
Happy Saturday.
I am so sorry——praying that you both have a better weekend!!!
Thank you.
Sure hope you don’t have any lingering problems from your fall. It’s very scary when we fall and I also feel vulnerable after a fall.
Sure hope Scout gets over her muscle aches,
Thank you, Carol Ann.
Claudia, I hate that you and Scout are in pain. You are right that fall could have been much worse. Thank God no traffic was there. Hoping things work out well. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
Thank you, Susie.
So very sorry you special gals are in pain – thankfully neither of you have broken anything but I know that falling is always frightening, and of course getting up can be difficult and painful. Hope this weekend brings time to rest Claudia – sounds like you and Scout need to just relax and do as little as possible. Wish I was close by to help with the mundane. Actually my Sat. afternoon, instead of heading out in the brilliant sunshine, is going to be spent in the MRI ‘tube’ – guess I need to choose my music while those magnets do their investigation. Yes those lovely techs actually work on weekends doing these big old tests – only in America though! Meanwhile, I share your pain and pray you will feel better soon.
Hugs to you and Scout xoxoxoxo
We are relaxing today, Mary. I’m grateful that Scout is finally sleeping.
I am thinking of you today, my friend, as you undergo the MRI. Prayers for healing, dear one.
Sending prayers to both Scout and you. I know that a fall like that takes awhile to heal from. Poor Scout, it’s hard to let her have the joy of running and then seeing the pain of the over activity. You’ll see Don soon and that should help both of you.
Yes, that will definitely help both of us – and Don, too.
Praying for you both! Hoping as the day goes on, you both begin to feel better. Hate for this to happen to you both while you are alone.
Take care!
Darling Judy, thank you for your prayers. Mine are with you and John. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call, dear friend.
oh my!!! boy..you sure made this an ADVENTURE!!! healing thoughts for both YOU and SCOUT!! God bless dear friend!!! maybe a little epsom salt soak is in order!! (IF you have a tub, and not just a shower!!)
I soaked in an epsom salt bath last night, Sharon. It really helped.
Oh, Claudia, I’m sad that it’s been so difficult for you both in Hartford this time. I’m also relieved that your fall wasn’t any worse than it was. Sending prayers and healing thoughts to both of you!! Stay strong and it will soon be over. xxoo, Martha
Feeling better today, Martha. The wrist isn’t hurting nearly so much. It’s Scout I’m worried about. Thanks for your prayers.
What on earth is a pipe doing sticking up out of nowhere? I’ve fallen before…and you are right….it does make one feel vulnerable. Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way…and for Scout too. You are going to need a vacation from your trip! I know of a lovely white cottage…. ;)
If I was litigious, I would sue them. It’s so unsafe – what if someone broke a hip?
Though this trip has been wonderful in many ways, it’s time to be getting back home.
Hope you and Scout feel better soon. Its no fun to be hurting and being away from home seems to make it worse. Hugs to you both!
Thank you, Nancy.
Sending positive and healing thoughts to you and Scout.
Thank you, Kathy.
Poor Scout, poor you. That’s not supposed to be part of your adventures.
I hope you are both able to take things a bit easier today.
Sending you both a hug. :D
We’re both resting. I don’t have to be at rehearsal until 3:15. Another preview at 8 pm.
I know you don’t like taking oral meds but take something for inflamation Tylenol or Aleve or something it will help you to heal better not just mask pai n
So sorry for you and scout hurting today – hopefully you can get some rest soon. Prayers for you both.
I took some Tylenol this morning. And I had a bath with Epsom Salts last night. Both have helped a great deal. Now, I want Scout’s pained to be erased. That’s my prayer.
Spoken like a loving and kind mother. ☺️
Brightly radiant prayers laden with encouragement and healing for you and Scout,Claudia!
Thank you, Grace.
Darn – a bady day! Sending many prayers and healing thoughts to you and Scout. Hope she is feeling better today and you too!
I’m feeling better. I don’t know about Scout. Still very sore, I think.
Oh my, positive vibes being sent your way for both of you!!! Thankfully, the fall was not worse than it was. Perhaps call a city official and give them a piece of your mind—WHY would a silly pipe be exposed on a public sidewalk? A nice warm soak in either a tub or shower is in order after work today! It is a good thing your sweet hubby is due in town tomorrow. He will make things all better :-) Keep your chin up, soon it will all be just a memory to look back on and you will be back in the country in your lovely cottage nest.
I was thinking of taking a picture of it and sending it to them – that should be corrected immediately.
I really think they should be made aware of it Claudia..if only to save someone else from pain or worse..you could have fell into a vehicle if there had been traffic!!..It makes me angry that you have to go through this because of someones neglect!
Oh Dear Claudia..and things were going much better..I wish you could just pack up and go home and be comfy and happy again..and poor dear Scoutie girl..It’s hard to say what is right for her..it would be hard to deny her the chance to run and play like a puppy again..but then to see her in pain from doing it is hard too..I know you enough to know that you are more worried about her than you are about yourself..Sending all the power of wishful thinking to both of you..and the warmth of hugs to go with it..
It’s a tricky time. I don’t like seeing her in pain, though the Rimadyl I gave her seems to have helped. But to deny her that joy? I don’t think I was capable of doing that, for what it’s worth.
I totally agree..Just think of the happiness she felt while she was running..To stop her would be like someone saying to us..”You’re to old to be doing that.”
Thanks Nancy, that makes me feel better. No matter what, and I do get twinges of guilt about it, I saw her excited and happy and I wouldn’t deny her that for anything. And it’s not as if I made her run, she instigated it all on her own. Every time. But, I want her to feel better now. Maybe a visit from Dad will help!
I think a visit from Dad will help everyone..including Dad..Can’t wait to hear about it!!
Poor you and poor Scout, sending healing thoughts your way, hope your next week will be better and you both will be home soon, big hugs xx
Thank you, Caroline.
Tender, loving thoughts for both of you. ((((( Hug )))))
Thank you, Nancy.
I’m so sorry that both you and Scout aren’t at your best. Poor Scout. Getting old isn’t any fun. I took a fall like yours a couple of years ago. I scraped my face up fairly badly and ended up at the doctors getting gravel cleaned out of my cheek. Take care of yourself and try to pamper yourself as much as possible. One week to go and you’ll be in your sanctuary.
I just might have some hot chocolate when I get home from rehearsal this afternoon, Betsy. And another hot bath tonight.
Sending healing thoughts to you and Scout. I know you would both like to be back home.
Except for the endless cold I had and worry about Scout, the time here has been very nice. But, it’s been over a month now, so we’re ready to go home.
Oh no, falls are so scary – especially at our age. And OUCH on the head bump! And poor Scout. You girls are certainly a pair :) Sending prayers your way, for both of you.
Those Hill-Sparks girls need a nice vacation!
Sending my best to both of you.
Thank you, Veronica.
So sorry you fell and Scout is hurting. I’m saying a prayer for you both. Tylenol and an Epson salt bath are good. I’m sure it’s rare that you take meds so don’t hesitate to take something stronger. You want to break that pain connection, if it last more than a few days. May the rest of your and Scouts week be a good one. Prayers and blessings, Patty Mc
Thank you, Patty. I’m feeling much better today. Yesterday was painful. Today = Much less pain!
Good grief, you two sure are having a time there in Hartford. Maybe your hotel was built over an old Indian burial ground? LOL. Seriously, sending all good thoughts and healing vibes to you and Scoutie-girl. Take it extremely easily for the next few days whenever you can. PS – a pipe sticking up out of a public sidewalk? Hmmmm. Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to be filed. Hey, maybe this is your ship coming in, Claudia. Lots of fun to think about anyway – LOL. Feel better soon.
If I had been injured and required a doctor’s care, I would think about it. But I’m okay. I did take a photo of it – it just pokes a little out of the cement, but it’s enough to cause an accident if you don’t see it. I’m going to send a note to the City of Hartford telling them they had better put an orange cone or something there.
You know, I fell a few times when I was in my 20’s / 30’s and just laughed about what a klutz I was. But when you are over 60 and fall you DO feel vulnerable INSTANTLY. It isn’t a good feeling in any way, shape or form.
Sweet Scout~ !! ~ Rimadyl helps ours when they over-do, also. I just bet when she sees her Dad tomorrow night it will make huge smile appear on her face!!
I know what you mean about ready to be home. Just think how quiet it will be!! Back to your own “stuff”, in your own chair, your own bed, and getting back into a routine is good for the soul. At least I know it is for mine.
Sending you both thoughts and prayers for peace and a little joy in the rest of your day, and safe travels to see (and retrieve) Don tomorrow eve. Take care!!
We’re resting today. I dropped off notes for the actors at the afternoon rehearsal. I’ll watch tonight’s show and I just might take tomorrow off. The show’s in really good shape and I have to get a few groceries and hang out with Scout before I head to New Haven to see Our Town.
Oh, Claudia, so sorry to hear about your fall and Scout’s soreness! Falling can be very scary as it all happens so quickly and without warning! Hope you are both feeling better; get some rest.
I am feeling much better. Scout is a wee bit better. We’re taking it easy but I have to work tonight.
Have you ever used Rymadal(sp?) for Scout? You have to get it from the vet and it is about $1.50 a pill but it was a miracle drug for our older dog! When she had sore legs we would give her a half a pill and she would be so much better in the morning…..only have to use it when she needs it….not all the time. It was actually patented for humans first and then Tylenol etc. came on the market people quit using it because of the cost….
Yes, we’ve used Rimadyl for both Riley and Scout. I gave her half a pill this morning and will give her another tomorrow morning. Thanks!
Hi Claudia,
I hope you’re feeling better. Falling is never good but like you said it could have been a lot worse.
I have arthritis and there are times I do things I enjoy knowing I will be sore afterwards. I want to live my life to the fullest and would rather be sore than miss out on some fun. I think dogs are very much like us and something tells me Scout might be sore and needs to take it easy for a day or two but I think she had a blast and would do it again in a split second.
Hope you and Scout have a great time with Don. Best medicine ever…….
She tried to chase a squirrel just now when we were in the park. I stopped her. But her impulse to do it made me happy
Oh Claudia, I’m so very sorry about your conked head and falling down!!! I tripped over a concrete parking space bumper in a dark parking lot twenty some years ago and my face took the brunt of the fall since I was completely unexpecting anything in my path and I broke one of my front teeth. :( It happened so quickly, my brain couldn’t process it, I thought I’d been mugged at first. Hoping you feel less battered and bruised very soon and Don can provide TLC tomorrow to both his girls.
Thinking of you! xo
Oh Claudia, I’m so sorry that it has been a bad couple of days. I’m sure being away from your cozy home has taken a toll on your and Scoutie. Saying a little prayer right now.
About a year ago, our little Yorkie’s one leg just went out on her. We went to the vet and he did x-rays and showed us that her knee cap was going in and out of place. He said she needed surgery. It took us awhile to save up the money for the surgery. At one point for a few days she had both her legs give out on her. Then all of a sudden she was just fine and without the surgery. She has a a collapsed trachea and in continence as well. She is only 10. But you should see her when we come home or she thinks it’s time for her to eat. She dances a jig, jumping like crazy.
Hoping Scoutie will be back to normal soon. I know she is an elder but sometimes they amaze us.
I’m so sorry that both you and Scout are hurting. Please don’t think you were irresponsible with your dog because you let her run and play in the park. She was feeling good at the time and that was what she wanted to do. If she hadn’t have felt like running like she did, she wouldn’t have done it. She was obviously up for it at the time. You are far from an irresponsible pet owner. Sending healing thoughts and prayers to both of you.
Sending warm thoughts and hugs to you and your dear Scout and a prayer for comfort to the King of comfort and grace in Heaven.
Very glad that you are OK! I fell like that last Thanksgiving weekend. Nothing broken but missed two days of work.
Sending many positive thoughts Scout’s way!
OMG how horrible, now you and the dog are both sore. So sorry for all this! Hang in there soon you will be home.
Claudia! I’m a little behind with my blog reading and so late with my best wishes. I hope by now that you are both feeling less sore and less vulnerable. Falls are so awful, even if physically you escape the worst, they linger in your psyche.