What a day yesterday!
It rained a lot. A real lot. By the early afternoon we were under a tornado watch as tropical storm Debby started to blow through the Hudson Valley. The rain was torrential, scarily so, and it went on for hours. My phone went off once with a flash flood warning and then, about a half hour later, another alert: Tornado Warning. Oh boy. It was for the next twenty minutes and after some searching, I found it was for the county just south of us and we were included in the warning, because we’re just over the border.
All is well, obviously. We passed the deadline for the warning. The rain continued until about 7 pm.
We very seldom get tornado watches or warnings. The last time I can remember was about 3 or 4 years ago.
Did I say we needed rain?
Well, we got it.
Thanks, Mother Nature.
A very intense day. Today is beautiful and sunny, like nothing ever happened.
We’re lucky. We never lost power. I know there’s a lot of damage in the Hudson Valley and CT and further north. No damage here. The trees are fine. The sump pump kept working – for a while there it was going on and off every minute.
I have so much catch up work to do outside. Weeds to trim, pull. Grass to be mowed. But today is just too darned wet, so I’ll wait a day.
I have a feeling little Wren’s arrival will be delayed. There is no update on the tracking number. I imagine lots of flights were delayed/cancelled yesterday.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
Good to get rain, but I’m glad you are safe!
Enjoy the weekend!
Thanks so much, Ellen!
Stay safe.
Glad that you’re safe and well. I went to the cinema last week with my son as I wanted to see Twisters, the film about tornadoes. We remarked afterwards about how commonplace extreme weather conditions can be in the States.
We are having a summer which alternates between days of rain and then a couple of days of warmth. This has been perfect for the brambles in my garden to take hold. It’s taken ages for me to cut them back, especially around my greenhouse which was beginning to look like Sleeping Beauty’s Castle! The branches had pushed out a couple of the perspex windows and invaded inside!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend
Brambles can be a real pain! They’ll take any opportunity to invade, won’t they?
Stay safe, Dee Dee.
Continue to be vigilant…I know you are. Hope the clean-up goes well and there isn’t additional rain to impede your work. Glad you and your property are fine.
The past couple of weeks have been our usual weather pattern…foggy mornings burning off to warm sunny afternoons. But the fog burns off so late (early afternoon) that there’s not enough time for the earth to retain any heat. So, it’s been very cool evenings. Same thing today but we’re heading about 40 minutes south, where it will be very hot. There’s a stone and tile shop I want to check out for my bathroom renovations. These microclimates are incredible — an increase of 10-15 degrees just moving a bit south or east, away from the bay.
Keep safe in the heavy rains.
The weather is perfect today, Wendy.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
happy to hear that you got some much-needed rain, the sump pump kept working, the power stayed on and you didn’t have to go to the basement, the tornado stayed away! also that you can take today off.
and miss wren will be home soon. :)
a lot of things line up to do here on saturday mornings (as if we’re all still working jobs when bigger or longer chores were left to weekends … haha … so glad to be retired!). also glad that most of those things are already done.
been looking for art of a specific size and orientation to fit a certain spot in my living room. no luck with that yet, but did sort of make something to go in my bathroom. it’s needed something to balance and distract me from the 1950-minty-green and black wall tiles and the three-green tiles on the floor. looked through an art book, found an image, photocopied it, cut it out, put it on some kraft paper and into a frame i already had, artist’s credit noted on the back. done and inexpensive and i like it and i won’t cry if the humidity from showers ruins it. might make a couple more so the bathroom looks more like most other rooms in my place for having lots of art on the walls. art brings happiness for me. :) so does listening to jimmy on “radio margaritaville” … sometimes several songs before bedtime, other times just one to get a song in my head. can’t believe it’s almost a year since he had to leave.
hope you all have a wonderful weekend, spent just as you want. stay safe.
ps … thanks, claudia, for posting yesterday’s photo of the rose of sharon. it helped me to identify flowers i see in huge bushes all along the fence of a house nearby. same happy pink color and wide blooms, beautiful.
Don really misses Jimmy. He still can’t believe he’s gone. Just as a guy we talked to, not even as a performer, he had so much energy! Can’t believe that energy is no longer here on Earth.
Stay safe, Kathy.
so happy that you and don had those opportunities to spend time and talk with jimmy and he with you, human being to human being. as someone who doesn’t chase after famous people but wished for a chance to meet jimmy and tell him “thanks very much”, i can say “same, don. same here.” the thought of never going to another one of his concerts between now and heaven is a sad thought for me … but, don, may the thought, the fact that jimmy chose you to be j.d. always bring a smile to your face and much happiness to your heart.
sending hugs and hope you tune into “radio margaritaville” and listen to your “etm” cast album, too.
ps … i know, as a follower of Christ, that life goes on after our earthly bodies pass on. that’s all i need to know that in my heart, because that i’s one of God’s promises … but, from a scientific point of view, energy doesn’t die or stop or disappear … so carry on, jimmy (as do my mother, grandparents, pets …)! :)
Glad you got some rain…and then some…but definitely scary regarding the weather warnings. I’ve seen lots of pictures on the news of the areas having devastating damage. I remember as a kid at my grandparents in Grand Rapids once…there was a warning of some kind that was really scary. Glad you’re safe. That probably calls for another slice of apple pie, too! Enjoy the weekend!
It’s not my first tornado warning, but it’s still scary.
Stay safe, Barrie.
So glad you survived the rain and tornado warning too. We’re getting rain, wind and cold today — Debby leftovers, maybe. In any event, a good day to be in and watch Olympics!
Happy weekend!
I think Debby’s leftovers went northeast from us and out to sea.
Enjoy the Olympics!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I am glad all is well and your home suffered no damage. I hope you and Don do not have any more large storms in your area.
Take Care,
Thanks so much, Kaye.
Stay safe.
Yesterday sounds very scary, Claudia. Glad you and Don are safe and there was no property damage. You needed today to relax before you tackle the garden chores. Take care. Hugs, Elaine
Thank you, Elaine.
Stay safe.
Glad you made it through Debby with no damage. The flooding has been horrific all the way up the coast. We’re enjoying a spate of cool – low 70’s – weather. Kind of a preview of fall and I’m loving it!
Saturday was our 39th anniversary and our sons drove up with a bottle of wine and a cheesecake. Nice to know everything you go through raising kids eventually pays off leaving you with well-mannered, interesting adults who you really enjoy socializing with :-)
Take care,
Happy Anniversary, Kay! So nice that you got to spend it with your sons.
Stay safe.