My girl.
Scout has tons of personality and has always had a dash or two of eccentricity, as well. The eccentricity? I believe you will find it in her mom and dad, too. I’m a great believer in eccentricity.
Since her brother died last summer, she has been more vulnerable, more needy. She misses Riley. And on top of that, Don and I have been gone for weeks at a time for our work. Much of the time since December, she has had only one parent around. This does not make her happy. Or feel secure.
She has this behavior that crops up occasionally. When she’s not all that thrilled about eating, she nudges her bowl with her nose, repeatedly, until she pushes it into a wall or a corner. Then she takes a few pieces of kibble and drops them on the floor. This used to happen only occasionally. Now, she does it most of the time. She will be eating like gangbusters and then, the next day, will want nothing to do with her food until much later in the day. This happened while Don was home and continued through Wednesday. Yesterday, she was suddenly ravenous for most of the day; in fact, after eating all her food and getting some carrots (she loves them) she was still hungry last night and kept coming up to me with a crazed look in her eyes – she wanted even more food. She’s a bit like the dog version of Sybil and I can’t tell which Scout is going to appear on a daily basis!
I can’t make sense of these patterns, try though I might. Is it because she’s older? She’s 14½ now. Is she like so many of our elderly citizens, whose habits (good and bad) get more and more pronounced as they age? She still does that nesting thing, too. She walks to the rug in the den and paws at it, like she does sometimes with the blanket that covers the loveseat in the living room. That habit of hers was at its peak right after Riley died. She pawed at the rug he slept on. She pawed at the rug in the den. The other day, I saw her pushing her bowl while pawing the rug in the kitchen.
It’s more and more difficult for her to lie down with the ease she once had. My agile Border Collie has some aches and pains. But she lopes back to the house after doing her business in the dog corral with ease. If I time opening the door just right, she can lope down the little hill and then jump up to clear the doorstep without missing a beat. She looks like a horse clearing a fence.
The fact is, she’s remarkably fit for a 14 year old dog, but she is changing. I wish I could protect her from all these dreadful separations that upset her. One of us is always with her, of course, but that’s not the same, is it? She doesn’t understand why her dad isn’t here. She won’t understand why I am not here when I leave for Hartford.
Bless her heart, she is a complicated little creature with sensitive feelings and a heart as big as all outdoors. I want nothing more than for our little family unit to be together for her sense of security and peace of mind. But that cannot be – at least until the end of September.
I worry about her. I’ll be gone for big chunks of time tomorrow and Sunday, as I do some text work in Manhattan. She won’t like that either. She’ll be cared for. But, it won’t be the same for my girl and I feel guilty every time I have to leave her.
Ah well.
Remember, no A Favorite Thing this week. We’ll get together again next Friday/Saturday.
Happy Friday.
Claudia, isn’t it so difficult to see our beloved pets go through these tough times. And aren’t you so glad that Scout has a happy and loving and comfortable home and family. We adopted Misty 10 years ago from the humane society, and they didn’t know how old she was, maybe 2 -4 yrs, they thought. She is now blind and deaf, hardly ever wants to go outdoors and never leaves the kitchen where her bed is. It is so sad to see these behaviors. Oh! And she does the same food thing, taking some kibble out of her bowl and dropping it on the floor. Sometimes I add a bit of leftover beef or chicken to entice her to eat her food. So far, that’s worked well. But I see her declining and I know she’s not enjoying life anymore.
Scout is just a beautiful dog. I love the photo of her on the sofa. It is still hard for me to understand people who don’t like dogs. Since Bridger died in May, and with Misty so reclusive, I’m feeling like I’m approaching the Empty Nest. Very sad. (Sorry this comment is so dreary. I was very moved by your sweet post about Scout.)
Yes, it is very difficult. I just took Scout for a walk because the humidity had dropped a bit and she was panting and walking slowly the whole time. Not like her usual self. But when I came home I checked the dewpoint and it’s still on the humid side. I think humidity is very hard on her – both on her breathing and her joints.
I can’t even bear to think about the empty nest, but I know what you mean.
Hugs to you and to Scout !
Thank you, Lori!
Scout is adorable!! She does look fantastic for 14 and sounds like she is doing well for her age.
Augie is the same – he must sleep with his head on a pillow. He’s soul job is to watch where we are and acknowledge any movement. Love our 4-legged babies!!
Me too. What would we do without them?
You sound like Moms everywhere. Worrying about our children when we have to leave them is part of the “gig”. It never ends no matter how old they are. Hugs to you and Scout.
You’re so right, Dottie.
Claudia, I took a pet (cat) to a Veterinarian many years ago, but still supposedly in the “enlightened” years. He very adamantly explained to me the pet Mom, animals DON’T have feelings and emotions,they are just to be our pets! when they die, we can just get another feeling-less, emotionless “pet”. Honest to goodness those were his words!! This was in San Francisco,Bay Area. I’ve often wondered since then how many pet families he has given bad advice, over the years? -Judy A-
Unbelievable! That Vet had no business being a veterinarian if that’s the way he felt about animals. Oh my goodness!
Why would anyone who believes that become a Vet..I hope he didn’t have any pets..Heartless B_ _T_ _D!..Disgusting!
Even at the tender age of 20 Years old I knew better than that. I never went back obviously! I warned everybody I saw and knew with pets about him. -Judy A-
Poor Scout. It is so hard when they get older and ache. Have you tried putting her on Glucosamine it really helped our older dogs with the mobility. I feel guilty leaving my three babies when we go to Toronto to visit our son just for a whole day. I am sure Scout cannot wait until September when mom and dad are home with her.
Yes. I’ve just started her on it again.
Dogs are amazingly sensitive. Our lil one has to be put in the car 30 mins. before we leave or she will come out of her skin. She loves to go. I see Scout has a great spot and pretty pillow on the couch.
Yes, she loves her pillow!
Claudia – Wish we lived closer and I’d come stay with Scout or bring her here to play with Bella. I know it’s silly but we just dread planning any kind of trip that doesn’t involve Bella. That’s why John didn’t go on the Alaska cruise – he thought that was too long to go off and leave Bella. I know people think we are crazy to be that wrapped up in an animal, but you know, she is the most loyal, loving family we have. So, who cares what others think?
Have a great day and travel safe.
We are the same way, Judy. She is our baby and we will do anything to make her comfortable and secure.
I think she looks pretty darn good for 14! Maybe you need a whisperer…just kidding! Well, enjoy your weekend the best you can…I’m sure it will be a productive one! ;)
Here’s hoping so!
Scout looks great for her age. My dog does the same thing with her food. Have you had her tested for diabetes? That’s what our fur baby has. It might affect her eating. Give her a hug every chance you get. Best wishes. Elaine
She’s been tested in the past and doesn’t have it. I think she just gets sick of her food and this humid weather is really getting her down.
Claudia, I know exactly what you are going thru. I have a 14 year old pug that can’t hear as well as she used to. Well, except for a potato chip bag rattling in the kitchen. She moves a little slower in the mornings but as the day goes on she seems to perk up and is her old self.
Riley looks so pretty laying on the couch. I wish I could keep her for you while you are gone. I have a Scout she could play with and my dd has a Riley. I think they would all get along well.
Aw, thanks, Pam!
She is such a pretty girl..She loves you and Don so much..How could anyone ever says that pets have no feelings..I believe that is the person that has no feelings not the pet..My Niece Cheryl has a Boarder Collie named Belle who is about the same age as Scout..She was a rescue from the SPCA..Such a wonderful loving girl.she is too..but she is starting to age and not quite as lively..It is very hard to face as she is so very loved by everyone..Give Scoutie lots of hugs and an extra one from me..Hopefully you will make it home from Hartford for some visits again..Hugs..
It’s very hard for us to see, too, Nancy. We love her so.
Frida nudges her dish and then takes one or two pieces of kibble and drops them off the floor. Beans sits by her dog dish and guards it. Unfortunately, it is right by the dog door, so if Frida has to go outside, she can’t get past Beans. Silly girls.
I’ve been researching it and it’s apparently pretty common. There are theories that it has to do with ingrained ‘burying’ behavior. Maybe the dog isn’t real hungry, so they want to ‘bury’ the food to keep it safe and ready for when they ARE hungry.
My little Morkie does the same thing, drops a few here and there. I’ve watched my dogs and they don’t always eat at the same time daily, depends when they feel like it. I had to put down my 14 yo terrier mix in January. She had been deaf/blind for over 6 years, but had lived here her whole life so knew where she was going. One night she took a turn for the worse, and I finally made the decision we all hate to have to do. Scout is such a pretty girl, and looks so happy there on the couch. I love Scout’s eyes!
I’m wondering if, as she gets older, she simply doesn’t always feel like eating? I can’t say as I blame her – I’d get sick of the same food every day, too.
It is so hard to watch our loved ones age, especially our beloved pets that we know won’t live as long as we do. My older boy is seven and I can see the beginning signs of aging in him. When I do, it makes my stomach tie up in knots and tears cloud my eyes. I lost my husband in 2009 and I think I would have lost my mind if not for my precious Sooner. He gave me a reason to get up each morning and prevented me from coming home to an empty house every evening. Now he has an (adopted) younger brother, Harry who’s as goofy and funny as Sooner is serious. They are Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and I love them dearly. I can’t imagine life without them.
Me either, Debra. If I start to think about losing Scout, I’m immediately in tears.
Claudia I really do understand! As Charlie is getting older is eccentricities are getting more pronounced! He has always had them but now they seem more out there! Happen more often. Still he is the sweetest and best little kitty boy I have ever loved. He ‘met’ Tiger today and hid a lot but he was also curious. Tiger was good and gentle with him but he is two and so full of energy. So many changes in life. I’m trying to get Charlie settled and happy before I leave him for 12 days to go to Paris. He will be cared for but it’s not the same as me being here. I wish your sweet girl much love and comfort and hope she continues to handle it all. Her little family will be together soon!
Not soon enough, I fear, Linda.
Dogs are very sensitive and so affected by changes in their environment…(as you know)..They are better with structure and routine I think..Mollie always does the nesting thing and she’s only 5..I understand your feeling guilty but she’ll be fine as long as she has at least one of you around…She’ll miss you as you will her…
She’s not going to like being alone so much this weekend. I’ll worry about her.
Oh poor Scoutie girl. She likes things her own way, and she likes to rule the roost and if you both aren’t there then she can only be in charge of one of you. She is a beauty and very funny.
Hugs to you sister,
Hugs to you, Meredith.
I understand how you feel. It’s hard to know exactly what is going on in their minds. I am down to 5 dogs now with DutchBoy being the oldest at 17 and Tucker the youngest at 5. Each and every one has quirky behavior.
From what my dogs have taught me is that when they get older their tastes change. They want less protein and more fiber. Does Scout eat dirt or grass? Does she drink enough water?
Yes, she drinks plenty of water, Marianne.
Our beloved Casper left us for heaven on Wednesday evening. Unbelievably painful, but then you know, you’ve been there. I cry at the strangest times, just some little word, or some other little pain, can unleash a torrent of tears. Just so thankful for the amazing love he gave us all those years, and thankful that he’s no longer in pain.
Oh, how I love dogs. My poor pup mourned terribly after her “big” dog friend died. We solved the problem by getting her a puppy of her own.
They truly are so smart and sensitive.
I just loss my little companion of 14 years this week…so heartbreaking,but he was in no shape to live a good life any longer,so it was for the best. I miss him so much,but I feel so very blessed to have had him for so long. I hope your sweet girl continues in good health and will be with you for years to come…..blessings
Dear Claudia, for me also it is a moving post and i appreciate the sentiments expressed.My son and I share the care of our beloved German Shepherd and i know how hard it is to leave him,for either of us..They love for their pack to be together and oh my goodness,not only feel,but feel deeply. It is good she is still able to enjoy the comfort of her home even if one of you is away.I have found that feeding the food hand by hand can often encourage eating. An expert had shared this on the radio along with the idea of drizzling warm water over the food to release aroma which entices their appetite.Your concerns and sadness are among those many aches and longings we carry in our hearts,they are lovely creatures and Scout surely feels loved.Blessings.
Your girl Scout is one (of many) favorite things on your blog.
Could it be the heat and humidity ? This long stretch of heat and humidity has knocked my dogs for a loop. They are a bit “off” in regards to food and their moods. Normally they vacumn up their food — now they graze. Both my dogs are solid black and soak up the heat. On father’s day we had a scare with heat exhaustion — since then I have kept them in air-conditioned space which has them a bit off mood wise.
A little dollop of yogurt sometimes helps get them to eat and it’s good for their digestive health.
I hope your girl is feeling better.
So hard to watch our pets age. For a dog her size, I think she seems to be doing pretty good. I agree that all of the separations are probably hard on her. xo Laura