Once again, and constantly, WiFi problems here. It’s completely maddening. I reboot the Direct TV (which I now hate) over and over again, but the signal isn’t strong enough to do anything but maybe sign onto the blog. No uploading of photos. We’ve complained about it and they are going to get someone in to look at it, but in the meantime, I’m stuck. Just giving you a heads up.
Thanks for your patience. I’m not feeling very patient at the moment.
Donnamae says
Bummer! In spite of the problems ….have a great day! ;)
Claudia says
Thanks, Donnamae!
Wendy T says
Tech is constantly frustrating for me. I know how to use it but I don’t like it. It’s one of those “when it works, it’s great but when it doesn’t… “. We’ve been warned, so go enjoy your day!
Claudia says
Thanks, Wendy!
Laura says
I hate internet problems. Good luck.
Claudia says
I’ve resorted to the communal room on the top floor, Laura! I can get WiFi here.
Mary V says
That is a shame but for some reason I am now getting your past. I had lost you for over a month, and had to type in address in every morning.
Claudia says
Well, I’m glad you’re getting the posts. Feedburner isn’t always reliable, but I refuse to pay for another service! Have you thought about using the bookmark function on your browser? If you bookmark a site, you can just click on the bookmark list and you’ll find the blog.
Mary V says
My project for first of the year is to go through my bookmarks…they are out of control. I have so many folders it is laughable. I usually say, why did I bookmark that anyway? Take care
Claudia says
Nancy Blue Moon says
I haven’t received your blog in my email for years now…I just go to you through my most visited…then a few months back it started bringing up recently past days posts instead of the post for that day…I click on the MHC header at the top of the page and the post for that day comes up…I hope you are having a nice day in spite of the problems…P.S….I do receive your return comments in my email….go figure…lol
Claudia says
The emails come from Feedburner. The comment replies come from the blog directly. They’re two different things.
Janet in Rochester says
More Internet problems. Hey, maybe the Force is trying to tell you something, Claudia. Or at the very least, giving you a break while you’re in Chicago. It’s whispering “Hey, jump off the rollercoaster for a few days. Relax. Step back. Enjoy your time here in this incredible city. The blog will be ready & waiting when you get back to “normal” life…” An opportunity – or serendipity maybe. Well I hope it gets better soon at last. I always thought the web was stronger [generally at least] in urban areas. Guess that shows you what I know. What’s planned for this week? More museums, maybe? Bookstores too, I bet. Peace. 🏛
Claudia says
It was a bad router. They just replaced it this morning! We’re going to take it easy, maybe go to the museum. Don has two shows tomorrow and I’m having lunch with my best friend. Then Thanksgiving dinner with the cast and my best friend and her family come to see the show on Friday and then I’m out of here!