I was walking by my little craft/studio space upstairs, on my way to the bedroom, when I stopped short.
A double take.
Something had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, on Lamb Chop’s left.
Was I seeing things?
I rubbed my eyes.
Same eyelashes, same nose, same mouth, same touches of red, same soft white coat ….
You take a look and see if I’m wrong.
Oh my goodness. Younger, yes. Smaller, yes. But otherwise, the same!
Lamb Chop had a baby!
This is big news here at the cottage. I don’t know how it happened. I don’t supervise Lamb Chop. Indeed, she is my muse, so she sort of does her own thing. It’s not my place to tell her how to live her life.
And I’m all for little babies. What could be more endearing?
Again. I don’t dare say congratulations to Lamb Chop. Or comment to her in any way. It wouldn’t be appropriate. But I can write about it here….surely she wouldn’t mind that?
I mean….shouldn’t we have some sort of birth announcement here at Mockingbird Hill Cottage?
Sssh….Congratulations, Lamb Chop! Welcome, Baby Lamb Chop!
That’s all.
Happy Wednesday.
How sweet!! Does this make you a GRANDMOTHER? Or just a friend of Baby Lamb Chops’ mother?
A friend of Baby Lamb Chop’s mother. Maybe not even that. She is my muse, after all! I stand in awe at her feet.
Who are we to judge?? Baby sure is cute…..and the spitting image of Mama!!
No question that they’re related, Kathy!
Why are we assuming there is no Mr. Lamb Chop? Where is Wayfrum these days? He may be more involved here. Love must be in the freezing air there at the Cottage. Besides you and Don naturally! Whoever Dad is he sure makes cute babies. Congratulations to the entire family. Grandparents now – what fun that will be!
Hmmm. Wayfrum is in the bedroom, which is just a short walk from the studio. You’ve got me thinking, Dottie!
Congratulations to Lamb Chop! What a cute baby!
She’s pretty adorable!
I am doing a little, quiet dance! Congratulations Lamb Chop. Babies are always a blessing.
Lamb Chop seems to be very happy!
What an adorable baby! Today is a lovely day to be born! My sister is 46 today and my #10 grandbaby is turning 1! Happy Birthday, Baby Lambchop!
Happy Birthday to your sister and grandbaby, Debbie!
Congratulations to your muse. And I must say Ms. Lamb Chop has certainly regained her girlish figure so soon after the birth!
She doesn’t seem to have any trouble losing her pregnancy weight, Patricia. Amazing!
What a lovely surprise! So cute and the spitting (well, that’s not really a nice word) image of Mom. Congratulations on the newest arrival to the Cottage. What does Dame Scout think of all this? I hope she is not jealous.
Dame Scout is sleeping at the moment and she no longer goes upstairs, Vera. So what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her!
The only two words I can think of are CUTE & AMAZING.
Perfect choice of words, Janie!
There is quite the resemblance, isn’t there! How fun! ;)
Like mother, like daughter!
Congrats! That happened in our house last fall….that rascally Lamb Chop :-)
I remember Lamb Chop..What a sweetie!!
She is definitely a sweetie!
I’m so in love with baby Lamb Chop! Adorable!
Makes me want to pick her up and squeeze her!
Magical Mystical Moments! See what happens when all 3 of you are out of town for a while? :-)
There’s no end to the things going on around here!
Poor Lamb Chop… A mid life baby! I can’t imagine… I can barely keep up with my Liitles– and they go home everyday!
I will certainly pray she has the strength to carry on…(she places the back of her hand against her brow; as though faint ! )
…a-Musing-ing to us all !
Such fun ;)
She’s up to the task, I think! I certainly haven’t heard any complaints out of her! But then…I wouldn’t. She’s a muse.
Just adorable!
One of the cutest babies ever!
You just never know what those critters get up to when the lights go out. I must say, she certainly has cute babies. :)
She does! And she seems to be a very good baby.
Tellement mignon!
Profitez de chaque instant ,les bébés grandissent si vite.
Oui, Claude, c’est vrai!
An absolutely adorable – and fluffy – baby has shown up at your house! Too cute for color TV. A happy little family no doubt. And she must have her father’s ears, they’re different from Lamb Chop’s. Hmmm. Anyway, congrats to all and enjoy your day! :>)
Those are baby ears, Janet!
Yes, indeed!
Baby is adorable! Boy or girl? Name?
Girl. Right now her name is Baby Lamb Chop.
Lamb Chop is one of my poodle, Cooper’s favorite toys. Infact, he knows it by name.
Oh, good for Cooper! Scout isn’t into toys anymore, so this little baby is mine! (It would have been anyway.)
Will Baby Lamb Chop be a Muse-In-Training?
I think it’s inevitable, Ruta!
Seems to me than now you know what’s going on in your house, you could move Wayfrum in with his family and provide them with a place together to raise their young’n (s).
Carol Ann
I don’t know. Problems ahead: Wayfrum hangs out with Maggie Rabbit. I think I’m going to keep out of the whole thing!
Congratulations to Lamb Chop and you and Don. Very cute baby but then I haven’t seen an ugly baby lamb yet.
Claudia, I did want to say how lovely your cottage is and the outside is a beautiful setting. In southern Ca. in the winter, we may corner the market on good weather but your place has it hands down in the spring, summer, and fall. Sometimes I come across singing the praises of where we live too much. I’ve been to northern NY in the summer and it was gorgeous. Our country has beauty everywhere……..just nicer some places at certain times of the year. Have a blessed week. Patty Mc
Thank you, Patty. It IS beautiful here. Even in the winter. Today is sunny, the sun is shining on the mountains which we can see from our den. Maybe some of the ice will melt!
Congratulations to Lamb Chop (and to you, too). Hopefully Baby L.C. will sleep thru the night from the very start. Wouldn’t that be just lovely? Thinking she may need a wee little blankie since it has been so cold there but then again Mama Lamb Chop will probably provide enough warmth.
I think Mama is keeping her warm, Dorothy!
Oh my goodness … ADORABLE!! You LITERALLY made me LOL with this post :) In fact I’m still giggling!
I’m guessing there was some monkey business going on while you and Don were both away from the cottage working! My source tells me the gestational period for sheep is around 5 months … hmmmm ;)
I think you just might be right, Debbie!
Sebastian Bear is sitting beside me late this evening as we search for episodes of “Colditz” online. He says it’s his favourite tv show – who doesn’t like David McCallum? Sebastian says B.L. is “just too cute” and I have to agree!
Those lashes on Baby Lamb Chop are to die for!