Not so good things first.
The snow and ice storm that hit us was terrible. By the time Don could get out there with the snow blower yesterday afternoon, the layers of snow and ice were almost impenetrable. The ice kept clogging the shute on the snow blower. It was impossible to clear everything through to the ground. So we’re left with a layer of ice on everything we cleared. There is ice on every tree and shrub. They are encased in ice. We had very high winds last night and we’ll have more later today. I see some small branches have broken off some of the trees. So far, no other tree damage. And we still have power.
And here’s the thing. It will not get above freezing until Saturday. So this won’t go away. I’m very worried about my shrubs. I’ve never seen anything like this here.
More prayers for today are welcome.
A photo of one of my many blog headers. This is the only one I could find as I lost all of that history when my last laptop died. In the old days, I used to love playing around with the design of my blog. But I haven’t done that in a long time. Today’s version of the header has been in place for several years. And I’m fine with that.
Why am I writing about that? Well, today marks the 17th anniversary of Mockingbird Hill Cottage.
Who would have thought?
As I always say on this day, that’s the longest I’ve held any job in my life!
5, 254 posts.
I can’t really count comments since my responses to your comments are also counted as comments and that skews the total.
It’s been a pleasure, of course. Mostly. There have been hateful comments, some trolls, and lots of spam. I’ve had to block several people, including a few longtime readers. The thing about social media is people often take advantage of the fact that they are in a virtual world and are not in the same room with you and slew all sorts of crap. Then they often dare you to delete the comment, which, of course, I do. Go figure.
BUT, 99.9% of this blogging life has been absolutely wonderful. YOU have been wonderful. Thank you for that. You know, I started out on Blogger and I was there for 4 or 5 years, but I was hacked a couple of times and I no longer felt safe there.There was no way to contact anyone for help. I also wanted more control, a plug in to eliminate spam, a way to design the blog that I couldn’t with Blogger, and a lot of other little things that have made this blog more personal. So I transferred the entire blog to a host/server. And the blog is much safer, Sometimes I regret that only because it involves quite a bit of expense on a yearly basis. As we work less and less these days, we have very little income coming in and that fact may result in the retiring of the blog. But, don’t panic; I haven’t made any decisions on that.
I’m a visual person. That’s the reason keeping a journal never worked for me. But when this new thing called a ‘blog’ appeared on the horizon, I was intrigued. I kept saying to Don: “Maybe I should start a blog…” He finally said, “Then DO it.” And I did. I discovered that writing text along with the ability to add photos was my version of a journal. Perfect for me. It didn’t involve talking out loud in person which was perfect for my introvert self. But I did have contact with all sorts of wonderful people from all over the world. And those people became friends. What a gift. What a frigging incredible gift! I am so grateful for everyone, past and present. Because, just as in real life, people come and go. So, for however long you have been with me here at MHC, thank you.
I’ve shared our dogs, our home, our property, our adventures out in the world, my collections, and my hobbies. You were there for me when I lost Riley, my father-in-law, my mom, my dad, and Scout. Things are very different 17 years on. As I get older, my life gets simpler. It’s not so exciting these days, but my anchor – my husband – keeps me grounded in the joy of simple things.
Thank you, my dear friends. It’s been a joy and continues to be. Thank you for all of your support over the years, for being here, for commenting, for understanding.
Bless you,
Stay safe.
Happy Monday,
Thank you for your blog. I enjoy it. Also I am very happy you still have power.
Thank you, Kay.
Stay safe.
sorry you, don, the trees and other things have to deal with ice and extra-cold weather … but glad you didn’t lose power. stay warm and safe (stay inside)!
happy mhc blog anniversary … and as many more as you want! thank you, claudia, for taking time, effort, other costs and especially care to open your life and heart to us. i’ve learned and enjoyed so much from you, don and everyone else here since i somehow and fortunately found mockingbird hill cottage. you’ve been a steady source of so many interesting things, encouragement and support, common sense, humor and kindness (among other wonderful things) during good times and bad, for both of us. thank you, friend, for being a blessing. may God bless you and don and everyone else.
sending hugs and love and prayers,
Thank you, Kathy.
Stay safe.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and photos! <3
PS My shrubs are also totally iced up and no warmth in site. This happened years ago. I ended up just pruning the dead wood and they rebounded. Fingers crossed.
Thank you, Betsy.
Stay safe.
Congratulations on your 17th blog anniversary. I don’t remember how I came across your blog. I have enjoyed reading about books you have read, your dolls and part of your life with us. Thank you.
Thank you, Trina.
Stay safe.
Happy Anniversary. We are having a lot of snow and COLD in Nebraska. I think it’s a good time to stay inside and work on my Grandkids quilt. Praying your power doesnt go out!
Me too!
Thank you, Darlene.
Stay safe.
Congratulations, Claudia, to you and Mockingbird Hill Cottage! I have enjoyed reading your blog for a few years now, and hope you will be able to continue for as long as it pleases you.
We had some of the snow and sleet in Massachusetts, but not the ice accumulation you are experiencing.
Take care.
Thank you, Polly.
Stay safe.
Congratulations on 17 years and thank you for creating this lovely virtual neighborhood! I don’t know how long I’ve read your blog but it must be at least 12…maybe longer. I retired almost 12 years ago and I’m sure I’ve been here since then, probably longer.
I have always enjoyed dropping by for a visit with you and hope you can continue awhile longer.
Take care
Thank you, Marilyn.
Stay safe.
I am glad you have power, may it stay that way. The dreaded ice not happy about. May there be no tree or brush breakage. An early warm up would be nice.
Happy Anniversary! I have told you so many times how much I adore your words, stories and, photos. You have enriched my life and for that I am ever so grateful. Thank you.
Your friend in Utah,
No warm up until Saturday. In the meantime, Don has two gigs this weekend, Friday night and Saturday. So we have to dig out before then.
Thank you, Kaye.
Stay safe.
Happy anniversary, Claudia! I always anticipate reading a post that is thoughtful, thought-provoking, funny, fun, intriguing, and/or informative.
When I’m busy, I sometimes skip some of the other blogs to which I subscribe. Though many bloggers write about topics that interest me, more often than not, they are ultimately trying to sell their products or a sponsor’s product. However, I not only open and read every one of your posts, I look forward to them like I would a hand-written letter in the post. Thank you for keeping this blog alive for this long!
Ah, thank you so much, Wendy.
Stay safe.
Congratulations on your 17th anniversary of Mockingbird Hill Cottage. I enjoy reading it very much. Thank you for all you hard work.
Thank you, Wendy.
Stay safe.
First of all… Happy Anniversary! I’ve only been along with your blog for a couple years, I believe. I’ve really enjoyed your sharing of yourself, your husband, family, pets, your cottage, and your perspective on a variety of things and issues. I appreciate the work and love you put into this blog.
All that ice sounds beautiful, but cold and dangerous, too. I send hopeful thoughts!
Thank you Claudia!
Thank you, Barrie.
Stay safe.
Congrats! 17 years I’m thinking is a long time in the blogging world . I don’t remember exactly when I started following you…2010-11? (That’s when I joined the internet world…I was a slow starter lol.) You know, usually you meet friends…but online you never meet, And yet, I’ve talked to my husband about the happenings in your life from time to time…just like I would about any other friend. Strange indeed.
Sorry to hear about all the ice. We got snow…about 6 inches, but we escaped the ice storm, and now it’s just frigid until the weekend when we will see some relief. I’m glad you didn’t lose power. We said the heck with it, we’ll pay the price I’m sure, but we’ve turned up the heat 2 degrees…we are tired of being cold.
Stay warm…and enjoy your day! ;)
The ice is the worst icing situation I’ve ever seen. We’re stuck indoors.
Thank you, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
Thank you, too, Claudia! I always love reading your blog while you share yours and Don’s life with all of us. It’s my pleasure being your friend for all these years.
Thank you, Cathy.
Stay safe.
Thank you!
Thank you, Janet.
Stay safe.
I enjoy your blog so much.
To another seventeen!
Thank you, Marion.
Stay safe.
Happy 17, Claudia! I’m so glad you not only chose to blog but stuck with it. As one who has only been with you four or five years, I missed much of the early but have thoroughly enjoyed the journey with you
Alas, I wish that journey wasn’t taking you into a frozen, icy space. Be careful out there — I know you will be. I hope it eases soon and at least you can get some salt down or something to make it a little less treacherous.
I’m ready for winter to end.
We aren’t even going outside right now. It’s way too icy. There’s also a shortage of salt locally so we have to wait for the best time to salt.
Thank you, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
In sitting here trying to remember who I was 17 years ago.
I’m certainly not the same person I was then.
I would have been dealing with my husband’s cancer and trying to keep our little family of 3 together: succeeding, fortunately. I was working full time, now retired. We had a teenage daughter, now I’m a grandmother (to the most beautiful child ever born, of course). Moved interstate. Become a firefighter. Done some overseas travel, lost some special friends.
What a lot has happened in 17 years, as I muse!
All the best to you. I love reading about your quiet life, in many ways reflective of ours: except that my husband can’t cook a damn thing, including a cup of tea!
Thank you, Denise.
Stay safe.
Happy blog anniversary, Claudia. I found your blog before I moved from Sydney to Adelaide 16 years ago, so I may not have read it from the very beginning, but it would be very close.
Thank you, Janette.
Stay safe.
I’ve been following your blog since 2008/2009. It has flanked my life ever since, like a lighthouse in a dark, rough sea.
You are authentic, honest, reliable and so much more. The fact that you are still here for such a long time is something rare and precious, thank you for that, Claudia
Please carry on for a few more years!
Oh, what kind words, Helga! Thank you so much.
Stay safe.
Congratulations, Claudia! Thank you for all of the time and energy it takes to keep your blog going. I enjoy your posts.
Stay safe and cozy!
Thank you, Ellen.
Stay safe.
Congratulations on 17 years, Claudia. What an accomplishment! Your blog is a joy and I wish you would let your readers contribute some to the yearly expense. We pay a lot more for entertainment that’s not nearly as meaningful as your blog.
About the snow ice, my husband were driving home from St. George Island, Florida in the middle of the night (we had left our hotel at 3:00 a.m., hoping to get home early the next day) when we hit an unpredicted, HORRIBLE snow/ice storm in Kentucky. The temperature quickly dropped to freezing and snow (ice) was violently pelting the car and headlights. It was difficult to see anything. It took many miles to find an exit where we could get off. We finally found one, and waited over an hour at a gas station. When we got back on the road it was still treacherous with semi trucks roaring past us on iced-over roads. Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck. I don’t know if I’ve ever been so thankful to get home.
I’m praying for your and Don’s safety with all the ice, and also that your shrubs survive the freezing weather.
Thank you, Jenny!
Stay safe.
Boy, I screwed up that last first sentence in the second paragraph. It’s meant to read: About the snow and ice, my husband and I were driving home…
Thank you for all these years of blogging! You are little bit of normal in this crazy country right now. I enjoy and look forward to checking in with you!
Thank you, Judy!
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — very happy for your 17 years of blogging — thank you — altho, I was not an original reader, I have been following for quite awhile — I never met Riley but well remember Scout. Funny for you to bring all this up — I have been looking at old pics, especially of your beautiful flower gardens — guess I’m hoping/dreaming about nicer/better days than we are currently having– maybe some day soon life will improve in the weather dept. thanks for helping us cope. stay safe, warm, healthy
Thank you, Linda.
Stay safe.
Congrats, Claudia. When I first discovered your blog I went back to your archives and read them all. I will always be grateful to you for introducing me to Blythe dolls. So many hours of fun. Sorry you’re iced in. We got a foot of snow, the most since 1999 when the mayor of Toronto called in the army to dig us out. Winter is such fun, not! Stay safe. Don’t fall! Hugs, Elaine
That’s a lot of snow, Elaine!
Thank you.
Stay safe.
I hope your power stays on so you can at least keep busy with indoor activities. And stay warm! It has been unbelievably windy up here in Mass. I am heading to MI tomorrow, where it will be unbelievably cold.
Happy Anniversary! You can be proud of the content you have originated over all these years and the beautiful photographs. It has been very enjoyable to follow.
Yes, we had very high winds along with all the ice.
Thank you, Lynda.
Stay safe.
Happy 17th Blog anniversary! Thanks for all of the posts!
Hang in there with the weather!
Thank you, Cheryl.
Stay safe.
Thank you for the gift of getting to read your blog all of these years.
Take care,
Thank you, Lily.
Stay safe.
Thank you Claudia, always appreciate your efforts in this blog, I enjoy seeing what you are up to, love seeing your collections, what books you are reading, the jigsaws, the garden and of course the wild life around your property, Christine🤗
Thank you, Christine.
Stay safe.
Happy blogiversary! And thank you for the enjoyment I’ve had learning from you … the work you (and Don) do, your hobbies/interests, collections, etc. you’ve shared through the years. You were a definite encouragement with getting my dollhouse up and running, and I’ve added several various things to my own collections that you’ve introduced me to!
I remember that blog header! It was one of my favorites.
Thank you so much, Debbie.
Stay safe.
What a wonderful write! I too worry about my shrubs some winters. Don’t worry.
Here it’s-34 c but it’s a bit colder because of our dry winter. Sometimes it can be -40 ( or worse).
I didn’t leave the water to drip at the house I care for – hope all is ok there. Worry, worry.
Congrats!! The only blog I’ve ever read. 17 years.
Mom died yesterday, canada’s family day, 2 years ago. Poor dad. All 3 of my sisters drove so far in the cold to see him.
Thank you, Irene.
Stay safe.
Thank you Claudia! It’s been such a great joy to have followed you for many years. I have learned so many things from your blog. I’ve laughed and cried with you. I’ve been so angry I couldn’t see straight but knew I wasn’t alone. Through it all I have felt your friendship and in this crazy and sometimes isolating world, I thank you.
Thank you, my dear friend.
Stay safe.
I enjoy every single post! You are a welcome anchor in turbulent times. The Mockingbird Hill community reminds me of the fun we all had and friends we made back in the early blogging days. Grateful for all of you, dear friends! Be well and safe and warm and happy!
I remember those days!
Thank you, Roxie.
Stay safe.
Thank you Claudia for all your thoughts and your blog. I don’t remember how I found you many years ago, but I remember it was the mockingbird that made me check out the one and only blog I have ever read everyday since then. You have helped get me through two horrible elections as you think EXACTLY as I do and put it in words that help me to know that I am not alone, so thanks for that, too. I love your McCoy pieces and am thrilled when I see that we have some of the same pieces.Thanks for being who you are.
Thank you, Glenda!
Stay safe.
Congrats on 17 years, Claudia. I’ve been reading it for quite a few years and, by now, it’s like visiting an old friend. I believe Scout was still with you when I began reading after hearing about your blog from another blogger. We’re all older and lead quieter lives now. Nothing wrong with that at all. I hope you keep on keeping on because I do love to visit old friends.
Sounds like a nightmare of a storm you had. Ice is the scariest thing and it forces you to stay in the house or risk a serious injury. For the first time all winter we actually have several inches on the ground but, thankfully, ice isn’t an issue here. Rather it’s the cold. Wind chills overnight were in the minus twenties! Same for tonight, but 40’s are coming by the weekend which means melting. #2 son’s girlfriend has been visiting him from Florida to “experience a WI winter” and, boy, Mother Nature has thrown everything at her this past week. He says she’s still smiling. We finally get to meet her Friday.
Take care and be careful out there,
It’s very scary out there – ice everywhere!
Thank you, Kay.
Stay safe.
What horrible weather you had!! Hope all the ice disappears quickly. I am staying busy at the sewing machine and enjoying every minute. Making napkins and pillowcases with all the fabric I have accumulated in the last couple of decades. When my friends see me drive up to their houses, the lights go off and they hit the floor. I keep telling them they can give my sewing away, but I think the families and friends of my friends and family are supplied with pillowcases and napkins already. My sewing group does give the pillowcases to the children’s wing of our close hospital, so that works too. How are you two sweeties doing for pillowcases and napkins? Be very careful in this weather. I stay in when the ice and snow hits. Even we have had plenty for the Seattle area, but nothing like you on the east coast. Love you both! Tana
Thank you, Tana! (We’re fine with pillowcases and we don’t use traditional napkins!)
Stay safe.