The other day, while waiting for the repairman to arrive, I snapped this photo of Don. He was supposed to be looking at the camera, but in that split second, he looked down. It’s turned out to be one of my favorite photos of him.
Heavens, I still have a crush on him.
That landscape is now covered in snow. And we’re due for another storm on Friday and I’m hoping the forecast is wrong because I just read 8 – 12 inches.
I see. We’re getting the entire winter in one week. I could insert some curse words here, but I try to refrain from that on this blog. In person? Another story.
Today, I have to do some laundry. I will be keeping an eagle eye on that first load, that’s for sure. I’m still waiting for the newest Deborah Crombie, but it turns out our local library branch was closed yesterday because of the snow. This is the longest time any book I’ve ordered has been ‘in transit’ between library branches. But we’re in the middle of winter and we live in the Hudson Valley and Mother Nature has her own ideas.
Lord, this puzzle is slow going! And the hardest part is yet to come; the areas of deep blue and the patterned edges. Oh, and all the leaves – it’s virtually impossible to differentiate between them. I’m just about finished with all the flowers. After abandoning this puzzle once before, I’m determined to finish it.
And that’s about it. Happy March. It is definitely coming in ‘like a lion’ in my neck of the woods.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday (which I keep thinking is Sunday)
March is coming in like a lamb here in Illinois so I expect we will be getting some colder weather again before Spring gets here. Stay safe and warm!
We will, Ellen.
Thank you.
Stay safe.
Great pic of Don! Wonder what he’s thinking in that moment? From that look, I think it’s about you.
Well…spring will get here, guess it’s just taking a little longer than you hoped. Here, too. We are to get more snow on Friday…and I really don’t want any more for purely selfish reasons. We have a lot to shovel, and our snowblower is too big for me to handle. My ‘crush’ is having surgery today for the third time on the same hip. Fingers crossed this one will work. Healing vibes and prayers appreciated.
Good luck with the puzzle. Enjoy your day! ;)
sending prayers for your sweetheart, donnamae, and for you … surgery and more snow followed by the need for snow removal is a lot. take good care of yourself!
last year my cousin’s wife had to have hip replacement surgery repeated on one side … third time’s been the charm for her, too.
sending a hug and the wish i could help you with the snow,
I can’t handle our snowblower, either!
Sending prayers and healing energy to your husband, Donna. May healing be quick and successful.
Stay safe.
All healing vibes and prayers for successful surgery winging your way, Donnamae!
nice photo of your sweetheart. and from all you’ve shared, that “crush” is mutual … how blessed you both are (i know you both know that)! :)
and may i add, i love seeing men in hats (especially when they go beyond the common baseball hat …). :)
hoping you don’t get all that snow at once (unless you want to or really need it).
good luck with the snow and shoveling. also with the laundry, getting another book and finishing the puzzle (great job so far).
it’s sunny and 44 degrees here right now so will be able to take a walk outside. :)
dvds (probably blu-rays) of “spoiler alert” are in store for purchase! am getting groceries and other supplies so will buy my copy today … woo hoo!
happy, safe march 01 to everyone.
He got that hat in Edinburgh!
Yay for Spoiler Alert! Enjoy, Kathy.
Stay safe.
Lovely photo
All that snow wow
Enjoy your book when you get it
Love the puzzle
I will. Hopefully, I’ll hear from the library today, but deliveries between libraries may be backed up.
Stay safe, Brenda.
Lovely picture of Don. He looks very French. No wonder you have a crush on him. Hope you get your library book today. Fingers crossed your washer will work like a charm. Don’t like the sound of 8 to 12 inches of snow on Friday. We’re supposed to get some more snow too. Mother Nature needs a time out or perhaps a nap, lol. Take care. Hugs, Elaine
Got the book, Elaine. Now they’re saying 5 – 8 inches. Not that it makes a huge difference.
Stay safe.
Love the photo of Don and how wonderful to still have a crush on your husband! I am currently reading “State of Terror” by Louise Penny and Hillary Rodham Clinton. It’s very good so far!
I read that book. It’s quite good. Enjoy, Linda.
Stay safe.
That picture of Don is quite artistic. I was just reading a comment by Michael Beschloss about a painting of John F. Kennedy, done by Aaron Shikler. That painting has such similarities to your picture of Don. The puzzle is gorgeous, and I can see that the border would be pretty challenging. Good luck! Hope the wash goes well!
The wash went well, though I kept an eye on it! But I did two loads and all is well.
Stay safe, Barrie.
We’ve reached over 70″ at the MSP/airport. We live roughly 63 miles north of the airport and have gotten around 53″ and today was predicted to get between 4 and 6 and I think we got more like 8 or 10 total and it’s still snowing lightly. This has been somewhat of a record season for snowfall, even though we do expect snow during the winter season, this is quite a bit more than we have been getting in recent years. I am concerned though, because it is not unusual for us to get a huge dumping of snow in March. Granted it melts fairly quick but that is a problem in itself, if it doesn’t start to slowly warm up and slowly melt, flooding can be an issue for many. We have been in a drought situation the last 2 years, so snow is welcome but it is more effective, if it soaks in, rather than run off. The farmers like late season snow because they refer to it as poor mans fertilizer. Maybe your snowfall won’t seem so daunting now, knowing that there are others with a lot more snow and a lot of it is still on the ground. Take care. (I love the photo of Don)
The snowfall seems daunting to me (and would no matter what) because we are the ones who have to shovel and snow blow and we have a very long driveway. I don’t mind snow and we need it here. We had a drought this summer and we have gone two months without any snow until this week. It doesn’t bode well, Ranee.
Stay safe!
Yeah, see, I don’t know of these things. Don and you might recall hearing about places in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern Calif, like Crestline, Lake Arrowhead; then there’s Big Bear Lake. People can’t get in; can’t get out. I heard two guys (locals) talking about it on the early TV news this morning (snow was falling hard at the time); they said something to the effect of: “Don’t try to come up the mountain. The plows can’t keep up. You’ll get stuck with nobody to bail you out. If the road to your house HAS been plowed it’s probably not a very-good job, especially with all the extra snow from last night. Then, the plow leaves a 6-ft berm you’ve gotta get over, to then try to shovel to your front door.” Wow, they had video of residents with big shovels trying to cut thru a path to their house’s front door and they were making very little progress; the snow was very deep. Like a wall of snow on either side of their body. Delivery trucks can’t get up there; the grocery store shelves are emptying. No gas at gas stations. People running out of propane. Man, I would NEVER want to live in those places and be stranded like that! I’ve been to Big Bear and Arrowhead in summer when much younger; I’ve been trying to remember the routes but I guess there are just not enough of those roads going up and down, to/from these ‘resort’ destinations. The ‘What ifs’ could drive you crazy, like what if you need medical attention and nobody can get to you, and you can’t get to them? My across-the-street neighbors moved to Big Bear permanently in 2019 (for retirement), so I wonder what they’re thinking NOW? They each have health issues and are in their late 60s. The guy is not in any kind of shape for shoveling snow. His wife is a total-indoors person and not the outdoors-type at all/never was (so, I have no idea what the appeal was to move; maybe it was some kind of lifelong dream). Of course it’s ‘record’ snow for Southern Calif in general, so maybe this is all more unusual than ‘normal’; still, I find it forbidding. Your heart can’t help but go out to people all over the U.S. having to deal with the wicked winter weather of 2023.
Yeah, we’ve been to Big Bear and Lake Arrowhead. It sounds like a terrible situation there!
Well, it’s quite a winter isn’t it; that seems like a lot of snow to me (which you may be getting, on top of what you already got).
We still have a long, long range of snow-capped mountains (some of it is really thick, white-white snow; ‘solid’, not just a sprinkling-dusting or smattering) in my coastal Southern Calif county. Lots of rain last night, thought it was over; left to go to another town to do errands about 11am. While in the middle of that nearby (larger) city, hunting for the side entrance to Lowe’s, we stopped the car on a residential street because my husband said, “It’s snow. We have snow falling on our windshield.”
At this location, we’re basically at sea level more or less; the Pacific Ocean is within view; a mile away. It had definitely gotten stormy-looking overhead again and we’re pretty cold/windy but it’s not like it’s even in the 40s here at midday. However, my husband ‘knows’ snow as he was raised in the Midwest. He lived there til he was nearly age 30.
I said, “Could it be that stuff the TV weather people are calling graupel? It’s not like hard pellets which would be hail.” My husband said, “Maybe it’s sleet. No, I’m sure it’s snow.” Needless to say, we were flabbergasted. I watched the small white-clear(??) flaky pieces (not exactly little balls; crystals?) begin to rim the passenger window frame where it meets the car door; stacking up, one little icy thing on top of another. This never happens in Southern California; I have never seen this up close and personal in the places where I live here. I’ve never seen it; period. Well, maybe once; briefly, when I was in Grade 2 at school, which was earliest 1960s; melted as it hit the ground.
So, I felt like that second grader again! Didn’t last long this morning when we were out in it, but it was a MOMENT! I feel like I’ve been transported to an alternate universe. This is Southern Calif weather I don’t recognize. (And I’m a native. An old[er] one.)
So happy you saw some snow fall! I’ve been hearing from other Southern California friends about the very same thing.
Stay safe, Vicki.
This afternoon, in Orange County, California, we had rain, wind, and SNOW. Our students were just being dismissed from school and it was crazy. Tonight we have a frost advisory. I have lived in California all my life and I have never seen weather like this.
Amazing. So, so bizarre!
Stay safe, Linda.
Great photo of Don. I am glad the washer is fixed.
Me too. Thanks, Kay.
Stay safe.
Handsome fella!
Stay safe, Pat.