Friends, I am going to write very little today. I’m still processing what happened yesterday and I have a lot of anger at the media, big money donors, and several Democrats. I’m on Threads, by the way, and that is where you will see me post on politics and where I curse, praise, and vent. Same handle as my main IG account.
I’m mostly very sad.
Anyway, I’m really tired because I didn’t sleep very well. I have to mow today and Don isn’t feeling well, so it will be a long day of solo mowing chunks of the front lawn, taking a break, and then going back at it. (I’m going to be smarter about all of this,) All this has to be done because it is going to rain off and on starting late this afternoon through Thursday or Friday. And by then the lawn would be way too long.
Personally, I think the physical work will help burn off some of my anger. Maybe.
If it isn’t obvious, I enthusiastically support Kamala Harris.
I promise to be back with a longer post on Wednesday.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
what a sad, scary and frustrating mess. :(
i hope the lawn-mowing goes well and does indeed serve as a release for your anger, that you sleep better tonight and overall feel better and that don feels better, too.
here, i will be with members of my family, read and maybe give myself a haircut. and watch earl and the birds. when they get to the deck, imagining their happiness, their ease at finding so much food for them makes me happier, too.
i started “leave the world behind” yesterday and am more than halfway through. doubt i will finish it today (see above), but will soon and have a few thoughts about it. has anyone else here read it?
hope you, don and everyone else have a very good day, one that surprises you in happy ways for maybe not seeming likely right now. hold on and stay safe.
Thanks so much, Kathy.
What a Sunday, right?
Stay safe.
President Joe Biden, and his family, made a difficult decision. Moving forward, Kamala Harris brings incredible strengths to the table. We need her. We cannot be united with the policies, ranting rhetoric, lies of Trump.
Deep breath! I loved your photo…and when I looked at it again, I felt there’s a metaphor in it…with the beautiful flower, the supporting greenery, the big bug, the little bug…all joining together cohesively. Nice.
I love your comment! I would have missed the little bug. We will work hard together to win this election, Go Kamala Harris!!!!
I hope Don feels better soon. You are smart Claudia to manage the mowing to take care of yourself.
Thanks, Wendy. I did the whole front lawn – which is very large – and I’m exhausted.
Stay safe.
Oh, thank you for that observation, Barrie!
Stay safe.
Oh, Claudia, I feel your pain and anger. I’m Canadian, but it broke my heart to see Biden step down. They really didn’t give him much choice. What strength of character he has. I think Kamala will make a fine president. The Democrats have to win this election. Everyone needs to vote! Feel better soon. Don’t overdo the mowing. Hugs, Elaine
He is surely one of the finest man ever to hold office. My admiration for him knows no bounds.
Stay safe, Elaine.
We really know very little about the “truth” of what happens on both sides. The media shows us what they want us to know, and the politicians are all trying to get re-elected and keep the donors donating so we get a tainted view in all directions. If so many people were calling for Biden to step down, then I have to trust my elected officials that are living it 1st hand to make the right decision. Unfortunately, all anyone cares about is who’s the most electable. It’s all SAD and a WASTE of emotion! (in my opinion)
Unfortunately, when my Representative and others are saying Biden should step down because wealthy donors are threatening to take funding away, I can no longer trust them. They’ve lost their moral compass.
And actually, there weren’t that many people calling for him to step down.
Stay safe.
You are exactly right about the donors! Sad! I believe it’s on both sides and it’s always been about money and power. And this whole debacle proves it. In my uneducated opinion. Lol
I have been sad for Mr. Biden because he reminded me of my dad as he was losing himself. I have followed and respected him since 1972 when I was 15 years old! He’s an incredible man and he has continued to show that by stepping our of the election process. I hope Kamala finds a strong vice president candidate and the Dems don’t go nuts at their convention. There is not enough time to be dragging feet.
Thanks, Betsy.
Stay safe.
Watching all of this, over the past few weeks, from across the pond, I’m confused and saddened. It appears to me that President Biden has brought stability to the U.S. Now it looks like Kamala Harris will be the nominee and I wish her well. Thinking of you Claudia and all who think the same way as you do.
He has. And they stabbed him in the back. It’s shameful.
Stay safe, Fiona.
I’m even further away than you, Fiona, and I agree with you. Mr Biden appeared to be a good, decent man who surrounded himself with good people to whom, more importantly, he listened. The sign of a very good leader. The almost boring peace, calm and stability was what the world needed after the chaos of the previous administration. The world felt like a very dangerous place under the previous president and I really fear for what will happen should be be re-elected.
The worst of the last few days, I think, was the rude, ungracious, awful response given by the previous incumbent to Mr Biden’s concession. Contemptible.
Stay safe.
Your photo me think of this. We all need a place to rest, to reflect and to bloom.
Thanks so much, Nancy.
Stay safe.
I was sad too on Sunday, but I have to admit, it made me hard to watch Joe stumble and move a lot slower. Reminded me too of my father growing older. But go Kamala!! I think she would make a great president. Living in Arizona I would love to see her pick Mark Kelly. Former astronaut, senator, his wife Gabby Giffords almost got killed by a mass shooter in Tucson. She had a long road back with her husbands help. Maybe he will work at getting these crazy guns off of our streets. Michael Moore, who I love, coming from Michigan, wants Gretchen as the VP because they HAVE to win Michigan to get to the White House. Makes sense. Whatever we do, DO NOT let Trump win!!
Gretchen doesn’t want to be VP. She is now the Chairman of the Harris campaign.
I agree, Deb! We need to win.
Stay safe.
Joe Biden is a good and decent man. This country and the world is a better place because of his service. A great president and a great man.
Stay safe, Kaye.
I will, of course, support Kamala. I would support anyone who will fight for us against Trump. But I feel profoundly sad for Joe and company. He’s a good man and he has done so much for our country, as much, no, probably more, than any president of my generation. And to be pushed out in that way is heartbreaking. So, we go on — fast and fighting. I’d love to see Gretchen step into the breach but she is adamant. (And we need her here.) I love Pete B. but I don’t think (very regretfully) that a woman of color and a gay man can win this year. Maybe some day. Meanwhile, I’ll do all I can. Big hugs. Hope the mowing helped.
I agree with you about Pete. Sadly.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
dear Claudia/Don — respect. honesty, integrity, good character no longer matter in this country. Money has a big mouth and a loud voice. hoping Harris will mop the floor w/tRump. get some rest. stay safe/healthy
Thank you, Linda.
Stay safe.
Joe Biden has been a phenomenal transformative president who has accomplished more than any modern president. I admired him as vice president too and during that time forgave him for his sorry treatment of Anita Hill and with saddling us with Clarence Thomas. That said, I did feel a bit appalled when he announced he planned to run for reelection. It was clear he was beginning to feel his age even if he denied it over and over. Been there, done that.
This whole thing brought back the struggle we had with my parents in their eighties refusing to plan for when they would be diminished in their capacity to care for themselves. My dad once actually stuck his fingers in his ears and sang, “la la la” when I attempted to start a conversation about getting brochures for assisted living apartments.
I’m so glad President Biden is leaving with his dignity intact because, in the end, that was not my dad’s future. I’d wanted them to look at modern facilities that had everything from independent living to assisted living to nursing home-type and memory units. They refused a chance they could live on the same campus, maybe the same building, even if one of them needed more care. Instead, they spent their final years living apart.
Dad had a sudden health emergency and needed to be in what was the best care facility their small town offered. They had previously refused to even consider leaving town to live closer to either me or my brother.
Mom stayed in their retirement place, miserable because we drive an hour and a half and stay every single weekend, and lonelier and lonelier as her friends in the building died or moved to nursing homes. Dad was in a nursing place he loathed but was a few blocks from mom so she could drive there every day. After he died it was obvious, at 91, she couldn’t be alone. She would dismiss any extra help we arranged (visiting nurse, meals delivered) and wouldn’t tell us. So we placed her in an assisted living place near my brother.
I’m going to be 75 and sure hope I’ll have the courage of President Biden to know when it’s time to face reality rather than deny it. In their belief their lives would go on forever unchanged and their unwillingness to plan ahead, my parents inadvertently taught me a huge lesson on how not to face old age and creeping infirmity.
The torch has been passed to a new generation and I’m thrilled. Go Kamala!
Take care,
Thanks, Kay.
Stay safe.
We are on the same page ,Claudia! xo
Thank you, Annette.
Stay safe.