First, I want to wish my parents a Happy Anniversary! Today marks 63 years since they took their vows back in Detroit, Michigan. I am so proud of you, Mom and Dad. You made a commitment to each other, worked hard at your marriage and raised 4 children. I am enormously proud of you and thankful that you are my parents. Happy Anniversary, Gordon and Shirley!
I want to draw your attention to a wonderful cause. Kelee Katillac is a designer who truly gives back to the community. Her latest idea is one that will really help lost dogs. Oliver Wendell is Kelee’s dog – the photo you see above is of a scarf. Kelee’s idea is to have us all buy scarves and decorate them, then take a photo of the scarf on your dog and send it to Kelee. For each decorated scarf $10.00 will be contributed to the effort to help rescue lost dogs. Many, many pets are being abandoned by families dealing with foreclosure and financial loss. What a great idea! Please visit Kelee ~ she will tell you exactly what to do.
Have a wonderful Monday! (Don’t forget to scroll down and see the eye candy from the Barn Sale!)
Wow Claudia! What a great blog you have! My hubby has always wanted to live in the country and I would to be in a cottage… lucky you to get both of them! Have a great day!
Oh I need to do this! Hope I remember later!!
I’m waiting for my scarf from Kelee now. Everyone should join in to help! It will be so much fun to see all of the dogs wearing their “Oliver” bandanas!
Congratulations to your Mother and Dad too!
Congrats to your parents. 63 years is mighty impressive. I wonder what their answer would be if asked “63 years…what’s your secret?”
CONGRATULATIONS to your parents… that’s a LONG time!
Check my blog for a thing.
Top two posts!
Claudia congrats to your parents. What a wonderful thing to hear of their many years together. Kelee is such a sweetheart and I adore the love story going on between her dog and Kim’s Maggie at Daisy Cottage. ♥
Happy anniversary to you, mom and dad!! And kudos to Kelee Katillac! … Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage
Congrats to your parents! xo Joan