Saturday night found my two friends from the shop and I at an auction. This particular auction is only once a month and tends to go on for hours. It starts at 5:00 pm. The best deals are always at the end of the auction – between 11:00 pm and 12:00 am. The hall was packed with people. I had my eye on this beautiful print. Flowers draw me in every time and the wooden frame with its scalloped edge was so charming I started to obsess about it. I had to have it. By the time we hit 12:00 am it still hadn’t come up for auction and the auctioneer was about to finish. There were some other paintings that people had been waiting for and we all called out our protest. “Wait – don’t stop yet!” (I had set a maximum limit of about $75.00 – there were enough people left in the room that I felt I might have a lot of competition.) When the auctioneer got to the print, I was the only bidder and I got it for $15.00! Yippee!
This is a large print and very heavy. Once we put new batteries in the stud finder, we hung it over the sofa in the den. I LOVE IT. And my husband loves it, too.
Oh, by the way, it hangs over the same sofa where this guy was cozily nestled the other night. I couldn’t resist those dark brown eyes. Had to get a picture. Love that boy!
I leave town again tomorrow for 4 days in Florida. I have now been in Florida 3 different times in the last 2 months. Its Gainesville again to check in on The Wizard of Oz. I can’t wait to see it up on the stage with full special effects. Now that I have my laptop, I will be able to blog from Gainesville.
More later.
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