In progress. It’s a beautiful image.
I just don’t know what to say about this week except it’s been a surreal week from hell.
My car is trapped by ice. The temperature has not gone above freezing since the ice storm. So the ice remains. It is treacherous out there. Very, very slippery. Yesterday, I wanted to put some pieces of mail in our mailbox for our carrier to pick up. I decided to walk on the area of the front lawn, stomping my feet to create a hole for each foot as I walked. I’d done that earlier in the week. But I began to panic because it was much more slippery than it had been and there I was, stuck in the middle, afraid to go forward. At that moment, I noticed a dead deer in our culvert – it must have been hit in the early morning hours – and I was so distracted that I lost my footing and fell. I’m fine, but that’s how bad it is out there. (We’d previously seen a herd of deer on our neighbor’s property and watching them try to keep their footing on the ice was upsetting. No food and slippery ice is not a good thing for deer.) I called the county and a man came and picked up the deer. Don and I said a prayer. Poor thing.
Anyway, I made it to the mailbox and then tried another route back. Still scary, but a bit better.
We’re essentially trapped here and it won’t start to warm up until tomorrow. It’s just too much. That, along with the heartbreak of this insane administration, is making us very depressed.
AND THERE IS NO ROAD SALT ANYWHERE. NONE. The roads are clear but unless you already had a lot on hand, property owners cannot clear their driveways. There’s a state of emergency because of the shortage. Ice storm + no salt = cannot move.
We just have to wait until it starts to warm up on the weekend.
Don has a gig tonight. He had one tomorrow night, as well, but it’s over 2 hours away from us and he decided to cancel as the route there is not on a major highway and we don’t trust the weather. Tonight’s is about 45 minutes up the thruway and he’ll be home relatively early. Still, I’m nervous about him navigating his way to our side door when it’s slippery. So I’m making him take our big flashlight with him and I’ll stay up until he’s safely here.
I’ve never seen anything like this, and I grew up in Michigan, and lived in Philadelphia and Boston.
It’s like some sort of dangerous lunar landscape out there.
So I finally started the newest Louise Penny. But I’ve barely started. No info on it, please. I always delay the pleasure of reading her newest book and I protect the entire experience.
One good thing: I saw more bluebirds yesterday, but they didn’t hang around long because there is no food.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.