I took part in this fun swap recently and tomorrow I will post photos of what I received from my swap partner, Meri. Meri’s blog is ImagiMeri’s Creations. I loved the opportunity to get to know her through this swap and had so much fun searching for vintage Valentine treasures. I even made some things! Here is what I sent Meri:
Using one of those valentine boxes from Michael’s, I did my best to make it pretty. When it is opened, there are silk rose petals.
There is so much creativity out there in the blogiverse that it pushes me (in the best possible way) to try new things. Decorating boxes is new to me – and challenging. I have much to learn.
Some more goodies: a porcelain heart, two heart-shaped cookie cutters, some hearts from Martha Stewart and the kind of hearts you can eat.
A neat candy box, some vintage valentines, a heart rubber stamp, and 4 fabulous vintage paper plates I found in a local antique store (I grabbed them all.)
Some doilies, some vintage stickers, and another creation! I got the idea for the flower heart frame from Jessica at Such Pretty Things. She bought a little frame from Target and hot glued all the millinery flowers on it. I fell in love with the idea so I went for it. Of course the glue gun I bought was so cheap it didn’t work, so I ended up doing it all from a glue tube I had. Very messy but I loved the result.
Sorry for the blurriness on the right side of the frame – don’t know what happened there. I should have said it was a special effect that I purposely went for.
I also included two of the little hearts I make.
I included a few vintage linens – I know Meri loves vintage fabrics – and packed most of it in this red tin.
Tomorrow I will post my treasures from Meri.