Do you know Vintage Sue? You should. She is the Queen of Junker/Flea Marketers. I love her blog where she shares her passion for junking as well as her adventures as the mother of two feisty and wonderful children. She is also hilarious! Sue has another blog called Vintage Sue Box Treasures where she offers different size boxes full of her finds as well as Friday Flea Treasures. On one such Friday, Sue offered some vintage curtains in a fabric I loved. They arrived the other day in a box decorated by Sue.
These are the curtains – there are two panels. I may make a valance for the windows in the den or I may use the fabric for something else entirely. I just love vintage fabric. Can’t help it. Sue also included a quilt cutter or two and these:
Priming continues on the dollhouse – a little bit at a time. And in the keeping it real category, here is the mess on the kitchen table:
Luckily, Don loves a creative mess – I am the one who yearns to clean this up. It is a good lesson in letting my ‘everything must be in its place’ tendencies go for a while. Because the cottage is so small, there really is no place to hide this away. So be it!
I am off tomorrow for 2 days on a coaching job. This time it involves a new touring company of Beauty and the Beast. They are rehearsing way out on Long Island, which might as well be another state. Even though we are all under the umbrella of the Greater New York City area, it is over 3 hours away. So, armed with mapquest, I will be driving on out there Thursday morning and will be back Friday evening. Have a great day or two.