Thank you, thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes! You are such wonderful, generous friends! I read them all with a full heart. I had a lovely day – actually, a perfect day. My husband and I spent the afternoon exploring part of a nearby town. We had some lunch and walked on our local rail trail. Later, my husband surprised me with a wonderful dinner at a local tearoom/restaurant. It was scrumptious! I don’t often go on and on about a meal while I’m in the midst of eating…but the food was wonderfully good. Don did a great job of surprising me (he is very good at that.) I came home to presents and pie – sent by FedEx overnight from Julian, California. Yum! Tomorrow I will post about my presents – all vintage.
Last week I added another ‘necklace’ of photos to my design board. I won’t bore you with details on every photo, but the young handsome guy in the middle is my Dad as a teenager. You’ll notice he is hanging directly below the photo of my Mom as a teen.
Do you remember the chalkboard tutorial? My first attempt at the actual chalkboard was on plywood that was less than smooth and I ended up using another piece of wood. I didn’t want to toss the first attempt, so I drilled two holes at the top of the chalkboard, knotted some twine and fashioned a hanger. I think it looks perfect hanging in my little studio area and if I use a wet towel, it erases just fine. What do you think?
I’ve written a favorite quote on it for the time being, but I’m sure I will be writing lists of things to do soon enough.
Have a wonderful Monday.