I thought I’d get another post up ~ I looked back at the last post and thought, sheesh, I talk too much! That is what my first grade teacher Miss Brown accused me of. She was a steely, tough, old-fashioned teacher who told my Mom that I was the only student she had ever had in all her years of teaching who, as she looked me in the eye and told me to be quiet, looked away from her and kept on talking. Yes, its true. Miss Brown was hard on us, but I learned to read and developed a life-long love of reading because of her. Thanks, Miss Brown, and sorry for talking so much. There’s just so much to say!
I won a giveaway at Karla’s Cottage and my package arrived yesterday. She made this wonderful cupcake charm! Isn’t it adorable? Thank you, Karla! If you haven’t visited her blog, you should. She is amazingly creative, has an adorable granddaughter, her house is to die for and wait until you see her studio! Stop by ~ you’ll be delighted.
I am up to my eyeballs in run-throughs, dress rehearsals and Don arrives tomorrow night. I hope we can grab a lot of time together. Keep your fingers crossed.