Hello, my friends. In the midst of 10 hour rehearsal days that make this particular blogger feel every bit of her age, I was able to squeeze in a morning visit to the sale at La Maison Rustique. I conveniently woke up early on Friday and got on the road in time to arrive right about opening time. Oh, I love this sale. First of all, so many creative women are involved – I am in awe of their talent. Second, the vignettes are beautiful, a feast for the eyes. Third, it is so much fun! I have made some lovely friends because of this sale (how I wish I could attend it every month of the year!) I took a lot of photos so I will post this in 2 parts. First up ~ Linda, who runs this extravaganza has a little trailer that she has decorated. I am in love with it! I’ve always secretly had a fantasy to own one of these.
I will post more photos tomorrow – along with a few shots of the goodies I bought! Today is my only day off and I have to buy food and run some errands. Til tomorrow!