Yes, I know, I seem to be living at IKEA. I’m not, of course, but it is close-by and has been a godsend! Today I ran in for a couple more $8.00 throw rugs (which are really bathroom rugs, but who cares?) and I saw this set of cards. Each card has a reproduction of a Carl Larsson print. They are part of his “A Home” series. I have always loved his work and his depiction of home life in Sweden. These prints were $2.00. $2.00 for 5 prints. Then I bought 2 frames (2 for $2.99) and framed two of the prints. They are so charming I am going to have to go back and get 3 more so that I can frame all 5. I told you I was going to do this on a budget.
I had to frame these prints first since they involve a dog and knitting. Aren’t they lovely?
I’m not sure where I’m going to hang them here in the apartment but they will certainly add a great deal of charm when they are in place. (You can click on the photos to see more detail.)
More later.