If you ask me, the perfect prescription for the blues is a walk on the beach. Truly. This morning found me breathing in the salt air, watching the waves and picking up shells. The sound of the surf was heavenly. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live by the ocean and hear that sound every day? Found some great little shells which I will share with you another day. After my walk, I drove up the street to my favorite store, Vignettes. Just what the doctor ordered. I had a wonderful time chatting with my friend, Lori. Her store is simply gorgeous, with so many treats for the eye that I have been known to circle the store 3 or 4 times and even then I haven’t seen everything. I took some photos that I’d love to share with you. I’ll have more in the next post, as well.
This gorgeous piece greets you when you enter the store. I couldn’t get it all in the picture, even when I stood outside the store.
The set of drawers (in a perfect shade of blue) just sold.
A wonderful piece of vintage advertising.
The iron bed in the fantastic shade of pink just sold. It had been altered so that it would fit a queen sized bed – which means it would have fit perfectly in my bedroom. Sob.
Look up – I thought I’d show some of the many fabulous chandeliers throughout the store.
I have a few more photos to share in Vignettes, Part 2. Have a wonderful day.
Yikes, we just had another earthquake and this was the scariest one yet. It went on far longer and things were rattling! Can I go home now?
All those chandeliers make it so worth the visit. Would love to have one in our home… in a bathroom would be neat.
I’m swooning all the way down here in Florida! You just keep showing more and more wonderful places. That buffet in the first photo is absolutely fabulous! I’d buy it in a heartbeat. sigh
Have a great week…
That store is absolutely dreamy, Claudia!
I just heard about that earthquake on the news a few minutes ago! You’ve had your share of earthquakes since you’ve been here in California, haven’t you?! I’m glad you’re safe and okay, even though you might be a little shook up. Okay, that was a bad pun, sorry.
I love all those chandeliers! They have such a great selection. Thanks so much for sharing your visit!
I’m in LOVE with this STORE!!!!… the bed! The blue drawers, the CHAIR!!…
A sweet,stable and non-rumbling hello from Frog Hollow Farm. That store is just wonderful – it is indeed the perfect place to go and feast your eyes! How did you find it? Walking on the beach was a great idea as well – it’s so soothing for the soul. You sound like you are doing just fine! Ciao,bella!
WOW!!! This place is just beautiful, how fun to visit.
yum. that is all i can say…well not all really….that makes me want a shop!!!!! now. but not where you are…sunny as it may be, i’m not a quake girl. i’m east coast. i’ll take hurricane season over earthquakes….scary. won’t be long claudia!!! glad you had some ME time on the beach!
thanks for the awesome eye candy. that pink headboard….yum.
Beautiful things!! I love each find! Florida has some fun things:D Almost Home girl!!!
Hopefully a walk on the beach and a call from your sister made you feel better.
Love you tons and tons and tons,
I know where I will be headed the next time we hit San Diego! That store is fantastic.I may have to rent a U Haul to get back to AZ! Thanks for the heads up, Claudia!
That PINK bed positively makes me want to go antiques hunting. Sadly no time or funds. I don’t think I have ever seen a pink one before. Thanks bunches as now i will moon over it in my dreams. I am happy you are more at peace dear Claudia. Beach therapy rocks.
sea shell blessings,
wow, wow, wow!
Yes, the sound of the ocean is so very calming. Glad that you enjoyed your walk. And that store?!!! Oh my word!!!!! I has so many beautiful things…I’ll bet you’re drooling everywhere:)
Enjoy your week!
what a wonderful place..love everything!
My heart is leaping, sweets!
I thought of you this morning when they said there was another earthquake. Glad you are safe and sound- hope those 3 weeks pass by quickly! Oh my goodness- those chandeliers! So gorgeous- I would want to bring everything home with me if I went in this shop!
Oh my gosh! What a heavenly place to shop.. or browse. The 3rd picture down, took my breath away, those blues are my fave color. Thanks so much for sharing your trip to this fab store.
Too many earthquakes – I don’t remember that many when I lived in the Bay Area! Be safe, dear friend!
Lovely shop (the blue, shabby drawers & pink headboard are my favs) – and I’m glad you are finding ways to get through each day with a little sunshine. You’ll be home to your little cottage and loved ones soon, yes?
Have a lovely day,
What a fabulous store! The iron bed was yummy :(
Thanks for your sweet notes, Claudia, I really appreciated from the heart!
Be safe,
So much to lust after in that amazing store. Almost worth a trip to So. Cal., but after the earthquakes are done! Hope you are safe and glad you are doing things to occupy yourself and feel more chipper. Walking on the beach is the best therapy, I think. Sending thoughts for a week of happy adventures that make the minutes fly by. xo
Hi Claudia! So happy to hear that you are enjoying your walks on the beach and visiting such an eye candy filled shop. Love that pink bed too!! I just wish that you could enjoy your final days on the coast SANS earthquakes!! Duck, cover and stay safe dear friend!
Susan and Bentley
Now THIS is the kind of store I could stay in forever! I can’t wait to see more pictures. Too bad about the bed, it is fabulous!
Claudia, what a great store! Thank you so much for taking us along for the ride. :-) I’m in love with several things, including that French sailor hat. I ought to call them about it! ;-)
A walk on the beach sounds nice right about now. Glad you enjoyed yours. I think some beach air just might be what the doctor ordered for me, too!
Sheila :-)
Claudia I thought of you a little while ago when I caught the news! Please, please stay safe!
I would so love exploring this store. The blue drawers are gorgeous and would look awesome in my office/craft room.
Hi Claudia, I have been catching up on your last three post…I don’t know how I missed them!
I am so sorry you have been so homesick, but I guess it had to come at some point. Anyone who loves their family and home as much as you do would find it really hard being away so long. It sounds like you did just the right thing for yourself. Focusing on creative things and nature are great restoratives! When I lived in Huntington Beach, I used to find a quiet spot and pretend I was the only one there. The blue of the ocean is so healing. I love letting my eyes travel all the way out to the horizon, it is so healing.
It is less than three weeks now. I am sure you are counting the days. Are you going to have a celebration when you get home?
I send you big hugs dear,
Hi Claudia,
Thank you for the field trip, I want everything pictured!
Sorry to hear about the “E”, I won’t even type the word after the Loma Prieta one back in 1989. I’ve lived in CA all my life and they still freak me out!! I feel for YOU!!
Saw you’re going to Christie’s this weekend, can’t wait to see photos of that as well. See you on Saturday for the party too.
So happy to hear you’re feeling better.
OH my goodness! What a fabulous store! I’ll take one of everything, please! LOL! So sad about that pink bed. It should have been yours! Sorry to hear you are so homesick. At least you get to be homesick in a beautiful place with the ocean and that gorgeous store to distract you!
Michelle xoxo
Claudia, the way i heard it…that was not an earthquake…but rather someone stamping her feet…very hard…over a stunning pink iron bed that was already sold…i don’t blame you girl…i would have been upset too…LOL…that bed is THE most gorgeous thing i have ever seen…i love when you visit Vignettes and share the beauty with us…thank you:)
Hi Claudia, what a great store!I love all the beautiful chandeliers…Kathy
Oh what a yummy yummy store! Look at all those pretty chandies! Thanks for taking photos – I enjoyed the shoppping!
Hi Claudia,
I’m so glad you’re getting out to experience nature, it really is the best cure for the blues. I haven’t been to San Diego in years, but I’ll definately look up your favorite store next time I’m there, I mean it’s only a 5-6 hour drive away from me!
Hi Claudia,
I’m so glad that visiting this wonderful store helped to take the blues away. I know it would make me happy to walk through there.
San Diego is such a beautiful place.
That amazing blue cabinet with those blue mini drawers makes my heart very very happy! Tooo bad for you it was sold…that is something I would of loved to have brought home too. xxoxoxo
The beach and the mountains are very good for the “Blues.”
That shop is so much fun. It looks like it has a littl or lots of everything.
Lots of my kind of “goodies”!~Patti