9:30 am and the blinds and shades are still closed because it’s so frigging cold out there. We’ve been up three and a half hours and the house still hasn’t warmed up completely.
And, as I hit myself upside the head, I was reading the forecast for Monday when I said it had changed to rain and sleet, with no snow predicted. Don kept saying that several inches of snow were forecast, and I couldn’t figure out why there was such a huge discrepancy.
I forgot to check Sunday night. Starting this evening, and all night long, we’re getting snow and sleet and ice, with 5 – 8 inches predicted. Plus high winds.
And just one more complaint and then I’ll shut up. I threw my back out yesterday, so yours truly is in pain.
This, too, shall pass.
Don is warming up the car so he can make a run to the grocery store. He’s almost out of his coffee. We added about ten other things to that list. We don’t want to have to go anywhere for the next three days.
But it’s sunny right now, so there’s that.
Working on the puzzle would not be the best thing for my back, so I’m going to use this opportunity to get back into my book.
One little thing to share with you:
These boots arrived yesterday. There’s a whole story about the substitute mail person who left a slip of paper saying he tried to deliver the package – I was watching. He didn’t. Don got in the car and somehow found him and he handed it over. This guy has pulled this before. He doesn’t want to drive up our driveway for some reason, even though it’s no big deal and really rather modest in incline. People – including big old oil delivery trucks – do it all the time. The last time he did this, I told him to honk and we’d be happy to come down to the mailbox and get the package.
Whoops. I complained again.
Anyway, I’d been waiting for this package a long time – it came from Russia – and I was so happy to see the excellent workmanship. They’re really beautiful – they were made by Hope Shoes on Etsy. And the maker keeps track of the shipment! She is the one who tipped me off that it was out for delivery.
Aren’t they cute?
Okay, my friends. I’m going to sign off. Say a little prayer that our power stays on! And all of you who are in the path of this storm, please take care! Stay home, stay inside.
And stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
The shoes are adorable!! I had a mail person who didn’t like delivering heavy packages. The new one is great! Love those cute shoes! Its raining and cold here with maybe some snow and ice on the way. All tucked in and hoping no one loses power. Oh that back pain I totally understand and its stops me in my tracks when mine goes out. Take care and enjoy reading. hugs!
Thank you, Linda!
Stay safe.
Good morning, Claudia,
Fingers crossed that your power stays on. The power at our cabin (you know where it is) was off for fifteen days starting two days after Christmas and also the land line and internet were out, too! We were up there for Christmas, and I wished for a white Christmas, but it was a ‘whiter’ one then we expected. We needed a little help digging us out, but we were fortunate that we had another place to go. Being unable to communicate with the outside world is a little unnerving to me.
Stay safe and warm
PS: Love those little boots
Glad you were okay, Cathy!
Stay safe.
The hearts on the tongues!!!
(Temp at the lake house was -11° this morning—yes, we still keep track of it.)
Yes, it’s been very, very cold and it looks like it will continue to be.
Stay safe!
oh, no to the back pain and weather forecast! hope and praying that you feel better soon and don’t get that awful sleet or too much snow.
glad that don can make a trip to the store for necessary things before the storm arrives and was able to find the mail carrier and get the package. hope your mail service improves.
those boots are adorable. tiny things have inherent charm, i think.
i am at home, taking it easy this morning. want to see members of my family today (and every day), but have a headache and sniffly nose. hoping and praying that the source of those things is a strongly-scented candle i put in my bedroom when puttering around yesterday, but will give myself some time to see if that (and having stored the candle) makes a difference.
hope you, don and everyone else are safe, having an easy day.
kathy in iowa
and prayers that your power stays on!
kathy in iowa
Yes, anything in miniature is captivating.
Hope you feel better Kathy. (I have a stuffy nose and head every day in the winter.)
Stay safe.
I love those shoes.
I sometimes send gifts to a shut-in friend, one who despite working hard her entire life, is also indigent and my gifts are things she needs. She’s in a wheelchair now. Twice, I’ve gotten notice that carriers “attempted to deliver” something they obviously didn’t. She’s there all the time. Once it came with instructions that she’d have to pick it up at the local post office. She has no car.
hej, linda …
what a kind heart you have … a blessing to your friend, to be sure. may you also be blessed!
i will be praying for you both.
stay safe!
Linda what sweetness of you to give to your friend
giving is such a blessing to me more than getting for myself
I’m so sorry. A basic question: Isn’t it their job to actually deliver the mail???
I’m going to tell our local post office about our guy. I’ve mentioned it before. If it’s happening to us, it’s happening to a lot of people.
Stay safe, Linda.
Oh those shoes! A bit of sunshine on a cold day for you!
We’re also under a Winter storm watch, with predicted drop in temperature (big drop in a short time), freezing rain, heavy snow, strong winds …. this is truly a full moon day!
Staying home to recover from our colds and hope that by the end of the week, we’ll be back to normal in both weather and health. Wishing you and Don well as you deal with the weather.
X Chy
Thank you, Chy – the same to you!
Stay safe.
Those shoes are so cute! The little hearts, and the workmanship is amazing.
I hope you don’t lose power. The storm sounds bad.
We have a generator now but we spent many days filling the bathtub, and heating our house with a wood stove when power went out…sometimes for days. I remember one particularly bad storm when our son was 6 months old. We were melting snow to flush the toilets. Our neighbor and my husband went to the store on a snowmobile to get diapers and formula. We were young and it seemed like an adventure…like we were pioneers! Lol!
I’m glad Don is taking care of you. Hope your back feels better soon.
Stay warm
We don’t have a generator and we don’t have a wood stove, so when the power goes out – everything goes out, including the well pump.
Thankfully, we didn’t lose power, so we’re very grateful.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
Oh, I definitely know about those types of mail guys. Mostly, I always sing their praises, especially the team inside the post office. But when I lived in the hills and it was a matter of getting out of their mail truck and walking a package down my yard stairway from the street level to my front door, this one dude in particular was just not going to do it. I too watched him the day that I was expecting something; he was up on that higher level where the mail box was located but kept on going, leaving a note in my box that he’d tried to deliver my parcel but couldn’t, so I needed to go pick it up at the post office on Monday. Busted! I saw what I saw! I finally reported him to a person inside the post office I felt I could confide in because I really didn’t want to get him ‘in trouble’ and was just trying to understand (I can be naive) and she confirmed he just didn’t want to get out of the truck. She was pretty disgusted. He didn’t last long around there either. I know that getting out of the truck slows them down and even though that was a few years ago now, it does seem that there’s a lot of pressure on the postal employees for ‘this reason and that reason’, yet they’ve kept working heroically all thru this pandemic; however, if it’s a letter/package carrier’s job to deliver, he needs to deliver. Glad Don caught up with him.
Claudia, I am so sorry you’ve hurt your back and also that you’re so cold! Ominous weather forecasts for your area on the nightly news. I personally can’t imagine this kind of weather; I’ve never been in it. Let’s get Don back safely to the cottage from the grocery run, then you tuck in, stay warm somehow (hot coffee will help!), be comfortable; rest and heal. Staying tuned here to see what happens; I know you’ll let us know!
Here in Southern Calif, we dodged the tsunami where I am (unnerving for coastal dwellers who have houses right on the sand; it seems it was worse in Northern Calif in the Bay Area) and our Santa Ana winds have finally, today, stopped. (Now, the clean-up, with leaves and ‘debris’ all over the place including our shredded tarps. Sigh.)
We’re fine. We got about 5 or 6 inches of snow and we didn’t lose power, which is a relief.
And yes, it’s their JOB to deliver the mail. I could tell this guy had a slip already written and prepared because he took about 30 seconds to put the mail in the box. Thankfully, he subs here rarely, but I’m going to mention it to the supervisor. Don shouldn’t have to chase after him.
Stay safe, Vicki.
Oh my gosh! The heart boots are so adorable.
We have the same forecast and my husband threw his back out. I’m hoping he will be able to sit in the tractor to snow blow before it turns to ice. Very long, steep driveway here.
I just keep repeating my favorite mantra written centuries ago by Julian of Norwich- All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things, all shall be well.
P.S. I hate wind.
I have always loved those words. Louise Penny has used them in her mysteries.
I hope your husband was able to clear the snow, Betsy.
Stay safe.
All is well! 4′ of heavy slush but it’s done. I love Louise Penny’s books, too.
Hope your back is feeling better.
I hope you were able to read and get some rest today. Hopefully the weather isn’t as bad as predicted. Is it to start tonite? So sorry about your back! Was it from doing the puzzle?
We are cold here, too. It goes right into my bones and joints. I hope you & Don are having a good evening cozied up inside. Take care.
No, I just moved forward in my chair in a funny way and I pulled something. It usually is some simple movement that does it.
Stay safe, Chris.
If you do in fact lose power, hang quilts at the windows to insulate and keep cold out (sorta). That’s what the pioneers did.
Thanks! I have a lot of quilts!
Stay safe.
Sorry to hear about your back….are you standing when you do the puzzle? Hope Don’s soup managed to warm you up. This chilling cold we’ve been having just seeps into my body and I get chilled to my core.
Those shoes are adorable!
Stay warm…and hope that your power stays on! ;)
No, I’m sitting when I do the puzzle. I just moved funny when sitting in my chair in the den and that did it.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
Those shoes are adorable -so adorable, I went right to Etsy to find “Hope shoes” but it wasn’t there. Is it called something else? Anyway, I hope you get through your snow storm without any problems. I have had substitute postmen do the same thing to me. Once they wrote that “customer wanted to pick up item at the post office” so I had to go to the post office to pick it up. Why? He was new and couldn’t get to everything on his route. My house is very close to my mailbox, so there is not any excuse. I do know, however that the post office has been short staffed and very short on resources as of late. I think we all know how that happened.
I think I ordered them through her Instagram account. Some sellers don’t sell on Etsy because of the fees they charge. Look for her on Instagram and follow her.
Unfortunately, with this guy, he’s done it in the past, so it doesn’t have anything to do with being short-staffed. It’s just him.
Stay safe, Jane.
Sometimes you’ve gotta complain and that’s OK! Enjoy the book and take care of that back — shoveling may be in your future and be darned careful if it is! LOVE those cute shoes!
I can’t shovel – this is heavy, wet snow. And the snowblower is being difficult, so I’m worried that it’s all up to Don.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Oh man, I hope your power does not go out. Here in Phoenix people are saying it is cold and it is only in the high 60’s! I feel lucky that I am able to still garden! I had a surgery last week that I am still recovering from,but so grateful that the mass was benign and not malignant. Thank you God! My husband has also been spoiling me and he thinks he threw his back out. Oh well, stay safe and warm! Will be thinking about you and Don.
I’m so happy to hear that your surgery went well and that the prognosis is so positive.
The power stayed on, Deb.
Stay safe.
Those boots! Just too darn cute for words. Why are things ten times cuter when teensy?!
Praying the weather gods are kind to you–warmth, full pantry, at least one of you with a healthy back, a good book and fine music. I can feel springtime out there, hovering and biding her time. We actually had a “flock” of robins enjoying our pond after our last storm. I’ve never seen that many robins in one place before! Winter is far from done with us in the Sierra, but…robins.
I so hear you with the complaints! I’ve gotten so crochety recently that I’m putting myself in complaint time-out and resolving to consciously focus on the good things that come my way instead. Trying to bring some positive energy to one small corner of the universe. Can’t hurt to try.
I hope your back heals quickly!
Yes, I tried to be more positive as the day went on and it worked!
The power stayed on and we’re doing well. Now, Don has to try to figure out what’s wrong with our snowblower.
Stay safe, Roxie.