I only have about 4 or 5 peony buds this year and this one is about to open.
I’m getting ready to inhale.
I realized yesterday that the baby wrens have fledged. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t hear the song of the wrens, which had been the melody of my days. I kept watching the nest but there was no activity. I cannot tell you how sad I was. It was as if dear neighbors had up and moved in the middle of the night without giving me a chance to say goodbye.
It rained heavily all day Saturday and Sunday, and it was cold, so we didn’t hear any birdsong. But I do remember, on Friday, observing one of the wrens perched on top of one of the chairs on the funky patio, chirping repeatedly, head moving side to side. This happened at least twice during the day and I remember wondering what this behavior meant. Now that I look back on it, perhaps the chirping had to do with cheering on the about-to-fledge babies? Now, of course, I wish I’d paid more attention.
I miss them.
The robins are still feeding their babies. I imagine they’ll be fledging sometime this week.
A ladybug on milkweed.
I’m going to try to paint today. I was missing the birds yesterday and felt too sad to paint.
It’s a beautiful day out there, all the more appreciated after our torrential rains.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
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