My limelight hydrangeas looking very autumnal.
Thanks for understanding about my taking a break, though I knew you would. Honestly, this is a stressful time for me. There’s a lot on my plate. A lot of that involves change. I have to take the train to NYC on Sunday for the first time in a year and a half. I’ll be staying in a hotel. I’ll be working with lots of different people on Monday and Tuesday, then returning home on the train. Then I’ll be doing it all over again late in the week. I have to get a COVID test tomorrow and pray that results get back in time for me to work on Monday – something I have absolutely no control over.
I’m coaching via Zoom. I’m constantly making lists in my head about what I need to take to Brooklyn when I move there for six weeks. It’s very exciting and, at the same time, very nervous-making. Don and I have been together every day since February of 2020. I’ll be apart from him. It’s strange, all of this. While I’m enormously grateful for the work opportunities, I’m also reluctant to leave our nest.
Yet, I’m determined to do my best to live in the moment during the next few months. I have the opportunity to work on a film – something I’ve never done before. I am going to work alongside my dear Jim Parsons, and Ben, who I’m coaching via Zoom, and Sally Field(!) who is playing Ben’s mother. Very exciting stuff at this point in my life, and certainly something I never thought would happen.
But change is hard for me. As you know, I’ve been suffering from anxiety over the past two years and though there are stretches where it doesn’t make its presence known, there are also times that it does.
Anyway. I’m blessed and I know I’m blessed. But I’m also stressed. That’s the reality of it. A new phrase for me “Blessed and Stressed.”
Then there’s the world outside my door and the pain, death, inequities, willful ignorance, anger, climate change, and on and on.
I have to take a break at times.
We’ll take it as it comes, but there will be certainly be times in the next few months where I won’t have the time to blog. Days on the set are usually a minimum of 12 hours and that doesn’t include commuting back and forth from my apartment. There will be times when I just can’t blog. Once I get some sort of rhythm going, I’ll know more.
Love you all.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
Best of luck, Claudia! Hope you enjoy yourself!
Thank you, Ellen!
Stay safe.
Maybe a picture on instagram every so often? Just to check in?
I almost always post on Instagram, Rose. But I hope I can figure out when to blog and how often.
Stay safe.
Be well, deep breaths, and much good luck for your blessings and stressings.
We are home (?) and trying to open up slowly. Now if I can just keep Mr. Wizard from doing too much and hurting himself more than he already hurts.
That’s the same problem I have with Don, so I understand. Glad you are home safely, though I know it’s tinged with sadness at leaving the lake property.
Stay safe, Shanna.
Oh, and he got a third shot, due to his reduced immune system. Yay!
Great news! I think we 65 and ups are going to be able to get one soon, as well. I’d love to get the third shot before I head into the city for 6 weeks.
Yes, I tried, but they said they were not authorized yet, for me.
I don’t think they have a plan in place yet.
A lot of change all at once. One day at a time. Take care and good luck!
Exactly. One day at a time!
Thanks, Lynda.
Stay safe.
All the best over the coming months, Claudia. Would it be possible for Don to accompany you on your first train journey into the city since lockdown, maybe be settle you into your hotel and leave later on Sunday?
I know that you’re extremely capable but it would be nice to have Don with you for moral support.
By the way, All Creatures Great and Small is just as good as the first series!
Happy Thursday
I think I’ll be okay. I don’t want him to have to travel that much and the journey into the city is a long one.
We can’t wait until All Creatures hits public television here, Dee Dee!
Stay safe.
I am excited for you and this new adventure that you are embarking on. A little concerned, yes. But, you know how to take care of yourself . I wish you the best Dear Claudia.
Take Care,
Park City, UT
I am looking forward to hearing about this adventure.
It’s sweet of you to be concerned, but I’ll be okay, Kaye. Once I get this first trip under my belt, it won’t be so scary. And, of course, I’ll be wearing a mask.
Stay safe.
“blessed and stressed” … good way to put it. will keep praying for everyone here, plus (claudia) your greta.
i am struggling … changes at work are not good at all. i happen to have today and tomorrow off from work (scheduled a couple months ago). wanted to spend it making gifts for the four littles in my family. instead i will be looking for a new job. and my little ten-year-old great-niece is having mixed days with covid. her eight-year-old brother now has it, as does their mother/my youngest niece (despite her being fully vaccinated).
i haven’t been here much because i am so angry, sad, scared …
miss you all and hope you are safe, happy.
I’m so sorry you have to go through this, especially at this stage in your career, Kathy. Know that we’re all praying for you.
And for your family, as well. It’s too much, isn’t it? Greta was slowly improving, though I haven’t heard an update in a couple of days. I hope that is still the case.
Much love to you, Kathy.
I’m sending prayers your way, for comfort for you, health for your family, and the best possible outcome in your new career search.
As part of the ‘Claudia Community’ we care about one another just as if we all lived in the same place, and could sit with one another with our cups of coffee, or tea.
Prayers from Across the Pond, Kathy. It might be the best thing all round, getting a new job. From your previous posts it doesn’t seem like your employers appreciate your hard work.
Take care
Kathy…so sorry to hear you are having to start looking for another job. But, I well remember the stress when a job changes, and there’s nothing you can do but leave. Hope you family gets well…soon. Take care! ;)
Kathy, You know so many of us here are thinking of you! The sad part is so much of this could have been avoided and shouldn’t be happening, if only people did the right thing. I see commercials on TV every day asking us to “come visit beautiful Iowa” and I laugh and always say outloud, “when your idiot Gov is out of office”. Just a shame that all of these politicians are working so hard to kill their constituents. Guess they feel it is their job.
I hope you can find a job and leave that place where you have been. I know after that many years, it is hard to do, especially as we get older. Keep us posted! 🖤
Kathy, I hope things take a turn for the better…and soon! I’m obviously not alone in thinking about you and your family. I hope the support from our little group gives you some hope and optimism as you struggle through this how-much-worse-can-it-get speed bump.
thanks for all your support, prayers and good wishes. means a lot.
and for understanding that i just send one reply for now. i am physically and emotionally exhausted.
i know everyone else is, too … exhausted … so please keep taking good care of yourselves. i will keep praying for you all and hope to have good news to share here soon.
kathy in iowa
All your worries are absolutely comprehensible and I admire your way of overcoming your fears.
I’m looking forward to read and see your reports on IG. I hope you will enjoy this exciting time very much.
Best regards, stay safe and take care!
I’m hanging around for a while. Filming doesn’t even start until the end of October.
Thanks, Helga.
Stay safe.
I can imagine how daunting it must all feel but exciting too. No wonder you feel stressed. It’s going to be interesting to hear about it when you have the time and energy but if you don’t have the time then that’s completely understandable. Wishing you all the very best for this adventure. Take care.
I’m only going away for a few short days right now. Filming won’t be happening until the end of October, Fiona.
Stay safe.
Wow! So many new and challenging adventures to be had. Stressed and blessed is right. You are an awesome woman, Claudia! I have no doubt that you can do this. I’m very excited for you. We all love you too! xo
I’ll be fine. Just have to get used to everything!
Besides, I’m still here for the most part until October 25th.
Stay safe.
I so honor your taking time away. I’ll miss your daily posts but when you have a chance to do an update, it will be that much sweeter!
Be well. Stay safe. Enjoy your time too!
X Chy
You’ll have my daily posts, for the most part, until we start to film and that won’t be until the end of October.
Thanks, Chy.
Stay safe.
Yes! I’m so excited for you for your new adventure. Film is an entirely different world from theatre and at times, not exciting, but so special on so many levels. I look forward to your journey as you share, when you can. X Chy
Oh, I know that there are long periods of waiting. Don has filled me in on everything. But it will be fascinating and intriguing.
Stay safe, Chy.
Claudia, You are blessed with work to offer your talent to those involved in the project and naturally stressed with re-entry into our crazy world. While I love your daily posts, it is most important that you practice self care. This is going to be a wonderful journey and maybe a bit of a roller coaster ride. Whenever, whatever you post will be a joy for your followers! Best wishes! Sherry B
I think it will be both a roller coaster ride and a fantastic adventure.
Thanks, Sherry.
Stay safe.
Best of luck. You will be fine, you know that. You have done this many times. Try not to stress so much that you don’t enjoy this exciting opportunity. I am so guilty of that myself.
That’s what Don keeps telling me!
Thanks old friend.
Stay safe.
Sally Field the best…enjoy and have fun…
Thanks, Brenda!
May you find joy in your new adventure. My prayers are with you and may you also find a sense of accomplishment in being brave enough to venture into New York and overcome your anxiety. You will do a fine job on this exciting project. You are resilient, talented and experienced at coaching. Try to focus on being blessed at this stage of your life. Make peace with yourself and joy will follow. Wishing you tremendous success.
Oh, I know I’m blessed! That’s for sure. Thanks for the wise words, Nancy.
Stay safe.
Blessed and stressed is the perfect way to some up the situation. I understand the apprehension, considering how many of us have been living these last 18-20 months. Not sure I could handle a train trip, hotel, and mingling in a big city. But, you are a very capable woman Claudia…you got this. Enjoy your day! ;)
I’m nervous about it, but I can handle it. I did it before, I can do it now. Just with the addition of a mask!
Stay safe, Donna.
I would feel the same way. I’m prone to terrible anxiety, too. But yet I’d be a bit excited. So blessed and stressed is a good way of putting it.
Thanks, Melanie.
Stay safe.
Blessed and Stressed …. I can see a new song in Don’s future!! So very very many of us feel that way! It is a universal feeling, I think.
I agree with you that after your first trip, you will feel soooo much better. Just that element of the unknown that brings such apprehension. But the addition of covid, the whole masking all of the time, worrying about those around you, are things we never had to deal with previously. So it truly is more of the unknown ahead. But we all know you!!!!!!!!
And Sally Field!!!!! Yay!! My hope is that you will tell us she is as lovely and gracious as we believe she is. So, you know how we have loved to go adventuring with you over the years, and we look forward to this journey as well!! Take care.
Thanks so much, Chris.
Stay safe.
Blessed and stressed says it all. You do what you need to do, however you need to do it. I know the filming doesn’t start for a bit but it still is probably extra stressful doing something new, wanting to rock it not just because you always do but because you are working for your friend and then being in a different spot. I have supreme confidence in you. One day at a time.
Thank you, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
All the best Claudia, excited for you, stay safe👍
Thank you, Christine.
Stay safe.
I was surprised to see this post because I thought you wouldn’t do it for a few days, but I think it was good you spilled a little because it’s a lot, Claudia; IT’S A LOT happening all at once for you after months and months of a much quieter life to where I almost, on the one hand, wish you didn’t have to go thru it all except that I think once you’re into it, you’re gonna have a ball, and it’s a really exciting thing of which to take part; omygosh, Jim Parsons AND Sally Field? This is big time, Claudia. I’m so proud of you. Hang in there; you will get thru it and it will be an experience to remember! You just need to get your feet wet because you haven’t dabbled your toes in the pond for awhile. You will be FINE. Sending love and hugs your way; your readers are here for you!
Thanks so much, Vicki.
Stay safe.
Good Lord! You sound just like me!!!! My good thoughts and prayers go with you and Don.
Lots of love and good experiences.
Thank you, Tana.
Stay safe!