Though I’m passionate about blogging and love the discipline of writing every day, there are the rare mornings where I feel foggy and have a hard time coming up with some idea that is blog-worthy. Where I don’t have the desire to pick up my camera and roam the house, looking for something that will spark an idea for a post. Where my morning cup of coffee has turned into three cups and I still don’t know what the heck I will write about.
Since I write a post every day, 365 days a year, it’s inevitable. I know a lot of bloggers plan their posts out ahead of time. I am not one of them. Since MHC is a daily journal of my life, I obviously can’t write about what just happened or is about to happen a week or two weeks before it actually happens. So, though I might have an idea the night before I post about what I might tackle the next day, often I don’t. I fly by the seat of my pants.
Every blogger works hard to shape their content, to define the blog, to give it her/his personal stamp. This doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time. Time to find your voice, time to find what works and doesn’t work, time to define the boundaries of what you will and won’t do. I’ve been blogging for nearly six years (in February) and I have wrestled, along the way, with these questions: should I have ads, should I try to be a ‘big blogger,’ should I narrow my blog into that niche blog territory that might get me more readers and more ad income. The niche question was contemplated for about one minute. I am interested in far more than one narrow category and I wouldn’t be true to myself if I did that. I’d also be bored out of my mind. And that took care of the big blogger question, because most big bloggers are niche bloggers. Not all, but most.
I have a definite idea of what this blog should be, what I will and won’t do, and where I draw the proverbial line in the sand. I earn a very, very modest amount of money from my ads. I would dearly love to earn more. (I want to be the one who pays for our health insurance.) I stress over the placement of ads within the blog. I choose not to have a big banner ad over my header, though I know it will bring in more money. I think that type of ad makes the blog look too commercial and that is something I don’t want. BlogHer has some changes they are going to implement and I might have to go with a very narrow rectangular ad right above the beginning of my content instead of the tower-like ads that are currently on the sidebar – we’ll see.
One of the latest forms of income that BlogHer and, I’m sure, other advertisers have offered is the one that highlights certain words in a post. If your cursor passes over that word, a link or a photo link will pop up. They are supposed to be potentially lucrative.
But, I don’t like them. I find them intrusive and irritating because I often find my cursor hitting one of the dreaded links. An ad will pop up and, instead of reading the post, my train of thought will be stopped as I deal with the annoying ad. And the very look of the highlighted word of text looks sort of spammy to me. If I feel that way, then I’m pretty sure some of my readers will also feel that way.
Please understand, I’m not criticizing anyone else for implementing that type of ad or any other type of ad. Go for it; do what is right for you. Many bloggers are trying to earn a living from blogging. I get it.
It’s just not right for me, that’s all.
What to do? Go for something more lucrative or stay true to my ‘line in the sand?” I have learned to never say never, but really? I have to go with my gut. And my gut says no. That’s not me and it’s not my blog.
I’m so proud of this blog. As of today, I have written over 1,615 posts (the first few years I only posted about 3 times a week.) I started with some very cautious and tentative dips of my writing toes into the waters of blogging. Over time, I have discovered my voice and, thanks to all of you, found my audience. I really think of this blog as my baby and I have done my best to shape it into something I am proud of.
I’ll probably still wrestle with some decisions as I go forward. But I promise to go with my gut, with what my heart tells me is right.
Happy Sunday.
Claudia I’ve been meaning to tell you that I’m happy your blog format changed back to how it is now – I just don’t like visiting blogs with that other format where one only sees part of a paragraph and then has to click to find the remainder. Also I really dislike the advertising format where ads appear if you click on a certain word – accidentally in my case because I’m not interested in reading ads on blogs! Sorry, forgive me, I know it provides income, but I still don’t like it. Your current ads are not too invasive so I can still enjoy reading straight through your post and, if interested in a particular ad, can go there to view it of my own accord.
Like you, I feel I do not have a ‘niche blog’ either – my posts have always been all over the board – my life is so much more than writing about the same old thing day after day. I have posted a lot about travel, but only because I have been fortunate enough to see some incredible places many don’t have the opportunity to experience. Many people apparently enjoy being armchair travelers and I like to share the wonders of the world with them, and hope to continue to do so – although my expedition adventures may have ended.
I love your blog and I enjoy everything you share – I thank you for all the work you put into it dear.
Hugs – Mary
P.S. Will be back to read comments on this post for sure!
Thank you, Mary. I didn’t really change back, however. When I made the move to WordPress and chose this theme, I deliberately set it up so that the first 6 posts would be full length. It’s always been that way. Any posts that are more than six days old are truncated, simply because of blog loading time. I figured that if one is a regular reader of the blog, six full-length posts works nicely.
I can’t imagine your blog without your travel posts – you have had such incredible adventures and have taken us along on your journeys. I love your blog exactly the way it is, my friend.
Claudia, I very much like that you are not a niche blogger. Your daily journal approach is appealing to me maybe because we are about the same age and stage of life.
As far as ads go: do what you have to do. I will read your blog regardless of ad content. My husband is still working full time; I am retired, so we have financial pressures too. We will not have the retirement ease that our parents had. Once again, do what you have to do.
Thanks so much for your support, Carolyn!
I like the fact that you thoughtfully contemplate what to do with your blog and advertisements. The ads aren’t intrusive and I appreciate that, but can understand that bills must be paid.
It’s your blog, Claudia. Guests in your “home” are made to feel welcome; you get to decide how to design it in a way that suits your needs and comfort level.
Thanks so much for your wise words, Karen.
Hi Claudia. I have been offline for the last few days but wanted to pop in today to tell you and Don how much we enjoyed watching The Poisoners Handbook the other night. Very well done. And Don is so tall!! Bravo!
I am trying to write daily and you have been my inspiration because your posts are spontaneous and real life. I have not stayed on course this week as my mom needed a strong shoulder and a clear head to help her through a very tough situation and that meant I needed to step away. All is well now and I can get back to my real life, which like you, I have chosen to document as it happens.
I do not have any ads , so I cannot really tell you what is best. I am fine with a few ads here and there but find the blogs that are cluttered with many ads actually turn me off. I realize they are a source of income but sometimes I choose not to follow a blog if it is too hard to find the blog post because the ads have crowded out the space. Yours is just fine!
Enjoy your Sunday. I hope it is peaceful and warm.
I will definitely pass along your praise to Don, Chy. I hope your mother is doing better – family and loved ones have to take priority.
Have a wonderful day.
I personally can’t imagine writing every day. I think I would have run out of material very quickly…but not you! You’ve managed to take me out of my little corner of the world, and introduce me to a different one…one filled with drama, miniatures, doll houses, flowers, books, and McCoy pottery…add a few random posts…and you have Mockingbird Hill Cottage! If there’s a niche for this…what would they call it? As far as ads go…they don’t bother me, except for those highlighted words…they are distracting! But, if they provide extra income to the author…so much the better. It’s going to be a balmy 38 today..woo hoo! Enjoy your day! ;)
I really like the discipline of writing seven days a week, Donna. It’s part of my morning routine. But sometimes it ain’t so easy to come up with something!
It was a dreadfully rainy day here yesterday and today is windy, but dry. I can’t keep up with the big changes that seem to happen every day!
I very much appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this with us. You have a beautiful blog and I always look forward to reading it each day. Actually, you are the only blog I read that does publish every day of the week, an amazing accomplishment in my book. As for ads, yours are the least intrusive and that makes reading so much more enjoyable. However, I do recognize that ads help pay for the time you spend at your keyboard. You can, and should, do what you need to do to stay true to yourself. That said, change is inevitable in this world. I will continue to read you as long as your beautiful writing and photos speak to me, ads or no ads.
Thank you for your words of support Sherry. They mean a great deal to me.
I read your blog almost every day or catch up on the few I may have missed. Enjoy your style of writing and just taking a peek into your life. Your ads have never bothered me but on some blogs they have ads that pop up right where I’m reading and that annoys me no end. FYI — I read many blogs and most have ads but I have yet to ever click on even one ad … I’m there to enjoy the reading, not go shopping.
I’m glad that the ads haven’t bothered you, Ann. Thanks!
Dear. Claudia,your approach is so appealing to me exactly as it is perhaps because you are courageous enough to not allow yourself to get swept up into the flow of things. By remembering who you are, or even aim to be in the midst of all the pressures and modern ‘overwhelm’ your authenticity clears the space for connection.
Thank-you for pointing out the PBS link.An interesting, if chilling piece.Don brought the character of Dr.Norris to life just as one might imagine him.It. was impressive to see how much of the persona he conveyed just through his demeanor.Congratulations!
Thanks so much Grace. It’s so easy to fall prey to pressure and sometimes I doubt my decisions. But I have to stay true to my vision.
Thanks so much for watching the program! I will share your words with Don.
Your blog is a part of my coffee routine in the mornings – and I Love the fresh clean visual along with the honest content that you share with us. This Canadian is a huge fan.
Aw, thank you so much, Nadine! I love Canadians; my mom was born in Canada and I have a lot of family and friends who live there.
I only happened onto this “blogging” thing about three years ago and confess, I still know very little about the ins and outs of what you go through in order to maintain blogs. I so appreciate those of you who do this in order to graciously share your lives and stories. I so totally agree with Mary above and I too do not care for the format that requires one to have to “click” and wait for a further loading in order to read an entire post on a blog and have deleted many from my “favorites” because of this. Sorry, but there it is. Thanks Claudia for being respectful of our time by leaving up to six posts in complete view for those times we can’t peek into your world on a daily basis. Your consideration is just one more aspect of why many of us keep returning.
Thanks for educating me about those highlighted words I have been seeing in many blogs of late. Good to know as I was curious what that was all about but I am pretty protective of keeping my cursor at bay and had not accidentally had the pleasure (not) of finding this out on my own.
And while we are baring our souls to an extent, I do confess that some of what I tag as a bit “too-over-the-top” type of blogs typically have way too much advertising to put up with. There is nothing wrong in earning income this way but many of these bloggers are an advertisement of themselves, their services and products as well. Again, nothing necessarily wrong with this either. Then add those wonderful “freebies” these top hitters are given-well some days it is a little much. Yes, I will never live on those levels and yes, perhaps it is a bit of the “green-eyed” monster showing in me. But such luxurious eye candy is something I look at once in awhile. The real world I relate too is a comfortable place I like to visit daily. Thanks for keeping if real Claudia!
You’re welcome, Chris. I agree that all the ads, whether for others or the bloggers themselves and all the freebies can be a bit too much. I know those bloggers work hard for all of that, but there have been more than a few blogs I have stopped reading because every post became a promo for the blogger. While I applaud their accomplishments, when the blog changes to what is essentially a PR instrument for that blogger, then I have to say goodbye.
Thanks for being who you are and a part of my daily routine. I love that you have the ASPCA on your side bar and I try and click on it so you get credit,
Oh thank you, Cindy – but that’s just my own particular link for a cause I believe in. It’s not an ad.
Good Morning Claudia,
Your post this AM really spoke to me.Yours is one of the very first blogs that I subscribed to and one of the few that I faithfully look forward to reading each day! I love your blog what ever you decide to do with it….
February l2th will be my 2nd year blogging anniversary. The lst grade Teacher I assist had started a blog and I was captivated and wanted to start my own blog. At 60 I was in a holding pattern of sorts, while caring for my Mom for 4years. I started the Blog in February and she passed away in April. There were so many changes in my life that first year.
One thing I did know was that you need a lot of photos! I also needed to educate myself in this new endeavor. I had become hooked on pinterest and still am! I love it! and found many of the blogs through them and eventually from a blog I discovered new blogs. I subscribed to almost 200! to get a feel for what a blog emcompassed and what I wanted mine to be. I like you have so many varied interests so have learned what I don’t want and that I like you will just post about my everyday life and many interests. I have learned s much from these blogs and all these wonderfully creative women!
So after reading your post this AM my goal is to start posting more regularly. So Thank You!
You are most welcome, Debbi. You were so smart to read other blogs and see what you liked about them and use that information to help shape your blog. Good for you! xo
Your blog is the first thing I look for in the morning. Encouraging you to follow your heart but also understand the bills go on. Karen
Thanks for the words of support, Karen!
I like popping in and visiting your lovely blog, and I totally agree with everything you are saying. It’s good to follow your heart, and it seems you are doing just that.
Thank you so much, Donna!
Claudia – I love your style. Don’t ever change – ’nuff said.;)
Thank you, Ranee!
I just want to read more about doll houses. Oh – and acting jobs. And dogs. And . . . stuff.
“And…stuff” would be a good subtitle for this blog!
I think the popularity of your blog is mostly in the fact that you keep it discuss issues that most everyone here has to deal with at sometime in their lives..You and Don also make us feel like we are friends and not just people that read your blog..I so admire the two of your professions and in your everyday lives..If you would have to add any means of making more income I have no problem with that..You are the ones that have to pay your bills and I certainly do understand that..Adding a new source of income would not deter from your blog in any way for me..I will still come by for my daily visit..Hugs!
Thank you, Nancy. Your support means a great deal to me!
Claudia, I think your blog has evolved into,Your blog!
I first came across your blog as following some
links in a Vintage blog, that I have long since quit
because I never knew what or when I would find.
your journal Interests me and is consistently,good
informative, sad, funny, reading.I trust that anything,
you decide will be in your best interest and the interest
of your blog, and therefore it’s readers.After all you are
providing a service. -Judy A-
Judy, thank you so much.
I have to agree with you on the ads issue. I have found more and more blogs with annoying pop ups but didn’t know why. I prefer to keep one or two ads on the side and that’s it. I, too, blog like you. I don’t have topics pre-planned weeks or months ahead of time. I have found out that my readers like that. After thinking about starting a new blog with a narrower based set of topics my readers said they would follow my new blog but they liked the real-life format of my existing blog. That’s nice to know and makes it easier on me, ha! Since I don’t have to create a new blog I am going to look into finding another blog host though. Stay true to yourself (and your gut!).
It sounds like you are staying true to yourself too, Suzi!
I think your last line sums up the reason so many of us love your blog. You stay true to yourself and don’t get caught up in the trends so many of the “cookie cutter” blogs have. I am thankful to be able to visit here everyday and not feel bombarded with intrusive ads. I don’t enjoy the “big blogs ” where I have to click through a series of close buttons to get to the content. Unlike so many of the blogs that are variations of the same trends, yours is truly original.
Thank you so much, Denise. It means a great deal to me to know I’m doing it right in your eyes.
Claudia you have taken us (your readers) to places we may never actually visit. You even let us follow along on Don’s trip to Prague. We have brushed shoulders with celebrities and been inspired to try doing things we’ve never thought of doing before. We have been touched by your love and concern for your parents and have felt a kinship with you as you’ve shared so much of your life with us. I want you to know that I feel like we are friends and I appreciate the work and thought you put into your blog. Looking forward to more of the same. Blessings!
Aw, thank you, Janie. I love this blog and enjoy every minute of writing the posts and interacting with all of you. It’s been a blessing.
Claudia, I look forward to reading your blog each morning while I enjoy my coffee. It’s like having a great conversation with a friend, because that is what you have become to me. I love blogging but am not a daily blogger and probably will never be. At first I was a thrifty/junkin only blog, but I really like blogging about my family, my life and my travels so now I’m a ‘Lifestyle’ blogger…I think that is a funny name for it, but it’s what i’ve been told. All I know is I feel like my friends read and comment on my blog and we have email conversations and it’s the best thing ever! I too have added a few ads and while I don’t make much from it, it does help a little. I blog for the love of it and I know you do also. I don’t judge others who have to have more ads for the income, but if I choose not to follow them when they become so impersonable, then that is my choice. I’m so glad to see some sunshine today! Hope you and Don and Scout are having a wonderful Sunday.
hugs, Linda
Same category for my blog: Lifestyle. I’m not sure what that means unless its MY lifestyle. LOL.
Blogging is truly a blessing for me and I know it is for you as well. And oh, has my life been enriched by all of you!
Claudia, if we click on your ads, is that beneficial
to you? – Judy A-
Absolutely, Judy.
Personally, I read blogs to get away from commercials and the commercial world. If I want those, I can watch tv or Martha Stewart etc. Loved Don on the PBS production. Great show. I watched it for the intellectual stimulation and lack of commercials and was blown away by the quality of the show and I learned so much. Same with your blog and others like it. Just wanted you to know a small piece of your audience.
So glad you liked The Poisoner’s Handbook, Jan. And thank you for your kind words today.
I think it is great that you set a goal to pay your insurance with your ads. You have always been very upfront about the ads on your blog. I don’t find them annoying and I am so used to seeing so many more in other blogs. What I do not like is when the content of the blog is one big advertisement for a company product. They show you a craft but the whole idea is to buy the product that is shown in the article. Even at the end they say they were paid for their opinions. Just once I would like to see one where they did not endorse the product.
Yesterday I commented on your doll house. I did not know you had matched the wall paper to the back of the shelves. I thought they had no back. Mine have no back and I added a mirror. So my idea was for a mirror behind the shelves not above.
Our new insurance, while a good deal, is a strain on an already strained income, so if I can get enough ad income to pay for it – or even almost pay for it, I will be very happy.
I have a sponsored post now and then through BlogHer, but I always express my true opinion, and I refuse to do otherwise. And BlogHer does not expect me to do anything other than be honest, thank goodness!
Same with my book reviews.
Hi Claudia, your blog is fun, I check in mostly every day because I enjoy your writing, its the style I would choose if I could write, and I love reading about your daily adventure, whether about your home, your miniature collection, in your garden, on the road or whatever. I feel as if you are almost a virtual pen pal with you doing most of the writing and sharing. And I thank you for it.
And I thank you for reading this blog. It wouldn’t be the same without you.
I so enjoy reading your blog each day – your ad choices would have to make it virtually impossible for me to navigate your content before they could drive me away! Lol :)
Oh thank you, Debbie! Bless you.
Following your heart and staying true to yourself is always the right choice and precisely what makes your blog so endearing!
Thank you so much, Sharon!
Put the banner over the title, I’ll still check in everyday. The pop-up ads are annoying, but to get to the doll house and cottage, and book reviews, we’ll take it. This is your calling and you give us so much joy doing it, it only fair you get paid.
I never thought of it as my calling before – or never allowed myself to think of it that way. Thank you for the gift of those words. I’m going to embrace them.
Claudia, I admire and respect you wanting to stay true to yourself and anyone that has spent time reading your blog would expect nothing less, but the bottom line is times are hard. You need to do what you have to do to care of yourself and your family first and if that means an extra ad or two then so be it. Your true readers will understand. It’s no secret that money is an issue for you, and probably the majority of your readers. I know it is for me. So, do what you need to do. Imagine how nice it would be to not have to worry as much about your bills. Considering how much you give there is nothing wrong getting a little in return. You should try if for a little while and if you absolutely can’t stand it then stop it. It’s not going to stop me from reading this blog. I didn’t know you got credit if I clicked on your ads. I will be clicking away from now on. Good luck
I might just take your advice, Janice. Maybe I will try it for the month of February (January is traditionally a terrible month for ad income) and see if it’s worth it. If I do that, I will make an announcement that I’m going to do it.
Thank you!
Claudia-I greatly respect that you feel the way you do about ads and such. However, I enjoy your blog so much that I would be happy to read around ads or whatever because I so enjoy your writing and if that brought you extra money it certainly wouldn’t make me leave. I do respect how you feel though and would remain loyal no matter what you would do . Bills have to get paid.
Bless you, Sue. All the support I have received is causing me to re-think this whole thing. Maybe I’ll give it a 30-day tryout in February.
I hope you’re feeling all better today Claudia!
I’m so sorry for being so late in telling you that we loved seeing Don the other night! The show was excellent and fascinating. And Don was too, it was so much fun to see him. What a great voice Don has. My husband was all excited! He kept saying “that’s your friend right?”, too cute.
I’m sure not a fan of ads on blogs but I absolutely understand the lure of revenue. If you enjoy a constant daily audience it must be so seductive. Ads vs no ads, I can see both sides. I do rather mourn the days of non-slick blogs though – so much fluffing and presentation going on and not much real stuff. Personally I’m attracted to authentic voices and real life in blogs and that’s why I love your blog.
(I do abhor the ads that you unknowingly scroll over and they take you to another screen with the ad!!! ARGH! I want to choose to see the product, I don’t want my chose taken away from me.)
Thanks so much for watching the show, Sally. (I love Don’s voice!)
I mourn those days, too. But I read an interesting post the other day about ad income and why bloggers need it – when you figure out the cost of hosting, the cost of security for the blog, and a whole lot of other things, plus time put in to each post, cameras for better photography, ad income becomes a way to sustain the daily costs of a blog.
I’ve always said that I won’t let ads keep me from my authentic voice.
I read several blogs, but I always read yours first. Keep doing what you know in your heart to be right and congrats on your soon to be blogging anniversary.
Thank you so much, Shari.
Well I’ll always visit here, ads or no ads.
But I know what you mean about those ‘highlight ads.’ Even I’ve gotten those and I never signed up for the ads in the first place. (I don’t understand how it happened at all). I didn’t like ads pushing in on there without my consent, so I created an entirely new account.
Hmmm. I wonder why they showed up on your blog, Kristin? Oh, blogging can be full of strange occurrences!
Gut wins every time, Claudia. I applaud you! It’s YOU (and Scout and Don) we want to read about. But should you ever need to incorporate more income-producing mechanics, we will still trust and follow you.
(Note, please: I have not read previous comments as my time is limited right this moment; so I hope I’m adding something here, not being boorish!)
Amen Claudia..I’m with you…Have enjoyed your journey thus far..Yours, Scouts and Dons..not necessarily in that order..Keep it going !! I know that there are times I have a tough time coming up with something interesting and I’m sure it shows..This time of year is the hardest, I think..
I love your blog, and am so happy to have discovered it last fall. One of the things I enjoy the most about it is the fact you don’t blog about some niche subject. I like eclectic blogs, which is what mine is as well.
Hi Claudia…I just wanted to say that in my opinion you have balanced the ad v. content ratio of your blog perfectly, and I wish you great success in achieving your health insurance goal. I also love that your blog posts give us a little daily glimpse into your world. It feels authentic and your blog is one of the few that I sit and read every single post (even if I don’t comment on each one).