I’m shooting directly into the morning sun – last minute photo. It was so gray and rainy yesterday, not at all conducive to photography. I finished my book, started another, did some laundry, started another bunny egg cozy.
Talked to Don.
Anyway, it occurs to me that my latest creations/purchases have all been bunny-themed – the drawers with their bunny knobs, the spun cotton pair of bunnies, and Barnaby.
Even my sister’s Easter card:
Perfect. I saw at least two bunnies this morning: one was leaping around at the back of the house and the other was near my car, nibbling on the grass. No more Henry sightings, at least as of this morning.
Cleaning is on the docket for today and some work outside. It’s finally sunny again! What a difference a sunny day can make.
I took this with my long range lens yesterday. I’ve seen this bird (actually, a pair of them) only fleetingly and could never get a photo until now. I’ve cropped it so you can see the identifying marks. Does anyone know what kind of bird this is? The feathers on the back are such a beautiful, rich brown. I looked through my bird book and thought it might be a thrush, but I’m not at all sure of that.
I’ll keep looking but if anyone can identify it, I’d be most appreciative!
I have to get going as I’m headed into Manhattan tomorrow. There’s been so much rain that the grass is growing by leaps and bounds. Whether I’ll tackle some of it today remains in question. If not, I’ll take a stab at it on Tuesday when I return home.
Happy Birthday to William Shakespeare (and to my friend Joe!)
Happy Sunday.
Speaking of bunnies…..I have not seen any around here. That is strange…I’m wondering if our resident Coopers Hawk is responsible…or the coyotes. Yes…we have those too. I was cleaning out a garden bed yesterday…got too close to a nest, well hidden I might add. Mama let me know quite quickly I was too close….guess that bed will have to wait. Safe travels tomorrow! ;)
I hope the bunnies are okay. Stay away hawks! And coyotes!
The bird could be a brown thrasher. Not sure if they live in your area or not.
They are the state bird of Georgia. Enjoy all your posts.
I just looked them up and they do live in this area. I think you’re right, Dawn! Thank you so much.
I love your mystery bird! Have no idea what it is…but beautiful. Your bunny collection is growing and they are so cute, Miss Pink Bunny. The Pink Bunny has a special meaning for me, too. It was a drive-in on the way to my Grandma’s house when I was little. I loved the excitement of catching that first glimpse of the giant pink neon bunny who signaled the right turn to get to Grandma’s town.
That’s a great memory, I bet!
I adore bunnies! I didn’t realize it until now, but I have a collection of them. How did I not know?
I have been on a mission to find a crocheted bunny tea coz (s?)y. No luck. I am going to have to make a crocheted tea cozy and add a crocheted ami bunny to the pattern.
I have no idea what the bird is. She is lovely to see though. I have 2 piliated woodpeckers living close to the house. I can only photograph them from inside through the windows. It shows me just how dirty my windows are!
Yes, we have at least one pileated woodpecker around here. Haven’t seen him for a couple of weeks. I take most of my bird photos through the windows!
I collect cats, but then again, I’ve lived with at least one cat for the past few decades. I finally had to stop collecting…it was getting out of hand! But now I have three cats, the most at one time I’ve ever had. East Coast birds are different from West Coast birds. Yours looks like some sort of thrush. Have fun in Manhattan!
Thank you, Wendy. I was thinking it was a thrush, but then a reader suggested a Thrasher and I think she’s right!
Your bunnies are so cute. When Tiffany was little, we had two Lop Eared Tame Bunnies. We enjoyed them so much. They are so much fun to watch while they are playing. We finally have sun today after almost a week of rain and gray weather. Cool too. So, Bella and I are enjoying the sunshine outside today.
Have a safe trip and a good week.
They are adorable to watch! Enjoy your day with Bella, Judy!
I need your bunnies and birds today. I need gentle.
I keep having those images flash into my head of the photo ops from a few days ago, with DT, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Sarah Palin…those (what I consider to be) mocking, gloating, smug, gleeful looks on any of their expressions. (What do they have in common, besides their party affiliation and no issues with the killing of wildlife for pleasure? I shudder to think of the rest.) There was that photo posted of them (sans DT, although he was in another with them, I think in the Oval office, nothing on the desk but what looked like a phone & computer, which seemed weird, like not even a pen), standing at Hillary’s First Lady portrait, clearly for the reason of sending a disrespectful message, and then someone else (I think a former White House photographer) posted the photo of Pres. Obama sitting underneath Pres. Reagan’s portrait with another White House official, going over papers and apparently doing the serious work of White House business (because, after all, it’s a serious position/job, and a serious place; revered ground (although I realize that it’s also a home). The photos alone spoke volumes. One so crass and shallow; the other one about dignity and proper behavior (respect!) for the office of President and also for America’s most-prestigious dwelling. Seriously, is that how you want to be when you visit the White House? Is that decorum?
Anyway, you’ve of course seen the photos; all over the web, TV and in The Washington Post, The Hill, etc. Bothers me enough to still be thinking about it, robbing from me the peace of Sunday. If I keep letting it…
I hope you have a good trip into Manhattan and that you’re not too tired after all the yard work!
I agree. The Obama photographer is Pete Souza. If you are on Instagram, follow him. He makes every day a little bearable. As my students say,,”He throws some shade!” Life is hard; we have to stick together!
Pete Souza; I should know more about this and him. Thanks.
Yes, it’s about choice if nothing else. Character! Do you want to be low-brow and trashy; dumbed-down? It’s not cool; it’s not admirable; it’s not mannerly. Can’t let this sort of behavior be role-modeling for young people! The ‘loss of respect’ thing in so many aspects of life has become a very big issue. Civility has to overcome rudeness. What happens when society starts devolving rather than evolving? It makes my head ache to even try to ponder it.
I follow him and love him because he counteracts everything Trump does with a simple photo of Obama doing the opposite.
Brilliant. I’ve been out of the loop on this.
I found it appalling. Such a lack of class and respect. I considered the source and the fact that these are the only ‘celebrities’ that Trump can get?
Trying to catch up on blogs this morning. My internet has been down since yesterday so I’m on my phone. I will call company soon…need my internet. Hugs.
Those bunnies are adorable. Have a great trip to Manhattan.