Our burning bush has turned a beautiful red. I said to Don yesterday: it’s as if Mother Nature gives us one last vivid splash of color to remember as everything else is becoming muted.
More rain today. Sigh. Though, the rain is also a little muted, usually in the form of gentle showers rather than downpours. Today we get our septic tank pumped out. Exciting, right? I’ve left all that to Don.
I finished Victim 2117 this morning. What a great read! Truly one of those “I can’t put it down” reads. Excellent writing as always from Jussi Adler-Olsen. I’m going to start John Connolly’s newest, The Furies, later today after I have a good go at the current jigsaw puzzle.
I did quite a bit of cleaning yesterday which was very satisfying. There’s much more to go. I’m not a deep cleaner. I keep things dusted, vacuumed, and try to eliminate clutter, but deep cleaning? That’s where I slack off. I can always think of other things I’d rather do. My sister, on the other hand, is an excellent deep cleaner. She puts me to shame. But now, I am on a bit of a deep cleaning tear and I realize that I need to do it section by section. So each day, I’m going to try to figure out a small area I want to tackle and have at it.
My friend Natalia, who customizes as VegaDolls, posted these sweatshirts about two weeks ago. They are made by a friend of hers and Natalia mentioned she was going to start including them with newly purchased dolls. I wrote her and said I wanted one and would happily pay for it, but she insisted on sending it to me gratis. Olivia won the chance to model it, as she was the first VegaDoll I purchased.
This is Natalia’s logo. Her beautiful young daughter, Vega, is in a wheelchair.
I adore Natalia. She has a big heart and is so kind.
I’ve met some pretty wonderful people through this hobby.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
We had burning bushes in Ohio. They were gorgeous as is yours. Glad you are reading and doing your magnificent puzzles. I am doing the same here…however, lol…I do not do those intricate puzzles that you do. Of course, as I live in paradise, the weather is fantastic. I guess the only days this year that have not been were during the hurricane…and for some reason, since we escaped, the wind and weather did not bother me. I still am so so sad for those half hour south of us…love your blog. I do not tell you that enough. Love reading about you and Don and your goings on…have a good good day. Prayers as always…
Thank you for your kind words, Brenda.
Stay safe!
Our burning bush also is so vibrant. We have lots of fairy roses so that is the only other color. I laughed when you said you are having the septic done. Ours will be done tomorrow. Another large bill, until house insurance in Feb. today I start the new Elizabeth Strout book. Can’t wait! I read very few fiction books, I prefer non-fiction but she is one of my favorites.
Linda I really enjoyed Lucy by the Sea. I read it for Netgalley. I agree about this author. Unique
The kind of thing you have to do, but hate paying for.
Enjoy your book, Linda!
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — “deep cleaning” is of no interest to me since I live w/the original Mr Clean, haha!! I like clean baths and kitchen, but that other stuff is just nuisance to me. a business we pass on our way into “town” has a burning bush hedge surrounding the parking lot — really makes a statement this time of year — yours is also very pretty. hope this will be a good day for you. stay safe/healthy
Don never notices any dust or any dirt.
Oh, wouldn’t a burning bush hedge be lovely!
Stay safe, Linda.
How cute does Natalie look in her Vega sweatshirt? And your burning bush is just lovely. With your deep cleaning, you’ll have your house Christmas-ready in no time. It’s raining here, too, and I’m about to bake a cranberry loaf cake to warm up the kitchen. I was able to get a package of beautiful big plumb cranberries for only .94 cents. Enjoy your puzzle and book. Hugs, Elaine
Thanks so much, Elaine.
Stay safe.
The Vega shirt is lovely on Olivia. The best part about the internet is having the opportunity to meet new friends.
I am not a deep cleaner and right now I’m not even a light cleaner! We tore apart the kitchen so I could paint the cabinets. Its taking a looong time considering we do not have a big kitchen.
Enjoy the last of the autumn colors.
Our cabinets need painting desperately but I hate painting. And now that the windows are closed, I have permission to wait until spring.
Stay safe, Betsy.
Oh, I can so relate to an aversion to deep cleaning! It’s always such a good feeling when things are super clean…but that doesn’t seem to be motivation enough to keep up with it. I, too, can always find something else to do!
That shirt is such a nice tribute to Vega!
Thank you, Barrie.
Stay safe.
sweet sweatshirt with a sweet image/ message … that was kind of natalia to send it to you. prayers for her and miss vega!
love the ‘burning bush’ … such gorgeous, eye-catching colors! my parents have an october maple in their front yard that looks similar, only taller for being a tree … beautiful!
glad you’re mixing in fun things with the deep cleaning. i like and function much better in a clean environment and especially want to get a big clean-up done before winter. just not going to happen today … ha not ha.
hope the chores are done and that the septic tank work went well, that you and don are both now taking it easy, reading good books.
i went to sam’s service today. it was beautiful and also very, very sad. glad i could talk with sam’s parents. and for easy drives up and back (about five hours total car time).
am home, showered and going to take it easy now, too.
hope everyone is having a nice night. stay safe.
hugs …
I hope that going to the service helped you a little, Kathy. I know it must have been very sad, but taking part in that ritual is a step toward a little healing.
Stay safe.
thanks, claudia … appreciate that and you.
and hope it helps, too.
happy thursday and stay safe.
My burning bush just popped too and it’s lovely. At this time of year when it’s all rainy and cloudy, I’m especially appreciating the gold trees, even more than the red ones, as they still seem alight in the darker days.
I can’t get any energy. I just learned today my afib is considerably worse than I thought — enough so that they booked me for a procedure on Halloween (I hope I don’t get Dr. Frankenstein!) to shock the heart back into rhythm. A little nervous about it but hopefully it will help with the energy and the breathlessness. The worst part? I had NO idea I was even in afib and had been so for 86 percent of the time over the three weeks of heart monitor. Ah well. So lucky to have insurance.
Keep cozy. Got my Covid shot today. Flu next week!
will be praying for you, jeanie!
hope you feel/are well and have a nice, easy night.
like your description of gold trees seeming lit up. :)
That procedure usually works great (ask me how I know, ha!). Don’t dread the procedure–you won’t remember a thing.
Most people don’t know they have Afib and you’ll feel like a new woman with all the energy you have afterwards.
Just FYI, there are new ways to monitor your heart–smartwatches linked to smartphones and also apps. It’s what we are doing at the suggestion of the cardiologist. Thank heavens for new technology!
You have a loving heart–now to get a healthy sinus rhythm! Best wishes!!
I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that, Jeanie! It sounds – from the comments – like it’s not too stressful of a procedure. Feel better soon, my friend.
Stay safe.
A burning bush in autumn, backlit by the sun, is one of my favorite garden sights!
The equinoxes somehow trigger me into deep cleaning mode: getting things ready for winter and the holidays clean and thank heavens it’s almost Spring cleaning. Nothing major, just an awareness of the nooks and crannies and baseboards and screens.
I love the name Vega–her daughter is a star in all senses of the word!
Meanwhile, trying to support a blue wave midterm in a very tight race here.
My baseboards are none too clean, Roxie! I have to get at them.
Here’s to a Blue Wave.
Stay safe.