Wild phlox (sometimes called rocket) is blooming everywhere. I love seeing purple, pale pink, and white wildflowers. It’s one of my favorite times of year.
As I started to write this, the letter t on my laptop keyboard stopped working. So I saved the draft with the uploaded photo and now I’m writing the rest of this via my iPad. Tedious. I’ll have to make an appointment at the Apple store. This makes three things that have stopped working: the CR-V, our microwave, and my keyboard. A new microwave was delivered yesterday, we’re in the process of purchasing a used car, and the keyboard will be dealt with.
We looked at a Honda Pilot which is in great shape. New transmission, radiator, brakes and tires – all serviced by Don’s mechanics. It drives beautifully (leather seats which are heated, sunroof, 4 wheel drive, huge cargo space.) Don is a big guy and neither of our cars accommodated him too well. He never had enough headroom or body room. Watching him drive this car and seeing the smile on his face was priceless. We’ve never had 4 wheel drive before, can you believe it? Anyway, it’s affordable and we have to have a second car. We’re hoping to donate the CR-V to our local fire department. Otherwise, we’ll have it junked. It’s undriveable.
Any big expense makes me nervous but we feel this is a good choice for us. We don’t want to take on any car payments; we have enough monthly expenses as it is.
No time to paint yesterday. Today, I have to mow the back forty and deal with the window a/c units.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
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