I miss them.
They’ve all been gone since Tuesday. I saw one standing on the edge of the nest that afternoon. Then, quick as a wink, he took off. It was glorious to watch. I didn’t have the camera, but that is just as well. I would have missed the moment. I’ve watched Papa lead a fledging to a ‘safe’ area. I’ve seen him feeding them until they learn those skills on their own. What a blessing this journey has been.
Today I came home after a long day, part if which was spent outdoors watching a rehearsal in 90 degree heat, with a heat index of 100 degrees, and I found myself really missing my little companions.
For those of you who think touching a baby bird in need will keep the parents away – that’s simply not true. So if you see a baby in danger, pick it up. Do what you can. When I moved that baby bird and walked away, the father came over immediately and fed it.
And by the way, my roommate tells me he didn’t find the little bird’s body. So maybe, just maybe that little one found shelter and healing. There’s a smidgen of hope, at least. I’ve seen a little one hopping around but I have no way of knowing which bird it is.
I have to stop worrying now. There are too many hazards down there on the ground, not the least of which is the overabundance of golfcarts and machinery on the golf course. I just have to let go and hope these little ones get the chance to grow.