Endlessly windy around here. Non-stop. We were out running errands yesterday and it felt like we’d topple at any moment! It’s also much colder, but that was expected.
It’s Friday the 13th – Don’s lucky day.
We decorated the tree on Wednesday and darned if I didn’t break 3 vintage ornaments. I’ve never done that before. I admit to getting a little teary about the losses.
Here she is:
There will be more views in the next couple of weeks.
A low-key day ahead, though I have to mail an Etsy package. Our local post offices are overwhelmed at the moment. Earlier this week, our mail didn’t arrive until 10 pm. Insane. They are short-staffed, apparently. We really felt for the drivers. As we’re in the country, there are no street lights, and driving around on an unfamiliar route, looking for the right mailbox must have been exhausting. And one of those days involved torrential rains, as well! I’m waiting for a package that was sent from Spain – OB22 and 24 bodies for Blythes – and it arrived last week, went through customs, then went to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and now it’s back in Queens. What the heck? I live 75 miles northwest of Queens – in the same state. It should have been here days ago.
Queen Zoe. (mini me)
Queen Miranda.
Two more to go.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.