Still feeling under the weather; in fact, I feel worse today. It’s all head congestion, nothing in the chest and none of the Covid systems. Just sinus/allergies, I think. But I don’t have a lot of energy. I had some yesterday for a brief span in the afternoon, so I vacuumed and dusted and cleaned Don’s mini studio. But now? Crappity-crap-crap.
I was going to get my driver’s license renewed today but I think I’ll do it by mail and try to get the eye test when I’m in NYC. I don’t have the energy to stand in line for a long time.
I have lists of things to do and accomplish before I go, but it increasingly looks like I’ll do it all at the last minute and have Don bring anything I forgot when he visits me the next weekend.
It will all work out.
In the meantime, I did manage to dress the girls in their new dresses yesterday:
These sweet dresses were made by a lovely woman who lives in Russia, @puppet_story on IG. (Who knew I would be conversing with so many Russians?) She made them to order and consulted with me on the fabric choices. I’d seen some of her work elsewhere and was so enchanted by her creations that I messaged her, waited until she had an opening, and finally, placed my order. I must say, her work is impeccable.
Sophie is not happy that this house is too small for her to live in.
Neither is Imogen, but she’s a bit more easy going.
In fact, they inspected every house inside the cottage and none of them were the right size.
So, they’re sitting on the piano, looking a bit miffed.
Ah well.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.