A look at the living room on this about-to-be-stormy day.
And it’s going to hit 85 degrees! No wonder we’re getting storms.
All tax info is now at our accountants. I had a good coaching session with Ben yesterday and we’ll do it again tomorrow.
I’m planning on taking it easy today, with the usual vacuuming, etc. But the thing I really want to do today is finish my Roseville painting. I’m determined. I’ve had a lot of other things going on, all of which kept me from painting. I don’t know if I’ll do more. I do have two other vases that could be the subjects of a painting. If I paint them, I’d have twelve paintings in this collection. We’ll see.
Don is too wonderful for words. This morning, during our second cup of coffee, the subject of Blythe dolls came up. He didn’t understand the concept of customizing the dolls, so I explained it to him. Then he asked if he could see photos of some basic dolls and customized versions, so I went to Etsy and he looked through several listings. He said, “I can see why they’re collectible – they’re art dolls. I think they’re really neat.”
What did I do to deserve him?
Thank goodness for the results of the ridiculous California recall election. What a waste of millions of dollars because a small minority of Californians didn’t like the Covid restrictions Newsom put into place. I’ve had it with these people. Truly. Howard Stern said something this week that really resonated with me. “When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it’s mandatory to get vaccinated? F*** ’em. F*** their freedom. I want my freedom to live. I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door to play chess. I want to go take some pictures. This is bull****.
That’s exactly how I feel. These people are holding us hostage. They’re also contributing to the unnecessary deaths of others. They’re clogging up hospitals, which – though they renounce science – they seem to be perfectly willing to run to when they’re sick with the very thing they didn’t want to get vaccinated for. One man with heart problems died because so many hospitals were full up with Covid patients and couldn’t admit him. That’s heartbreaking.
Enough, already. Either get vaccinated or stay in your house for the rest of your life. Those are your options. Of course, I am not including those who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons. They have no choice. However, if everyone got vaccinated, we could end this virus and those who cannot get vaccinated would be free to live their lives again.
I don’t know how many years I have left, but I sure as hell want to live them. I want to travel. I want to work. I want options. I don’t want to have to worry about yet another variant.
I’ll stop there. End of rant.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.