One of my favorite movies is ‘You’ve Got Mail.” I never tire of watching it (especially for Kathleen Kelley’s apartment – be still my heart!) One of my favorite moments is when Kathleen talks about seeing a butterfly on the subway. I find it so magical and wonderful.
The other day, I was doing some chores outside. I mowed a bit, pulled some weeds, did some gardening, the usual summertime chores.
A monarch butterfly followed me everywhere.
I’d be mowing and there she would be.
Later on, while mowing another section of the yard….hello butterfly!
Pulling weeds? Ms. Monarch followed me.
All throughout the afternoon, she accompanied me, flitting, flying, landing oh-so-briefly, here, there and everywhere.
I briefly thought of trying photograph her. But she was too quick for me.
And something told me that our journey together was too magical, too special to do that. I wouldn’t be in the moment. I wanted to simply feel the delight and wonder of her presence.
So I did just that.
Have you ever had an experience like that? Whether it was with a butterfly or some other creature? if you have, please share it! I find that those special connections with nature restore my soul.
(The photo is of an Eastern Swallowtail butterfly. I don’t have one of a Monarch. That makes the whole thing even more magical!)
Happy Wednesday.