From Santa.
That hat, by the way, is the classic Deerstalker worn by Sherlock Holmes.
I think Santa gets my reading preferences.
Santa also brought me some Carmex, some actual photos made from digital pics of our trip to Paris, some pencils, and some sugar-free chocolates from a local chocolate shop. And some books, a notebook, scented soap and bubble bath.
We were so tired yesterday. And today! I seem to be in a waking up early mode lately, so I never feel like I get enough sleep. Ah well.
It’s a gray and drizzly day out there. I’m glad we’re keeping the tree up for a few more days. I never take it down right after Christmas. I’ve only done that once in my life and it was because both Don and I were leaving for out of town jobs. I wasn’t raised that way, which I suspect informs a lot of our holiday choices. We always kept the tree up through New Year’s Day. And many people keep it up through Epiphany – thereby honoring the 12 days of Christmas. Everyone is different of course, but personally, I would have found it impossible to be here the day after Christmas and have no reminders of the season or the reason we celebrate. We’ve had the tree since December 1st, so I suspect we’ll have to take it down on Monday. But I’ve found that if the tree is healthy and you water it every day, it will last at least a month.
I did remove the decorations from the dollhouses, but that’s it so far. I still love coming downstairs in the morning and turning the tree lights on. It’s enormously comforting. The porch lights stay on for at least another month. We live in the country and it’s lovely to see Christmas lights glowing through January, especially with it getting dark so early.
Reader Kathy sent a box of goodies and it included this Italian version of To Kill a Mockingbird. Isn’t it a beautiful cover design? Thank you, Kathy!
Today we grocery shop. And I’m off to find a copy of Jane Eyre, which, surprisingly, I don’t have on my shelves. I’m coaching a version of it later in the month and I want to reread it before I do my research on Yorkshire dialects, etc.
Happy Friday.