Yesterday, I made lists, started gathering some things together, cleaned and generally waited for the UPS truck to bring 5 packages to my door. It’s the Christmas season, however, and UPS is busy. So my favorite driver didn’t arrive at my door until 8:30 pm. Yikes! They work long hours at this time of year.
Along the way, I walked into the kitchen and saw this right outside the kitchen door:
This little one was smack dab in front of the now dead zinnias. Very close to the house. This is why I leave all those plants where they were when the season changed. Birds and animals need them.
I took all of these photos from behind the window in the kitchen door.
He was chomping on some grass on the edge of the chicken wire fence garden and then he looked right at me. (I was inside, of course. If I’d opened the door I would have scared them away.)
There was another deer up in the woods and one near the shed. Four of them.
They are so beautiful.
Oh good. You can see my old vacuum next to the shed (hidden from the road, I assure you) that will soon be on its way to the dump. It bit the dust and I got a new one last week. Oh, and my broken fan. They look like some sort of strange sculpture, rising out of the snowy landscape.
Soon we’ll be putting old sofas and rusty automobiles out on the front lawn.
I was able to get a better photo of the sansevieria flowers. Aren’t they pretty? They sure smell good!
A quick photo of the cottage porch wrapped in Christmas lights. It was actually too dark by the time I took this, so I’ll work on getting another shot at dusk.
Today? Lots of running around, buying what I need to take with me (except for perishables) so that I can start crossing things off my list.
It’s crazy time. And I’m going to miss my husband and sweet cottage – I can already feel it.
Happy Wednesday.