The puppies were nestled all snug in their beds…..
I’m afraid that ‘Santa’ will be spoiling a little girl this Christmas. I know for a fact that he visited a local pet shop and went a little crazy. Santa knows that Scout loves nothing more that sniffing and opening presents, whether they are meant for her or for her mom and dad. Doesn’t matter. She loves presents. Her excitement level jumps off the charts.
As Don said, “I’m almost more excited to watch her open her presents than I am to open mine.” Spoken like a devoted father.
I have a few last-minute errands to run this morning. And some wrapping to do.
Having been off sugar for a month now, Don and I made the rather tough decision to forego our annual Christmas Coffee Cake. We love it. We’ll miss it. But we don’t want to start those cravings up again. It was close, though. I had the recipe out and was about to shop for the ingredients when we came to our senses. We’re losing weight and the cravings are gone, so we’re going to stick with our plan.
I woke up this morning with that feeling I had when I was a kid. Excited about Christmas, yes, but already sad that it’s almost over. Do you ever feel that way? I looked around at our simple, beautiful decorations and felt a wave of sadness come over me. Isn’t that silly? I feel the same way on my birthday. It’s finally here and it’s almost over. I must work on being present in the moment.
We’ve been dealing with some issues with my dad for the past day or so. And we’re realizing that he isn’t doing as well on his own as we had thought. He’s also getting more angry and argumentative and just plain mean with people other than his daughters. (We are battle scarred veterans of these wars.) But he’s in his right mind, so we really can’t make any changes without his permission. I’m already dreading the confrontations that I can guarantee you are coming. I know many of you have dealt with this sort of thing. Wish us luck.
But back to happy things: I hope your Christmas Eve is wonderful and magical and peaceful. We’re watching It’s a Wonderful Life this evening. George Bailey, Clarence, angels and wings….heaven.
Scoutie has visions of sugarplums dancing in her head. We love our girl.
I’ll be back with Christmas greetings tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday.