How fast the time goes! Christmas Eve is upon us – I’m very happy to say that all presents are wrapped, the house is almost clean, I’m feeling better (still coughing, though) and the sun is shining. Don still feels yucky but now I can take care of him; he took such good care of me.
Last night we watched It’s a Wonderful Life – oh, I love that movie! Tears were shed and the message that every individual makes a difference was joyful and heartening. This afternoon, I’m watching White Christmas. Love it. Since we are both far from our families, we will have a quiet celebration tomorrow morning and dinner later in the day with our good friends.
The Happiest of Holidays to all of you. For those of you who celebrate it, Merry Christmas! I wish for each and every one of you the most joyful of days, full of family, friends and love. I am most grateful for your friendship!