Big thunderstorms rolled in late yesterday afternoon with lots of thunder and rain and downpours. This morning? It’s cooler. The humidity is low.
As Don and I sat on the front porch, we sighed with happiness. What a difference!
I mowed the front part of the property yesterday and managed to get it done before the rains came. Very satisfying! Because someone who reads this blog said I complain about mowing, let me be clear. I like mowing. I really like it. I look forward to it. I’ve been pretty clear about that on the blog. I can see the results right away and that makes me happy. I’m grateful that I have the strength and the stamina to mow almost two acres of grass. I often insist on doing it all myself. In fact, I did that yesterday. It’s great exercise.
Mowing in high humidity? It’s hard. That’s a fact. But stating that fact doesn’t mean I’m complaining. It’s just an acknowledgment of something we all know to be true.
Moving on.
Look what I found on the ground this morning.
What???? It’s too early! It sure is beautiful, though.
A couple of you dear readers asked if I could take a photo of the cabinet that shows a wider, longer view so that you could understand where it is in the house. Of course!
Taken this cloudy morning. I was standing in front of the sideboard, with the front door to my left. The living room is to my right. If you walk forward toward the stairs, the den is on the left. And right next to the cabinet is the downstairs bathroom.
It’s such a relief to see that I don’t need to paint those cubbies. I see the egg cups and they’re very clear. I’m sure it’s because they’re so colorful against the darker wood. Not only would painting the cubbies be a pain in the tush, I was hesitant to mess with the rustic look of the dark wood contrasting with the white cabinet and doors, not to mention the little letters and names above the cubbies. I wanted to keep it as is and now I can.
We’re having brunch with Rick and Doug this morning and then Don is off to do his photography thing and I’m going to run an errand or two.
Happy Sunday.